import datetime from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence import fatcat_openapi_client from fatcat_openapi_client import ApiClient, ReleaseContrib, ReleaseEntity from fatcat_tools.biblio_lookup_tables import CONTAINER_TYPE_MAP from fatcat_tools.normal import clean_doi, clean_str, lookup_license_slug from .common import EntityImporter # The docs/guide should be the canonical home for these mappings; update there # first # Can get a list of Crossref types (with counts) via API: #* CROSSREF_TYPE_MAP: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = { "book": "book", "book-chapter": "chapter", "book-part": "chapter", "book-section": "chapter", "component": "component", "dataset": "dataset", "dissertation": "thesis", "edited-book": "book", "journal-article": "article-journal", "monograph": "book", "other": None, "peer-review": "peer_review", "posted-content": "post", "proceedings-article": "paper-conference", "reference-book": "book", "reference-entry": "entry", "report": "report", "standard": "standard", } class CrossrefImporter(EntityImporter): """ Importer for Crossref metadata. See for JSON schema notes """ def __init__(self, api: ApiClient, issn_map_file: Sequence, **kwargs) -> None: eg_desc: Optional[str] = kwargs.get( "editgroup_description", "Automated import of Crossref DOI metadata, harvested from REST API", ) eg_extra: Dict[str, Any] = kwargs.get("editgroup_extra", dict()) eg_extra["agent"] = eg_extra.get("agent", "fatcat_tools.CrossrefImporter") super().__init__( api, issn_map_file=issn_map_file, editgroup_description=eg_desc, editgroup_extra=eg_extra, **kwargs ) self.create_containers: bool = kwargs.get("create_containers", True) self.read_issn_map_file(issn_map_file) def map_release_type(self, crossref_type: str) -> Optional[str]: return CROSSREF_TYPE_MAP.get(crossref_type) def map_container_type(self, crossref_type: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: if not crossref_type: return None return CONTAINER_TYPE_MAP.get(crossref_type) def want(self, obj: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: if not obj.get("title"): self.counts["skip-blank-title"] += 1 return False # these are pre-registered DOIs before the actual record is ready # title is a list of titles titles = obj.get("title") if titles is not None and titles[0].strip().lower() in [ "OUP accepted manuscript".lower(), ]: self.counts["skip-stub-title"] += 1 return False # do most of these checks in-line below return True def parse_record(self, obj: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[ReleaseEntity]: """ obj is a python dict (parsed from json). returns a ReleaseEntity """ # Ways to be out of scope (provisionally) # journal-issue and journal-volume map to None, but allowed for now if obj.get("type") in ( None, "journal", "proceedings", "standard-series", "report-series", "book-series", "book-set", "book-track", "proceedings-series", ): self.counts["skip-release-type"] += 1 return None # Do require the 'title' keys to exist, as release entities do if ("title" not in obj) or (not obj["title"]): self.counts["skip-blank-title"] += 1 return None release_type = self.map_release_type(obj["type"]) # contribs def do_contribs(obj_list: List[Dict[str, Any]], ctype: str) -> List[ReleaseContrib]: contribs = [] for i, am in enumerate(obj_list): creator_id = None if "ORCID" in am.keys(): creator_id = self.lookup_orcid(am["ORCID"].split("/")[-1]) # Sorry humans :( if am.get("given") and am.get("family"): raw_name: Optional[str] = "{} {}".format(am["given"], am["family"]) elif am.get("family"): raw_name = am["family"] else: # TODO: can end up empty raw_name = am.get("name") or am.get("given") extra: Dict[str, Any] = dict() if ctype == "author": index: Optional[int] = i else: index = None raw_affiliation = None affiliation_list = am.get("affiliation") or [] # TODO: currently requiring a "name" in all affiliations. Could # add ROR support (via identifier) in the near future affiliation_list = [a for a in affiliation_list if "name" in a] if affiliation_list and len(affiliation_list) > 0: raw_affiliation = affiliation_list[0]["name"] if len(affiliation_list) > 1: # note: affiliation => more_affiliations extra["more_affiliations"] = [ clean_str(a["name"]) for a in affiliation_list[1:] ] if am.get("sequence") and am.get("sequence") != "additional": extra["seq"] = clean_str(am.get("sequence")) assert ctype in ("author", "editor", "translator") raw_name = clean_str(raw_name) # TODO: what if 'raw_name' is None? contribs.append( ReleaseContrib( creator_id=creator_id, index=index, raw_name=raw_name, given_name=clean_str(am.get("given")), surname=clean_str(am.get("family")), raw_affiliation=clean_str(raw_affiliation), role=ctype, extra=extra or None, ) ) return contribs contribs = do_contribs(obj.get("author", []), "author") contribs.extend(do_contribs(obj.get("editor", []), "editor")) contribs.extend(do_contribs(obj.get("translator", []), "translator")) # container issn = obj.get("ISSN", [None])[0] issnl = self.issn2issnl(issn) container_id = None if issnl: container_id = self.lookup_issnl(issnl) publisher = clean_str(obj.get("publisher")) container_name = obj.get("container-title") if container_name: container_name = clean_str(container_name[0], force_xml=True) if not container_name: container_name = None if ( container_id is None and self.create_containers and (issnl is not None) and container_name ): ce = fatcat_openapi_client.ContainerEntity( issnl=issnl, publisher=publisher, container_type=self.map_container_type(release_type), name=container_name, ) ce_edit = self.create_container(ce) container_id = ce_edit.ident self._issnl_id_map[issnl] = container_id # license slug license_slug = None license_extra = [] for lic in obj.get("license", []): if lic["content-version"] not in ("vor", "unspecified"): continue slug = lookup_license_slug(lic["URL"]) if slug: license_slug = slug if "start" in lic: lic["start"] = lic["start"]["date-time"] license_extra.append(lic) # references refs = [] for i, rm in enumerate(obj.get("reference", [])): try: year: Optional[int] = int(rm.get("year")) # TODO: will need to update/config in the future! # NOTE: are there crossref works with year < 100? if year is not None: if year > 2025 or year < 100: year = None except (TypeError, ValueError): year = None ref_extra: Dict[str, Any] = dict() key = rm.get("key") if key and key.startswith(obj["DOI"].upper()): key = key.replace(obj["DOI"].upper() + "-", "") key = key.replace(obj["DOI"].upper(), "") ref_container_name = rm.get("volume-title") if not ref_container_name: ref_container_name = rm.get("journal-title") elif rm.get("journal-title"): ref_extra["journal-title"] = rm["journal-title"] if rm.get("DOI"): ref_extra["doi"] = rm.get("DOI").lower() author = clean_str(rm.get("author")) if author: ref_extra["authors"] = [author] for k in ( "editor", "edition", "authority", "version", "genre", "url", "event", "issue", "volume", "date", "accessed_date", "issued", "page", "medium", "collection_title", "chapter_number", "unstructured", "series-title", "volume-title", ): if clean_str(rm.get(k)): ref_extra[k] = clean_str(rm[k]) refs.append( fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseRef( index=i, # doing lookups would be a second import pass target_release_id=None, key=key, year=year, container_name=clean_str(ref_container_name), title=clean_str(rm.get("article-title")), locator=clean_str(rm.get("first-page")), # TODO: just dump JSON somewhere here? extra=ref_extra or None, ) ) # abstracts abstracts = [] abstract = clean_str(obj.get("abstract")) if abstract and len(abstract) > 10: abstracts.append( fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseAbstract( mimetype="application/xml+jats", content=abstract ) ) # extra fields extra: Dict[str, Any] = dict() extra_crossref: Dict[str, Any] = dict() # top-level extra keys if not container_id: if obj.get("container-title"): extra["container_name"] = container_name for key in "group-title": val = obj.get(key) if val: if type(val) == list: val = val[0] if type(val) == str: val = clean_str(val) if val: extra[key] = clean_str(val) else: extra[key] = val # crossref-nested extra keys for key in ("subject", "type", "alternative-id", "archive", "funder"): val = obj.get(key) if val: if type(val) == str: extra_crossref[key] = clean_str(val) else: extra_crossref[key] = val if license_extra: extra_crossref["license"] = license_extra if len(obj["title"]) > 1: aliases = [clean_str(t) for t in obj["title"][1:]] aliases = [t for t in aliases if t] if aliases: extra["aliases"] = aliases # ISBN isbn13 = None for raw in obj.get("ISBN", []): # TODO: convert if not ISBN-13 format if len(raw) == 17: isbn13 = raw break # release status if obj["type"] in ( "journal-article", "conference-proceeding", "book", "dissertation", "book-chapter", ): release_stage: Optional[str] = "published" else: # unknown release_stage = None # filter out unreasonably huge releases if len(abstracts) > 100: self.counts["skip-huge-abstracts"] += 1 return None if len(contribs) > 2000: self.counts["skip-huge-contribs"] += 1 return None if len(refs) > 5000: self.counts["skip-huge-refs"] += 1 return None # release date parsing is amazingly complex raw_date = obj["issued"]["date-parts"][0] if not raw_date or not raw_date[0]: # got some NoneType, even though at least year is supposed to be set release_year = None release_date = None elif len(raw_date) == 3: release_year = raw_date[0] release_date =[0], month=raw_date[1], day=raw_date[2]) else: # sometimes only the year is included, not the full date release_year = raw_date[0] release_date = None original_title: Optional[str] = None if obj.get("original-title"): ot = obj.get("original-title") if ot is not None: original_title = clean_str(ot[0], force_xml=True) title: Optional[str] = None if obj.get("title"): title = clean_str(obj["title"][0], force_xml=True) if not title or len(title) <= 1: # title can't be just a single character self.counts["skip-blank-title"] += 1 return None doi = clean_doi(obj["DOI"].lower()) if not doi: self.counts["skip-bad-doi"] += 1 return None subtitle = None if obj.get("subtitle"): subtitle = clean_str(obj["subtitle"][0], force_xml=True) if not subtitle or len(subtitle) <= 1: # subtitle can't be just a single character subtitle = None if extra_crossref: extra["crossref"] = extra_crossref re = ReleaseEntity( work_id=None, container_id=container_id, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, original_title=original_title, release_type=release_type, release_stage=release_stage, release_date=release_date, release_year=release_year, publisher=publisher, ext_ids=fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseExtIds( doi=doi, isbn13=isbn13, ), volume=clean_str(obj.get("volume")), issue=clean_str(obj.get("issue")), pages=clean_str(obj.get("page")), language=clean_str(obj.get("language")), license_slug=license_slug, extra=extra or None, abstracts=abstracts or None, contribs=contribs or None, refs=refs or None, ) return re def try_update(self, re: ReleaseEntity) -> bool: # lookup existing DOI (don't need to try other ext idents for crossref) existing = None try: existing = self.api.lookup_release(doi=re.ext_ids.doi) except as err: if err.status != 404: raise err # eventually we'll want to support "updates", but for now just skip if # entity already exists if existing: self.counts["exists"] += 1 return False return True def insert_batch(self, batch: List[ReleaseEntity]) -> None: self.api.create_release_auto_batch( fatcat_openapi_client.ReleaseAutoBatch( editgroup=fatcat_openapi_client.Editgroup( description=self.editgroup_description, extra=self.editgroup_extra ), entity_list=batch, ) )