import json import collections from citeproc import CitationStylesStyle, CitationStylesBibliography from citeproc import Citation, CitationItem from citeproc import formatter from citeproc.source.json import CiteProcJSON from citeproc_styles import get_style_filepath from fatcat_client import ApiClient def contribs_by_role(contribs, role): ret = [c.copy() for c in contribs if c['role'] == role] [c.pop('role') for c in ret] # TODO: some note to self here [c.pop('literal') for c in ret if 'literal' in c] if not ret: return None else: return ret def release_to_csl(entity): """ Returns a python dict which can be json.dumps() to get a CSL-JSON (aka, citeproc-JSON, aka Citation Style Language JSON) This function will likely become an API method/endpoint Follows, but not enforced by: """ contribs = [] for contrib in (entity.contribs or []): if contrib.creator: # TODO: should we actually be pulling creator metadata? or just # using release-local raw metadata? family = contrib.creator.surname if not family: if not contrib.raw_name: raise ValueError("CSL requires some surname (family name)") family = contrib.raw_name.split()[-1] c = dict( family=contrib.creator.surname, given=contrib.creator.given_name, #dropping-particle #non-dropping-particle #suffix #comma-suffix #static-ordering literal=contrib.raw_name, # or display_name? #parse-names, role=contrib.role, ) else: if not contrib.raw_name: raise ValueError("CSL requires some surname (family name)") c = dict( # XXX: possible inclusion of full name metadata in release_contrib family=contrib.raw_name.split()[-1], literal=contrib.raw_name, role=contrib.role, ) for k in list(c.keys()): if not c[k]: c.pop(k) contribs.append(c) abstract = None if entity.abstracts: abstract = entity.abstracts[0].content issued_date = None if entity.release_date: issued_date = {"date-parts": [[ entity.release_date.year, entity.release_date.month,, ]]} elif entity.release_year: issued_date = {"date-parts": [[entity.release_year]]} csl = dict( #id, #categories type=entity.release_type or "article", # can't be blank language=entity.language, #journalAbbreviation #shortTitle ## see below for all contrib roles #accessed #container #event-date issued=issued_date, #original-date #submitted abstract=abstract, #annote #archive #archive_location #archive-place #authority #call-number #chapter-number #citation-number #citation-label #collection-number #collection-title container_title=entity.container and, #container-title-short #dimensions DOI=entity.ext_ids.doi, #edition #event #event-place #first-reference-note-number #genre ISBN=entity.ext_ids.isbn13, ISSN=entity.container and entity.container.issnl, issue=entity.issue, #jurisdiction #keyword #locator #medium #note #number #number-of-pages #number-of-volumes #original-publisher #original-publisher-place #original-title # TODO: page=entity.pages, page_first=entity.pages and entity.pages.split('-')[0], PMCID=entity.ext_ids.pmcid, PMID=entity.ext_ids.pmid, publisher=(entity.container and entity.container.publisher) or entity.publisher, #publisher-place #references #reviewed-title #scale #section #source #status title=entity.title, #title-short #URL #version volume=entity.volume, #year-suffix ) for role in ['author', 'collection-editor', 'composer', 'container-author', 'director', 'editor', 'editorial-director', 'interviewer', 'illustrator', 'original-author', 'recipient', 'reviewed-author', 'translator']: cbr = contribs_by_role(contribs, role) if cbr: csl[role] = cbr # underline-to-dash csl['container-title'] = csl.pop('container_title') csl['page-first'] = csl.pop('page_first') empty_keys = [k for k,v in csl.items() if not v] for k in empty_keys: csl.pop(k) return csl def refs_to_csl(entity): ret = [] for ref in entity.refs: if ref.release_id and False: # TODO: fetch full entity from API and convert with release_to_csl raise NotImplementedError else: issued_date = None if ref.year: issued_date = [[ref.year]] csl = dict( title=ref.title, issued=issued_date, ) csl['id'] = ref.key or ref.index, # zero- or one-indexed? ret.append(csl) return ret def citeproc_csl(csl_json, style, html=False): """ Renders a release entity to a styled citation. Notable styles include: - 'csl-json': special case to JSON encode the structured CSL object (via release_to_csl()) - bibtext: multi-line bibtext format (used with LaTeX) Returns a string; if the html flag is set, and the style isn't 'csl-json' or 'bibtex', it will be HTML. Otherwise plain text. """ if not csl_json.get('id'): csl_json['id'] = "unknown" if style == "csl-json": return json.dumps(csl_json) bib_src = CiteProcJSON([csl_json]) form = formatter.plain if html: form = formatter.html style_path = get_style_filepath(style) bib_style = CitationStylesStyle(style_path, validate=False) bib = CitationStylesBibliography(bib_style, bib_src, form) bib.register(Citation([CitationItem(csl_json['id'])])) lines = bib.bibliography()[0] if style == "bibtex": out = "" for l in lines: if l.startswith(" @"): out += "@" elif l.startswith(" "): out += "\n " + l else: out += l return ''.join(out) else: return ''.join(lines)