from typing import Any, Optional from confluent_kafka import KafkaException, Producer def kafka_fail_fast(err: Optional[Any], _msg: Any) -> None: if err is not None: print("Kafka producer delivery error: {}".format(err)) print("Bailing out...") # TODO: should it be sys.exit(-1)? raise KafkaException(err) def simple_kafka_producer(kafka_hosts: str) -> Producer: """ kafka_hosts should be a string with hostnames separated by ',', not a list of hostnames """ kafka_config = { "bootstrap.servers": kafka_hosts, "message.max.bytes": 20000000, # ~20 MBytes; broker-side max is ~50 MBytes "": True, "default.topic.config": { "request.required.acks": -1, }, } return Producer(kafka_config)