import fatcat_openapi_client from fatcat_tools.normal import clean_doi, clean_isbn13, clean_pmid from .common import SANE_MAX_RELEASES, SANE_MAX_URLS, EntityImporter, make_rel_url class ShadowLibraryImporter(EntityImporter): """ Importer for shadow library files (matched to releases) Input format is JSON with keys: - shadow - shadow_corpus (string slug) - shadow_id (string) - doi - pmid - isbn13 - file_meta - sha1hex - sha256hex - md5hex - size_bytes - mimetype - cdx (may be null) - url - datetime """ def __init__(self, api, **kwargs): eg_desc = ( kwargs.pop("editgroup_description", None) or "Import of 'Shadow Library' file/release matches" ) eg_extra = kwargs.pop("editgroup_extra", dict()) eg_extra["agent"] = eg_extra.get("agent", "fatcat_tools.ShadowLibraryImporter") super().__init__(api, editgroup_description=eg_desc, editgroup_extra=eg_extra, **kwargs) self.default_link_rel = kwargs.get("default_link_rel", "web") def want(self, raw_record): """ Only want to import records with complete file-level metadata """ fm = raw_record["file_meta"] if not (fm["mimetype"] and fm["md5hex"] and fm["sha256hex"] and fm["size_bytes"]): self.counts["skip-file-meta-incomplete"] += 1 return False if fm["mimetype"] != "application/pdf": self.counts["skip-not-pdf"] += 1 return False return True def parse_record(self, obj): """ We do the release lookup in this method. Try DOI, then PMID, last ISBN13. """ shadow_corpus = obj["shadow"]["shadow_corpus"] assert shadow_corpus == shadow_corpus.strip().lower() doi = clean_doi(obj["shadow"].get("doi")) pmid = clean_pmid(obj["shadow"].get("pmid")) isbn13 = clean_isbn13(obj["shadow"].get("isbn13")) shadow_id = obj["shadow"].get("shadow_id").strip() assert shadow_id extra = {"{}_id".format(shadow_corpus): shadow_id} for (ext_type, ext_id) in [("doi", doi), ("pmid", pmid), ("isbn13", isbn13)]: if not ext_id: continue extra["{}_{}".format(shadow_corpus, ext_type)] = ext_id # lookup release via several idents re = None for (ext_type, ext_id) in [("doi", doi), ("pmid", pmid), ("isbn13", isbn13)]: if not ext_id: continue try: re = self.api.lookup_release(**{ext_type: ext_id}) except as err: if err.status not in (404, 400): raise err re = None if re: break if not re: self.counts["skip-release-not-found"] += 1 return None release_ids = [ re.ident, ] # parse single CDX into URLs (if exists) urls = [] if obj.get("cdx"): url = make_rel_url(obj["cdx"]["url"], default_link_rel=self.default_link_rel) if url is not None: urls.append(url) wayback = "{}/{}".format( obj["cdx"]["datetime"], obj["cdx"]["url"] ) urls.append(("webarchive", wayback)) urls = [fatcat_openapi_client.FileUrl(rel=rel, url=url) for (rel, url) in urls] fe = fatcat_openapi_client.FileEntity( md5=obj["file_meta"]["md5hex"], sha1=obj["file_meta"]["sha1hex"], sha256=obj["file_meta"]["sha256hex"], size=int(obj["file_meta"]["size_bytes"]), mimetype=obj["file_meta"]["mimetype"] or None, release_ids=release_ids, urls=urls, extra=dict(shadows=extra), ) return fe def try_update(self, fe): # lookup sha1, or create new entity existing = None try: existing = self.api.lookup_file(sha1=fe.sha1) except as err: if err.status != 404: raise err if not existing: return True if not existing.extra: existing.extra = {} if ( existing.extra.get("shadows") and list(fe.extra["shadows"].keys())[0] in existing.extra["shadows"] ): # already imported from this shadow library; skip self.counts["exists"] += 1 return False # check for edit conflicts if existing.ident in [e.ident for e in self._edits_inflight]: self.counts["skip-update-inflight"] += 1 return False if fe.sha1 in [e.sha1 for e in self._edits_inflight]: raise Exception("Inflight insert; shouldn't happen") # minimum viable "existing" URL cleanup to fix dupes and broken links: # remove 'None' wayback URLs, and set rel 'archive' existing.urls = [ u for u in existing.urls if not ("://" in u.url) ] for i in range(len(existing.urls)): u = existing.urls[i] if u.rel == "repository" and "://" in u.url: existing.urls[i].rel = "archive" if u.rel == "social": u.rel = "academicsocial" # merge the existing into this one and update merged_urls = {} for u in fe.urls + existing.urls: merged_urls[u.url] = u existing.urls = list(merged_urls.values()) if not existing.extra.get("shadows"): existing.extra["shadows"] = fe.extra["shadows"] else: existing.extra["shadows"].update(fe.extra["shadows"]) # do these "plus ones" because we really want to do these updates when possible if len(existing.urls) > SANE_MAX_URLS + 1: self.counts["skip-update-too-many-url"] += 1 return None existing.release_ids = list(set(fe.release_ids + existing.release_ids)) if len(existing.release_ids) > SANE_MAX_RELEASES + 1: self.counts["skip-update-too-many-releases"] += 1 return None existing.mimetype = existing.mimetype or fe.mimetype existing.size = existing.size or fe.size existing.md5 = existing.md5 or fe.md5 existing.sha1 = existing.sha1 or fe.sha1 existing.sha256 = existing.sha256 or fe.sha256 edit = self.api.update_file(self.get_editgroup_id(), existing.ident, existing) # add sha1 to non-entity edit row, so we can do more aggressive # group-level de-dupe edit.sha1 = existing.sha1 self._edits_inflight.append(edit) self.counts["update"] += 1 return False def insert_batch(self, batch): self.api.create_file_auto_batch( fatcat_openapi_client.FileAutoBatch( editgroup=fatcat_openapi_client.Editgroup( description=self.editgroup_description, extra=self.editgroup_extra ), entity_list=batch, ) )