import datetime import subprocess import time from collections import Counter from typing import Any, List, Optional import fatcat_openapi_client from fatcat_openapi_client import ApiClient, Editgroup, EditgroupAnnotation, EntityEdit """ checks should return: - status: pass, fail, warning, skipped - description annotation extra should include: - useragent - git_rev - submit timestamp can apply to individual entity revs, or to entire editgroup reviewbot takes an editgroup (object) and returns an annotation (object) """ class CheckResult: status = None description = None ident = None rev = None check_type = None def __init__( self, status: str, check_type: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): self.status = status self.check_type = check_type self.description = description self.ident = kwargs.get("ident") self.rev = kwargs.get("rev") def __repr__(self): return str(self.__dict__) class EditCheck: scope: List[Any] = [] name: Optional[str] = None def check_editgroup(self, editgroup: fatcat_openapi_client.Editgroup) -> CheckResult: raise NotImplementedError def check_container( self, edit: EntityEdit, entity: fatcat_openapi_client.ContainerEntity, ) -> CheckResult: raise NotImplementedError def check_creator( self, edit: EntityEdit, entity: fatcat_openapi_client.CreatorEntity, ) -> CheckResult: raise NotImplementedError def check_file( self, edit: EntityEdit, entity: fatcat_openapi_client.FileEntity, ) -> CheckResult: raise NotImplementedError def check_fileset( self, edit: EntityEdit, entity: fatcat_openapi_client.FilesetEntity, ) -> CheckResult: raise NotImplementedError def check_webcapture( self, edit: EntityEdit, entity: fatcat_openapi_client.WebcaptureEntity, ) -> CheckResult: raise NotImplementedError def check_release( self, edit: EntityEdit, entity: fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseEntity, ) -> CheckResult: raise NotImplementedError def check_work( self, edit: EntityEdit, work: fatcat_openapi_client.WorkEntity, ) -> CheckResult: raise NotImplementedError class ReviewBot: def __init__(self, api: fatcat_openapi_client.ApiClient, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs): self.api = api self.checks: List[EditCheck] = [] self.verbose = verbose self.extra = kwargs.get("extra", dict()) self.extra["git_rev"] = self.extra.get( "git_rev", subprocess.check_output(["git", "describe", "--always"]).strip() ).decode("utf-8") self.extra["agent"] = self.extra.get("agent", "fatcat_tools.ReviewBot") self.poll_interval = kwargs.get("poll_interval", 10.0) def run_single(self, editgroup_id: str, annotate: bool = True) -> CheckResult: eg = self.api.get_editgroup(editgroup_id) annotation = self.review_editgroup(eg) if annotate: self.api.create_editgroup_annotation(eg.editgroup_id, annotation) return annotation def run(self, start_since: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None) -> None: if start_since is None: since = datetime.datetime.utcnow() else: since = start_since while True: # XXX: better isoformat conversion? eg_list = self.api.get_editgroups_reviewable( since=since.isoformat()[:19] + "Z", limit=100 ) if not eg_list: print("Sleeping {} seconds...".format(self.poll_interval)) time.sleep(self.poll_interval) continue for eg in eg_list: # TODO: fetch annotations to ensure we haven't already annotated annotation = self.review_editgroup(eg) print( "Reviewed {} disposition:{}".format( eg.editgroup_id, annotation.extra["disposition"] ) ) self.api.create_editgroup_annotation(eg.editgroup_id, annotation) since = eg.submitted # to prevent busy loops (TODO: needs review/rethink; multiple # editgroups in the same second) since = since + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) def review_editgroup(self, editgroup: Editgroup) -> EditgroupAnnotation: results = self.run_checks(editgroup) result_counts = self.result_counts(results) disposition = self.disposition(results) if disposition == "accept": comment = "This editgroup looks great! All checks passed." elif disposition == "revise": comment = "Some issues were found, and changes or close review are recommended before accepting." elif disposition == "reject": comment = "Serious issues were found; this editgroup should **not** be accepted." else: raise ValueError for (status, title) in (("fail", "Failed check"), ("warning", "Warnings")): if result_counts[status] > 0: comment += "\n\n### {} ({}):\n".format(status, result_counts[status]) for result in results: if result.status == status and result.check_type == "editgroup": comment += "\n- {description}".format(description=result.description) if result.status == status and result.check_type != "editgroup": comment += "\n- {check_type} [{rev}](/{entity_type}/rev/{rev}): {description}".format( check_type=result.check_type, rev=result.rev, entity_type=result.check_type, description=result.description, ) extra = self.extra.copy() extra.update( { "disposition": disposition, "submit_timestamp": editgroup.submitted.isoformat(), "checks": [ for check in self.checks], "result_counts": dict(result_counts), } ) annotation = fatcat_openapi_client.EditgroupAnnotation( comment_markdown=comment, editgroup_id=editgroup.editgroup_id, extra=extra, ) return annotation def result_counts(self, results: List[CheckResult]) -> Counter: counts: Counter = Counter() for result in results: counts["total"] += 1 counts[result.status] += 1 return counts def disposition(self, results: List[CheckResult]) -> str: """ Returns one of: accept, revise, reject """ raise NotImplementedError def run_checks(self, editgroup: Editgroup) -> List[CheckResult]: results = [] # any full-editgroup checks for check in self.checks: if "editgroup" in check.scope: result = check.check_editgroup(editgroup) if self.verbose: print(result) results.append(result) if not editgroup.edits: entity_edits = {} else: entity_edits = { "container": editgroup.edits.containers, "creator": editgroup.edits.creators, "file": editgroup.edits.files, "fileset": editgroup.edits.filesets, "webcapture": editgroup.edits.webcaptures, "release": editgroup.edits.releases, "work":, } # entity-specific checks for entity_type, edits in entity_edits.items(): for edit in edits: entity = None for check in self.checks: if entity_type in check.scope: # hack-y python munging get_method = getattr(self.api, "get_{}_rev".format(entity_type)) check_method = getattr(check, "check_{}".format(entity_type)) entity = get_method(self.api, edit.rev) result = check_method(check, edit, entity) result.rev = edit.rev result.ident = edit.ident if self.verbose: print(result) results.append(result) return results class DummyCheck(EditCheck): scope = ["editgroup", "work"] name = "DummyCheck" def check_editgroup(self, editgroup: Editgroup) -> CheckResult: return CheckResult( "pass", "editgroup", "every edit is precious, thanks [editor {editor_id}](/editor/{editor_id})!".format( editor_id=editgroup.editor_id ), ) def check_work( self, edit: EntityEdit, work: fatcat_openapi_client.WorkEntity, ) -> CheckResult: return CheckResult("pass", "work", "this work edit is beautiful") class DummyReviewBot(ReviewBot): """ This bot reviews everything and always passes. """ def __init__(self, api: ApiClient, **kwargs): super().__init__(api, **kwargs) self.checks = [DummyCheck()] def disposition(self, results: List[CheckResult]) -> str: return "accept"