""" Helper routines for working with the fatcat citation graph, which is a separate index of reference links between works in the main catalog. See bulk citation and citation API proposals for design documentation. """ import sys import datetime import argparse from typing import Optional, List, Any, Dict, Union from pydantic import BaseModel, validator import elasticsearch from elasticsearch_dsl import Search from fatcat_openapi_client import ReleaseEntity from fatcat_tools import public_api from fatcat_tools.transforms.access import release_access_options, AccessOption from fatcat_tools.transforms.entities import entity_to_dict class BiblioRef(BaseModel): """bibliographic reference""" # ("release", source_release_ident, ref_index) # ("wikipedia", source_wikipedia_article, ref_index) _key: Optional[str] update_ts: Optional[datetime.datetime] # metadata about source of reference source_release_ident: Optional[str] source_work_ident: Optional[str] # with lang prefix like "en:Superglue" source_wikipedia_article: Optional[str] source_release_stage: Optional[str] source_year: Optional[int] # context of the reference itself # 1-indexed, not 0-indexed ref_index: Optional[int] # TODO: actually optional? # eg, "Lee86", "BIB23" ref_key: Optional[str] # eg, page number ref_locator: Optional[str] # target of reference (identifiers) target_release_ident: Optional[str] target_work_ident: Optional[str] target_openlibrary_work: Optional[str] # TODO: target_url_surt: Optional[str] # would not be stored in elasticsearch, but would be auto-generated by all "get" methods from the SURT, so calling code does not need to do SURT transform target_url: Optional[str] # crossref, pubmed, grobid, etc match_provenance: Optional[str] # strong, weak, etc match_status: Optional[str] # TODO: "match_strength"? # "doi", "isbn", "fuzzy title, author", etc # maybe "fuzzy-title-author"? match_reason: Optional[str] # only if no release_ident link/match target_unstructured: Optional[str] target_csl: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] def hacks(self): """ Temporary (?) hacks to work around schema/data issues """ if self.target_openlibrary_work and self.target_openlibrary_work.startswith("/works/"): self.target_openlibrary_work = self.target_openlibrary_work[7:] # work-arounds for bad/weird ref_key if self.ref_key: self.ref_key = self.ref_key.strip() if self.ref_key[0] in ['/', '_']: self.ref_key = self.ref_key[1:] if self.ref_key.startswith("10.") and 'SICI' in self.ref_key and '-' in self.ref_key: self.ref_key = self.ref_key.split('-')[-1] if self.ref_key.startswith("10.") and '_' in self.ref_key: self.ref_key = self.ref_key.split('_')[-1] if len(self.ref_key) > 10 and "#" in self.ref_key: self.ref_key = self.ref_key.split('#')[-1] if len(self.ref_key) > 10 and "_" in self.ref_key: self.ref_key = self.ref_key.split('_')[-1] if not self.ref_key and self.ref_index is not None: self.ref_key = str(self.ref_index) return self class EnrichedBiblioRef(BaseModel): # enriched version of BiblioRef with complete ReleaseEntity object as # fetched from the fatcat API. CSL-JSON metadata would be derived from # the full release entity. ref: BiblioRef release: Optional[ReleaseEntity] # TODO: openlibrary work? access: List[AccessOption] @validator('release') def check_release(cls, v): if v is not None and not isinstance(v, ReleaseEntity): raise ValueError("expected a ReleaseEntity") return v class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True json_encoders = { ReleaseEntity: entity_to_dict, } class RefHits(BaseModel): count_returned: int count_total: int offset: int limit: int query_time_ms: int query_wall_time_ms: int result_refs: List[Union[BiblioRef,EnrichedBiblioRef]] class Config: json_encoders = { ReleaseEntity: entity_to_dict, } def _execute_ref_query(search: Any, limit: int, offset: Optional[int] = None) -> RefHits: """ Internal helper for querying elasticsearch refs index and transforming hits """ limit = min((int(limit or 15), 200)) if not offset or offset < 0: offset = 0 search = search.params(track_total_hits=True) search = search[offset : (offset + limit)] query_start = datetime.datetime.now() try: resp = search.execute() except elasticsearch.exceptions.RequestError as e_raw: # this is a "user" error e: Any = e_raw #logging.warn("elasticsearch 400: " + str(e.info)) if e.info.get("error", {}).get("root_cause", {}): raise ValueError(str(e.info["error"]["root_cause"][0].get("reason"))) from e else: raise ValueError(str(e.info)) from e except elasticsearch.exceptions.TransportError as e: # all other errors #logging.warn(f"elasticsearch non-200 status code: {e.info}") raise IOError(str(e.info)) from e query_delta = datetime.datetime.now() - query_start result_refs = [] for h in resp.hits: # might be a list because of consolidation if isinstance(h._d_.get('source_work_ident'), list): h._d_['source_work_ident'] = h._d_['source_work_ident'][0] result_refs.append(BiblioRef.parse_obj(h._d_).hacks()) return RefHits( count_returned=len(result_refs), # ES 7.x style "total" count_total=resp.hits.total.value, offset=offset, limit=limit, query_time_ms=int(resp.took), query_wall_time_ms=int(query_delta.total_seconds() * 1000), result_refs=result_refs, ) def get_outbound_refs( es_client: Any, release_ident: Optional[str] = None, work_ident: Optional[str] = None, wikipedia_article: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 100, offset: Optional[int] = None, es_index: str = "fatcat_ref", ) -> RefHits: search = Search(using=es_client, index=es_index) if release_ident: search = search.filter("term", source_release_ident=release_ident) elif work_ident: search = search.filter("term", source_work_ident=work_ident) elif wikipedia_article: search = search.filter("term", source_wikipedia_article=wikipedia_article) else: raise ValueError("require a lookup key") search = search.sort("ref_index") # re-sort by index hits = _execute_ref_query(search, limit=limit, offset=offset) hits.result_refs = sorted(hits.result_refs, key=lambda r: r.ref_index or 0) return hits def get_inbound_refs( es_client: Any, release_ident: Optional[str] = None, work_ident: Optional[str] = None, openlibrary_work: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, consolidate_works: bool = True, filter_stage: List[str] = [], sort: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 25, offset: Optional[int] = None, es_index: str = "fatcat_ref", ) -> List[BiblioRef]: search = Search(using=es_client, index=es_index) if consolidate_works: search = search.extra( collapse={ "field": "source_work_ident", "inner_hits": {"name": "source_more", "size": 0,}, } ) if release_ident: search = search.filter("term", target_release_ident=release_ident) elif work_ident: search = search.filter("term", target_work_ident=work_ident) elif openlibrary_work: search = search.filter("term", target_openlibrary_work=openlibrary_work) else: raise ValueError("require a lookup key") if filter_stage: search = search.filter("term", source_stage=filter_stage) if sort == "newest": search = search.sort("-source_year") elif sort == "oldest": search = search.sort("source_year") else: search = search.sort("-source_year") return _execute_ref_query(search, limit=limit, offset=offset) def count_inbound_refs( es_client: Any, release_ident: Optional[str] = None, work_ident: Optional[str] = None, openlibrary_work: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, filter_stage: List[str] = [], es_index: str = "fatcat_ref", ) -> int: """ Same parameters as get_inbound_refs(), but returns just a count """ search = Search(using=es_client, index=es_index) if release_ident: search = search.filter("term", target_release_ident=release_ident) elif work_ident: search = search.filter("term", target_work_ident=work_ident) elif openlibrary_work: search = search.filter("term", target_openlibrary_work=openlibrary_work) else: raise ValueError("require a lookup key") if filter_stage: search = search.filter("term", source_stage=filter_stage) return search.count() # run fatcat API fetches for each ref and return "enriched" refs def enrich_inbound_refs(refs: List[BiblioRef], fatcat_api_client: Any, hide: Optional[str] = "refs", expand: Optional[str] = "container,files,webcaptures,filesets") -> List[EnrichedBiblioRef]: enriched = [] for ref in refs: release = None access = [] if ref.source_release_ident: release = fatcat_api_client.get_release(ref.source_release_ident, hide=hide, expand=expand) access = release_access_options(release) if ref.source_wikipedia_article: wiki_lang = ref.source_wikipedia_article.split(':')[0] wiki_article = ':'.join(ref.source_wikipedia_article.split(':')[1:]).replace(' ', '_') access.append(AccessOption( access_type="wikipedia", access_url=f"https://{wiki_lang}.wikipedia.org/wiki/{wiki_article}", mimetype=None, size_bytes=None, thumbnail_url=None )) enriched.append(EnrichedBiblioRef( ref=ref, access=access, release=release, )) return enriched def enrich_outbound_refs(refs: List[BiblioRef], fatcat_api_client: Any, hide: Optional[str] = "refs", expand: Optional[str] = "container,files,webcaptures,filesets") -> List[EnrichedBiblioRef]: enriched = [] for ref in refs: release = None access = [] if ref.target_release_ident: release = fatcat_api_client.get_release(ref.target_release_ident, hide=hide, expand=expand) access = release_access_options(release) if ref.target_openlibrary_work: access.append(AccessOption( access_type="openlibrary", access_url=f"https://openlibrary.org/works/{ref.target_openlibrary_work}", mimetype=None, size_bytes=None, thumbnail_url=None )) if ref.target_url and '://web.archive.org/' in ref.target_url: access.append(AccessOption( access_type="wayback", access_url=ref.target_url, mimetype=None, size_bytes=None, thumbnail_url=None )) enriched.append(EnrichedBiblioRef( ref=ref, access=access, release=release, )) return enriched def run_ref_query(args) -> None: """ CLI helper/debug tool (prints to stdout) """ release_ident = None work_ident = None if args.ident.startswith("release_"): release_ident = args.ident.split('_')[1] elif args.ident.startswith("work_"): work_ident = args.ident.split('_')[1] else: release_ident = args.ident print("## Outbound References") hits = get_outbound_refs(release_ident=release_ident, work_ident=work_ident, es_client=args.es_client) print(f"Total: {hits.count_total} Time: {hits.query_wall_time_ms}ms; {hits.query_time_ms}ms") if args.enrich == "fatcat": enriched = enrich_outbound_refs(hits.result_refs, hide='refs,abstracts', fatcat_api_client=args.fatcat_api_client) for ref in enriched: if ref.release: print(f"{ref.ref.ref_index or '-'}\trelease_{ref.release.ident}\t{ref.ref.match_provenance}/{ref.ref.match_status}\t{ref.release.release_year or '-'}\t{ref.release.title}\t{ref.release.ext_ids.pmid or ref.release.ext_ids.doi or '-'}") else: print(f"{ref.ref.ref_index or '-'}\trelease_{ref.target_release_ident}") else: for ref in hits.result_refs: print(f"{ref.ref.ref_index or '-'}\trelease_{ref.target_release_ident}") print() print("## Inbound References") hits = get_inbound_refs(release_ident=release_ident, work_ident=work_ident, es_client=args.es_client) print(f"Total: {hits.count_total} Time: {hits.query_wall_time_ms}ms; {hits.query_time_ms}ms") if args.enrich == "fatcat": enriched = enrich_inbound_refs(hits.result_refs, hide='refs,abstracts', fatcat_api_client=args.fatcat_api_client) for ref in enriched: if ref.release: print(f"release_{ref.release.ident}\t{ref.ref.match_provenance}/{ref.ref.match_status}\t{ref.release.release_year or '-'}\t{ref.release.title}\t{ref.release.ext_ids.pmid or ref.release.ext_ids.doi or '-'}") else: print(f"release_{ref.target_release_ident}") else: for ref in hits.result_refs: print(f"work_{ref.source_work_ident}\trelease_{ref.source_release_ident}") def main() -> None: """ Run this utility like: python -m fatcat_tools.references Examples: python -m fatcat_tools.references query release_pfrind3kh5hqhgqkueulk2tply """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() parser.add_argument("--fatcat-api-base", default="https://api.fatcat.wiki/v0") parser.add_argument("--elasticsearch-base", default="https://search.fatcat.wiki") parser.add_argument("--elasticsearch-ref-index", default="fatcat_ref") sub = subparsers.add_parser( "query", help="takes a fatcat ident argument, prints both inbound and outbound references", ) sub.set_defaults(func="run_ref_query") sub.add_argument("ident", type=str) sub.add_argument("--enrich", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() if not args.__dict__.get("func"): parser.print_help(file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) args.es_client = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch(args.elasticsearch_base) args.fatcat_api_client = public_api(args.fatcat_api_base) if args.func == "run_ref_query": run_ref_query(args) else: raise NotImplementedError(args.func) if __name__ == "__main__": main()