import re
import sys
import csv
import json
import ftfy
import base64
import sqlite3
import datetime
import subprocess
import unicodedata
from collections import Counter
from confluent_kafka import Consumer, KafkaException
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import fatcat_openapi_client
from import ApiException
DATE_FMT = "%Y-%m-%d"
# These are very close, but maybe not exactly 1-to-1 with 639-2? Some mix of
# 2/T and 2/B?
# PubMed/MEDLINE and JSTOR use these MARC codes
'afr': 'af',
'alb': 'sq',
'amh': 'am',
'ara': 'ar',
'arm': 'hy',
'aze': 'az',
'ben': 'bn',
'bos': 'bs',
'bul': 'bg',
'cat': 'ca',
'chi': 'zh',
'cze': 'cs',
'dan': 'da',
'dut': 'nl',
'eng': 'en',
'epo': 'eo',
'est': 'et',
'fin': 'fi',
'fre': 'fr',
'geo': 'ka',
'ger': 'de',
'gla': 'gd',
'gre': 'el',
'heb': 'he',
'hin': 'hi',
'hrv': 'hr',
'hun': 'hu',
'ice': 'is',
'ind': 'id',
'ita': 'it',
'jpn': 'ja',
'kin': 'rw',
'kor': 'ko',
'lat': 'la',
'lav': 'lv',
'lit': 'lt',
'mac': 'mk',
'mal': 'ml',
'mao': 'mi',
'may': 'ms',
'nor': 'no',
'per': 'fa',
'per': 'fa',
'pol': 'pl',
'por': 'pt',
'pus': 'ps',
'rum': 'ro',
'rus': 'ru',
'san': 'sa',
'slo': 'sk',
'slv': 'sl',
'spa': 'es',
'srp': 'sr',
'swe': 'sv',
'tha': 'th',
'tur': 'tr',
'ukr': 'uk',
'urd': 'ur',
'vie': 'vi',
'wel': 'cy',
# additions
'gle': 'ga', # "Irish" (Gaelic)
'jav': 'jv', # Javanese
'welsh': 'cy', # Welsh
'oci': 'oc', # Occitan
# Don't have ISO 639-1 codes
'grc': 'el', # Ancient Greek; map to modern greek
'map': None, # Austronesian (collection)
'syr': None, # Syriac, Modern
'gem': None, # Old Saxon
'non': None, # Old Norse
'emg': None, # Eastern Meohang
'neg': None, # Negidal
'mul': None, # Multiple languages
'und': None, # Undetermined
def clean(thing, force_xml=False):
This function is appropriate to be called on any random, non-markup string,
such as author names, titles, etc.
It will try to clean up commong unicode mangles, HTML characters, etc.
This will detect XML/HTML and "do the right thing" (aka, not remove
entities like '&' if there are tags in the string), unless you pass the
'force_xml' parameter, which might be appropriate for, eg, names and
titles, which generally should be projected down to plain text.
Also strips extra whitespace.
if not thing:
return None
fix_entities = 'auto'
if force_xml:
fix_entities = True
fixed = ftfy.fix_text(thing, fix_entities=fix_entities).strip()
if not fixed or len(fixed) <= 1:
# wasn't zero-length before, but is now; return None
return None
return fixed
def test_clean():
assert clean(None) == None
assert clean('') == None
assert clean('1') == None
assert clean('123') == '123'
assert clean('a&b') == 'a&b'
assert clean('a&b') == 'a&b'
assert clean('a&b', force_xml=True) == 'a&b'
def b32_hex(s):
s = s.strip().split()[0].lower()
if s.startswith("sha1:"):
s = s[5:]
if len(s) != 32:
return s
return base64.b16encode(base64.b32decode(s.upper())).lower().decode('utf-8')
def is_cjk(s):
if not s:
return False
for c in s:
if c.isalpha():
lang_prefix =[0]
return lang_prefix in ('CJK', 'HIRAGANA', 'KATAKANA', 'HANGUL')
return False
def test_is_cjk():
assert is_cjk(None) == False
assert is_cjk('') == False
assert is_cjk('blah') == False
assert is_cjk('岡, 鹿, 梨, 阜, 埼') == True
assert is_cjk('[岡, 鹿, 梨, 阜, 埼]') == True
assert is_cjk('菊') == True
assert is_cjk('岡, 鹿, 梨, 阜, 埼 with eng after') == True
assert is_cjk('水道') == True
assert is_cjk('オウ, イク') == True # kanji
assert is_cjk('ひヒ') == True
assert is_cjk('き゚ゅ') == True
assert is_cjk('ㄴ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ') == True
"": "archive",
# LOCKSS, Portico, DuraSpace, etc would also be "archive"
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "repository",
"": "aggregator",
"": "aggregator",
"": "aggregator",
"": "aggregator",
"": "aggregator",
"": "aggregator",
"": "aggregator",
"": "aggregator",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "publisher",
"": "academicsocial",
"": "academicsocial",
"": "webarchive",
"": "webarchive",
"": "webarchive",
def make_rel_url(raw_url, default_link_rel="web"):
# this is where we map specific domains to rel types, and also filter out
# bad domains, invalid URLs, etc
rel = default_link_rel
for domain, domain_rel in DOMAIN_REL_MAP.items():
if "//{}/".format(domain) in raw_url:
rel = domain_rel
return (rel, raw_url)
def test_make_rel_url():
assert make_rel_url("")[0] == "web"
assert make_rel_url("", default_link_rel="jeans")[0] == "jeans"
assert make_rel_url("*/")[0] == "webarchive"
assert make_rel_url("")[0] == "publisher"
class EntityImporter:
Base class for fatcat entity importers.
The API exposed to record iterator is:
The API that implementations are expected to fill in are:
want(raw_record) -> boolean
parse(raw_record) -> entity
try_update(entity) -> boolean
insert_batch([entity]) -> None
This class exposes helpers for implementations:
self.create_(entity) -> EntityEdit
for related entity types
self.counts['exists'] += 1
if didn't update or insert because of existing)
self.counts['update'] += 1
if updated an entity
submit_mode: instead of accepting editgroups, only submits them.
implementors must write insert_batch appropriately
def __init__(self, api, **kwargs):
eg_extra = kwargs.get('editgroup_extra', dict())
eg_extra['git_rev'] = eg_extra.get('git_rev',
subprocess.check_output(["git", "describe", "--always"]).strip()).decode('utf-8')
eg_extra['agent'] = eg_extra.get('agent', 'fatcat_tools.EntityImporter')
self.api = api
self.bezerk_mode = kwargs.get('bezerk_mode', False)
self.submit_mode = kwargs.get('submit_mode', False)
self.edit_batch_size = kwargs.get('edit_batch_size', 100)
self.editgroup_description = kwargs.get('editgroup_description')
self.editgroup_extra = eg_extra
self._issnl_id_map = dict()
self._orcid_id_map = dict()
self._orcid_regex = re.compile("^\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{3}[\\dX]$")
self._doi_id_map = dict()
self._pmid_id_map = dict()
def reset(self):
self.counts = Counter({'total': 0, 'skip': 0, 'insert': 0, 'update': 0, 'exists': 0})
self._edit_count = 0
self._editgroup_id = None
self._entity_queue = []
self._edits_inflight = []
def push_record(self, raw_record):
Returns nothing.
self.counts['total'] += 1
if (not raw_record) or (not self.want(raw_record)):
self.counts['skip'] += 1
entity = self.parse_record(raw_record)
if not entity:
self.counts['skip'] += 1
if self.bezerk_mode:
if self.try_update(entity):
def parse_record(self, raw_record):
# implementations should fill this in
raise NotImplementedError
def finish(self):
Gets called as cleanup at the end of imports, but can also be called at
any time to "snip off" current editgroup progress. In other words, safe
to call this but then continue pushing records.
For example, in a persistent worker could call this if there have been
no new entities fed in for more than some time period, to ensure that
entities actually get created within a reasonable time frame.
if self._edit_count > 0:
if self.submit_mode:
self._editgroup_id = None
self._edit_count = 0
self._edits_inflight = []
if self._entity_queue:
self.counts['insert'] += len(self._entity_queue)
self._entity_queue = []
return self.counts
def get_editgroup_id(self, edits=1):
if self._edit_count >= self.edit_batch_size:
if self.submit_mode:
self._editgroup_id = None
self._edit_count = 0
self._edits_inflight = []
if not self._editgroup_id:
eg = self.api.create_editgroup(
self._editgroup_id = eg.editgroup_id
self._edit_count += edits
return self._editgroup_id
def create_container(self, entity):
eg_id = self.get_editgroup_id()
self.counts['inserted.container'] += 1
return self.api.create_container(eg_id, entity)
def create_release(self, entity):
eg_id = self.get_editgroup_id()
self.counts['inserted.release'] += 1
return self.api.create_release(eg_id, entity)
def create_file(self, entity):
eg_id = self.get_editgroup_id()
self.counts['inserted.file'] += 1
return self.api.create_file(eg_id, entity)
def updated(self):
Implementations should call this from try_update() if the update was successful
self.counts['update'] += 1
def push_entity(self, entity):
if len(self._entity_queue) >= self.edit_batch_size:
self.counts['insert'] += len(self._entity_queue)
self._entity_queue = []
def want(self, raw_record):
Implementations can override for optional fast-path to drop a record.
Must have no side-effects; returns bool.
return True
def parse(self, raw_record):
Returns an entity class type, or None if we should skip this one.
May have side-effects (eg, create related entities), but shouldn't
update/mutate the actual entity.
raise NotImplementedError
def try_update(self, raw_record):
Passed the output of parse(). Should try to find an existing entity and
update it (PUT), decide we should do nothing (based on the existing
record), or create a new one.
Implementations must update the exists/updated/skip counts
appropriately in this method.
Returns boolean: True if the entity should still be inserted, False otherwise
raise NotImplementedError
def insert_batch(self, raw_record):
raise NotImplementedError
def is_orcid(self, orcid):
return self._orcid_regex.match(orcid) is not None
def lookup_orcid(self, orcid):
"""Caches calls to the Orcid lookup API endpoint in a local dict"""
if not self.is_orcid(orcid):
return None
if orcid in self._orcid_id_map:
return self._orcid_id_map[orcid]
creator_id = None
rv = self.api.lookup_creator(orcid=orcid)
creator_id = rv.ident
except ApiException as ae:
# If anything other than a 404 (not found), something is wrong
assert ae.status == 404
self._orcid_id_map[orcid] = creator_id # might be None
return creator_id
def is_doi(self, doi):
return doi.startswith("10.") and doi.count("/") >= 1
def lookup_doi(self, doi):
"""Caches calls to the doi lookup API endpoint in a local dict
For identifier lookups only (not full object fetches)"""
assert self.is_doi(doi)
doi = doi.lower()
if doi in self._doi_id_map:
return self._doi_id_map[doi]
release_id = None
rv = self.api.lookup_release(doi=doi, hide="abstracts,refs,contribs")
release_id = rv.ident
except ApiException as ae:
# If anything other than a 404 (not found), something is wrong
assert ae.status == 404
self._doi_id_map[doi] = release_id # might be None
return release_id
def lookup_pmid(self, pmid):
"""Caches calls to the pmid lookup API endpoint in a local dict
For identifier lookups only (not full object fetches)"""
if pmid in self._pmid_id_map:
return self._pmid_id_map[pmid]
release_id = None
rv = self.api.lookup_release(pmid=pmid, hide="abstracts,refs,contribs")
release_id = rv.ident
except ApiException as ae:
# If anything other than a 404 (not found), something is wrong
assert ae.status == 404
self._pmid_id_map[pmid] = release_id # might be None
return release_id
def is_issnl(self, issnl):
return len(issnl) == 9 and issnl[4] == '-'
def lookup_issnl(self, issnl):
"""Caches calls to the ISSN-L lookup API endpoint in a local dict"""
if issnl in self._issnl_id_map:
return self._issnl_id_map[issnl]
container_id = None
rv = self.api.lookup_container(issnl=issnl)
container_id = rv.ident
except ApiException as ae:
# If anything other than a 404 (not found), something is wrong
assert ae.status == 404
self._issnl_id_map[issnl] = container_id # might be None
return container_id
def read_issn_map_file(self, issn_map_file):
print("Loading ISSN map file...")
self._issn_issnl_map = dict()
for line in issn_map_file:
if line.startswith("ISSN") or len(line) == 0:
(issn, issnl) = line.split()[0:2]
self._issn_issnl_map[issn] = issnl
# double mapping makes lookups easy
self._issn_issnl_map[issnl] = issnl
print("Got {} ISSN-L mappings.".format(len(self._issn_issnl_map)))
def issn2issnl(self, issn):
if issn is None:
return None
return self._issn_issnl_map.get(issn)
class RecordPusher:
Base class for different importer sources. Pretty trivial interface, just
wraps an importer and pushes records in to it.
def __init__(self, importer, **kwargs):
self.importer = importer
def run(self):
This will look something like:
for line in sys.stdin:
record = json.loads(line)
raise NotImplementedError
class JsonLinePusher(RecordPusher):
def __init__(self, importer, json_file, **kwargs):
self.importer = importer
self.json_file = json_file
def run(self):
for line in self.json_file:
if not line:
record = json.loads(line)
counts = self.importer.finish()
return counts
class CsvPusher(RecordPusher):
def __init__(self, importer, csv_file, **kwargs):
self.importer = importer
self.reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file, delimiter=kwargs.get('delimiter', ','))
def run(self):
for line in self.reader:
if not line:
counts = self.importer.finish()
return counts
class LinePusher(RecordPusher):
def __init__(self, importer, text_file, **kwargs):
self.importer = importer
self.text_file = text_file
def run(self):
for line in self.text_file:
if not line:
counts = self.importer.finish()
return counts
class SqlitePusher(RecordPusher):
def __init__(self, importer, db_file, table_name, where_clause="", **kwargs):
self.importer = importer
self.db = sqlite3.connect(db_file, isolation_level='EXCLUSIVE')
self.db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
self.table_name = table_name
self.where_clause = where_clause
def run(self):
cur = self.db.execute("SELECT * FROM {} {};".format(
self.table_name, self.where_clause))
for row in cur:
counts = self.importer.finish()
return counts
class Bs4XmlLinesPusher(RecordPusher):
def __init__(self, importer, xml_file, prefix_filter=None, **kwargs):
self.importer = importer
self.xml_file = xml_file
self.prefix_filter = prefix_filter
def run(self):
for line in self.xml_file:
if not line:
if self.prefix_filter and not line.startswith(self.prefix_filter):
soup = BeautifulSoup(line, "xml")
counts = self.importer.finish()
return counts
class Bs4XmlFilePusher(RecordPusher):
def __init__(self, importer, xml_file, record_tag, **kwargs):
self.importer = importer
self.xml_file = xml_file
self.record_tag = record_tag
def run(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.xml_file, "xml")
for record in soup.find_all(self.record_tag):
counts = self.importer.finish()
return counts
class Bs4XmlLargeFilePusher(RecordPusher):
This is a variant of Bs4XmlFilePusher which parses large files
incrementally, instead of loading the whole thing in RAM first.
The dominant source of RAM utilization at start-up is the large ISSN/ISSN-L
map. This can be confirmed in local development by using the small map in
Current implementation is weird/inefficient in that it re-parses with
BeautifulSoup (lxml) every article, but I didn't want to mangle or re-write
with a different BS back-end.
Did at least casual testing and all of: record.decompose(),
soup.decompose(), element.clear(), root.clear() helped with memory usage.
With all of these, memory growth is very slow and can probably be explained
by inner container/release API lookup caches.
def __init__(self, importer, xml_file, record_tag, **kwargs):
self.importer = importer
self.xml_file = xml_file
self.record_tag = record_tag
def run(self):
elem_iter = ET.iterparse(self.xml_file, ["start", "end"])
i = 0
root = None
for (event, element) in elem_iter:
if not root and event == "start":
root = element
if not (element.tag == self.record_tag and event == "end"):
soup = BeautifulSoup(ET.tostring(element), "xml")
for record in soup.find_all(self.record_tag):
counts = self.importer.finish()
return counts
class Bs4XmlFileListPusher(RecordPusher):
def __init__(self, importer, list_file, record_tag, **kwargs):
self.importer = importer
self.list_file = list_file
self.record_tag = record_tag
def run(self):
for xml_path in self.list_file:
xml_path = xml_path.strip()
if not xml_path or xml_path.startswith("#"):
with open(xml_path, 'r') as xml_file:
soup = BeautifulSoup(xml_file, "xml")
for record in soup.find_all(self.record_tag):
counts = self.importer.finish()
return counts
class KafkaJsonPusher(RecordPusher):
def __init__(self, importer, kafka_hosts, kafka_env, topic_suffix, group, **kwargs):
self.importer = importer
self.consumer = make_kafka_consumer(
kafka_namespace=kwargs.get('kafka_namespace', 'fatcat')
self.poll_interval = kwargs.get('poll_interval', 5.0)
self.consume_batch_size = kwargs.get('consume_batch_size', 100)
def run(self):
count = 0
last_push =
while True:
# Note: this is batch-oriented, because underlying importer is
# often batch-oriented, but this doesn't confirm that entire batch
# has been pushed to fatcat before commiting offset. Eg, consider
# case where there there is one update and thousands of creates;
# update would be lingering in importer, and if importer crashed
# never created.
# This is partially mitigated for the worker case by flushing any
# outstanding editgroups every 5 minutes, but there is still that
# window when editgroups might be hanging (unsubmitted).
batch = self.consumer.consume(
print("... got {} kafka messages ({}sec poll interval)".format(
len(batch), self.poll_interval))
if not batch:
if - last_push > datetime.timedelta(seconds=30): #XXX minutes=5
# it has been some time, so flush any current editgroup
last_push =
#print("Flushed any partial import batch: {}".format(self.importer.counts))
# first check errors on entire batch...
for msg in batch:
if msg.error():
raise KafkaException(msg.error())
# ... then process
for msg in batch:
record = json.loads(msg.value().decode('utf-8'))
count += 1
if count % 500 == 0:
print("Import counts: {}".format(self.importer.counts))
last_push =
for msg in batch:
# locally store offsets of processed messages; will be
# auto-commited by librdkafka from this "stored" value
# TODO: should catch UNIX signals (HUP?) to shutdown cleanly, and/or
# commit the current batch if it has been lingering
counts = self.importer.finish()
return counts
def make_kafka_consumer(hosts, env, topic_suffix, group, kafka_namespace="fatcat"):
topic_name = "{}-{}.{}".format(kafka_namespace, env, topic_suffix)
def fail_fast(err, partitions):
if err is not None:
print("Kafka consumer commit error: {}".format(err))
print("Bailing out...")
# TODO: should it be sys.exit(-1)?
raise KafkaException(err)
for p in partitions:
# check for partition-specific commit errors
if p.error:
print("Kafka consumer commit error: {}".format(p.error))
print("Bailing out...")
# TODO: should it be sys.exit(-1)?
raise KafkaException(err)
#print("Kafka consumer commit successful")
# previously, using pykafka
#auto_commit_interval_ms=30000, # 30 seconds
conf = {
'bootstrap.servers': hosts,
'': group,
'on_commit': fail_fast,
# messages don't have offset marked as stored until pushed to
# elastic, but we do auto-commit stored offsets to broker
'': False,
'': True,
# user code timeout; if no poll after this long, assume user code
# hung and rebalance (default: 5min)
'': 120000,
'default.topic.config': {
'auto.offset.reset': 'latest',
def on_rebalance(consumer, partitions):
for p in partitions:
if p.error:
raise KafkaException(p.error)
print("Kafka partitions rebalanced: {} / {}".format(
consumer, partitions))
consumer = Consumer(conf)
# NOTE: it's actually important that topic_name *not* be bytes (UTF-8
# encoded)
print("Consuming from kafka topic {}, group {}".format(topic_name, group))
return consumer