import fatcat_openapi_client from .common import EntityImporter, clean def or_none(s): if s is None: return None if len(s) == 0: return None return s def truthy(s): if s is None: return None s = s.lower() if s in ("true", "t", "yes", "y", "1"): return True elif s in ("false", "f", "no", "n", "0"): return False else: return None class JournalMetadataImporter(EntityImporter): """ Imports journal metadata ("containers") by ISSN, currently from a custom munged JSON format (see ../extra/journal_metadata/). See guide for details on the many 'extra' fields used here. """ def __init__(self, api, **kwargs): eg_desc = kwargs.get( "editgroup_description", "Automated import of container-level metadata, by ISSN. Metadata from Internet Archive munging.", ) eg_extra = kwargs.get("editgroup_extra", dict()) eg_extra["agent"] = eg_extra.get("agent", "fatcat_tools.JournalMetadataImporter") super().__init__(api, editgroup_description=eg_desc, editgroup_extra=eg_extra, **kwargs) def want(self, raw_record): if raw_record.get("issnl") and raw_record.get("name"): return True return False def parse_record(self, row): """ row is a python dict (parsed from JSON). returns a ContainerEntity (or None if invalid or couldn't parse) """ if not row.get("name"): # Name is required (by schema) return None extra = dict() for key in ( "issne", "issnp", "languages", "country", "urls", "abbrev", "coden", "aliases", "original_name", "first_year", "last_year", "platform", "default_license", "road", "mimetypes", "sherpa_romeo", "kbart", ): if row.get(key): extra[key] = row[key] # TODO: not including for now: norwegian, dois/crossref, ia extra_doaj = dict() if row.get("doaj"): if row["doaj"].get("as_of"): extra_doaj["as_of"] = row["doaj"]["as_of"] if row["doaj"].get("works"): extra_doaj["works"] = row["doaj"]["works"] if extra_doaj: extra["doaj"] = extra_doaj extra_ia = dict() # TODO: would like an ia.longtail_ia flag if row.get("sim"): # NB: None case of the .get() here is blech, but othrwise # extra['ia'].get('sim') would be false-y, breaking 'any_ia_sim' later on extra_ia["sim"] = { "year_spans": row["sim"].get("year_spans"), } if extra_ia: extra["ia"] = extra_ia name = clean(row.get("name")) if not name: return None ce = fatcat_openapi_client.ContainerEntity( issnl=row["issnl"], issne=row.get("issne"), issnp=row.get("issnp"), container_type=None, # TODO name=name, publisher=clean(row.get("publisher")), wikidata_qid=None, # TODO extra=extra, ) return ce def try_update(self, ce): existing = None try: existing = self.api.lookup_container(issn=ce.issnl) except as err: if err.status != 404: raise err if not existing: # doesn't exist, create it return True # for now, only update KBART, and only if there is new content if not existing.extra: existing.extra = dict() if ce.extra.get("kbart") and (existing.extra.get("kbart") != ce.extra["kbart"]): if not existing.extra.get("kbart"): existing.extra["kbart"] = {} existing.extra["kbart"].update(ce.extra["kbart"]) self.api.update_container(self.get_editgroup_id(), existing.ident, existing) self.counts["update"] += 1 return False else: self.counts["exists"] += 1 return False # if we got this far, it's a bug raise NotImplementedError def insert_batch(self, batch): self.api.create_container_auto_batch( fatcat_openapi_client.ContainerAutoBatch( editgroup=fatcat_openapi_client.Editgroup( description=self.editgroup_description, extra=self.editgroup_extra ), entity_list=batch, ) )