import sys import json import datetime from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from pylatexenc.latex2text import LatexNodes2Text import fatcat_client from .common import EntityImporter, clean from .crossref import lookup_license_slug latex2text = LatexNodes2Text() def latex_to_text(raw): try: return latex2text.latex_to_text(raw).strip() except AttributeError: return raw.strip() def parse_arxiv_authors(raw): if not raw: return [] authors = raw.split(', ') if authors: last = authors[-1].split(" and ") if len(last) == 2: authors[-1] = last[0] authors.append(last[1]) authors = [latex_to_text(a).strip() for a in authors] return authors def test_parse_arxiv_authors(): assert parse_arxiv_authors("Raphael Chetrite, Shamik Gupta, Izaak Neri and \\'Edgar Rold\\'an") == [ "Raphael Chetrite", "Shamik Gupta", "Izaak Neri", "Édgar Roldán", ] assert parse_arxiv_authors("Izaak Neri and \\'Edgar Rold\\'an") == [ "Izaak Neri", "Édgar Roldán", ] assert parse_arxiv_authors("Raphael Chetrite Shamik Gupta") == [ "Raphael Chetrite Shamik Gupta", ] class ArxivRawImporter(EntityImporter): """ Converts "arXivRaw" OAI-PMH XML records to fatcat release entities TODO: arxiv_id lookup in API (rust) with no version specified should select the "most recent" version; can be a simple sort? """ def __init__(self, api, **kwargs): eg_desc = kwargs.get('editgroup_description', "Automated import of arxiv metadata via arXivRaw OAI-PMH feed") eg_extra = kwargs.get('editgroup_extra', dict()) eg_extra['agent'] = eg_extra.get('agent', 'fatcat_tools.ArxivRawImporter') # lower batch size, because multiple versions per entry (guessing 2-3 on average?) batch_size = kwargs.get('edit_batch_size', 50) super().__init__(api, editgroup_description=eg_desc, editgroup_extra=eg_extra, batch_size=batch_size, **kwargs) self._test_override = False def parse_record(self, record): if not record: return None metadata = record.arXivRaw if not metadata: return None extra = dict() extra_arxiv = dict() # don't know! release_type = "article" base_id = doi = None if metadata.doi and metadata.doi.string: doi = metadata.doi.string.lower().strip() if not (doi.startswith('10.') and '/' in doi): sys.stderr.write("BOGUS DOI: {}\n".format(doi)) doi = None title = latex_to_text(metadata.title.string) authors = parse_arxiv_authors(metadata.authors.string) contribs = [fatcat_client.ReleaseContrib(raw_name=a, role='author') for a in authors] lang = "en" # the vast majority in english if metadata.comments and metadata.comments.string: comments = metadata.comments.string.strip() extra_arxiv['comments'] = comments if 'in french' in comments.lower(): lang = 'fr' elif 'in spanish' in comments.lower(): lang = 'es' elif 'in portuguese' in comments.lower(): lang = 'pt' elif 'in hindi' in comments.lower(): lang = 'hi' elif 'in japanese' in comments.lower(): lang = 'ja' elif 'in german' in comments.lower(): lang = 'de' elif 'simplified chinese' in comments.lower(): lang = 'zh' elif 'in russian' in comments.lower(): lang = 'ru' # more languages? number = None if metadata.find('journal-ref') and metadata.find('journal-ref').string: journal_ref = metadata.find('journal-ref').string.strip() extra_arxiv['journal_ref'] = journal_ref if "conf." in journal_ref.lower() or "proc." in journal_ref.lower(): release_type = "paper-conference" if metadata.find('report-no') and metadata.find('report-no').string: number = metadata.find('report-no').string.strip() # at least some people plop extra metadata in here. hrmf! if 'ISSN ' in number or 'ISBN ' in number or len(number.split()) > 2: extra_arxiv['report-no'] = number number = None else: release_type = "report" if metadata.find('acm-class') and metadata.find('acm-class').string: extra_arxiv['acm_class'] = metadata.find('acm-class').string.strip() if metadata.categories and metadata.categories.string: extra_arxiv['categories'] = metadata.categories.string.split() license_slug = None if metadata.license and metadata.license.string: license_slug = lookup_license_slug(metadata.license.string) abstracts = None if metadata.abstract: # TODO: test for this multi-abstract code path abstracts = [] abst = metadata.abstract.string.strip() orig = None if '-----' in abst: both = abst.split('-----') abst = both[0].strip() orig = both[1].strip() if '$' in abst or '{' in abst: mime = "application/x-latex" abst_plain = latex_to_text(abst) abstracts.append(fatcat_client.ReleaseAbstract(content=abst_plain, mimetype="text/plain", lang="en")) else: mime = "text/plain" abstracts.append(fatcat_client.ReleaseAbstract(content=abst, mimetype=mime, lang="en")) if orig: abstracts.append(fatcat_client.ReleaseAbstract(content=orig, mimetype=mime)) # indicates that fulltext probably isn't english either if lang == 'en': lang = None # extra: # withdrawn_date # translation_of # subtitle # aliases # container_name # group-title # arxiv: comments, categories, etc extra_arxiv['base_id'] = base_id extra['arxiv'] = extra_arxiv versions = [] for version in metadata.find_all('version'): arxiv_id = base_id + version['version'] release_date = release_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(release_date, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z").date() # TODO: source_type? versions.append(fatcat_client.ReleaseEntity( work_id=None, title=title, #original_title version=version['version'], release_type=release_type, release_stage='submitted', release_date=release_date.isoformat(), release_year=release_date.year, ext_ids=fatcat_client.ReleaseExtIds( arxiv=arxiv_id, ), number=number, language=lang, license_slug=license_slug, abstracts=abstracts, contribs=contribs, extra=extra, )) # TODO: assert that versions are actually in order? assert versions # only apply DOI to most recent version (HACK) if doi: versions[-1].ext_ids.doi = doi if len(versions) > 1: versions[-1].release_stage = "accepted" return versions def try_update(self, versions): """ This is pretty complex! There is no batch/bezerk mode for arxiv importer. For each version, do a lookup by full arxiv_id, and store work/release id results. If a version has a DOI, also do a doi lookup and store that result. If there is an existing release with both matching, set that as the existing work. If they don't match, use the full arxiv_id match and move on (maybe log or at least count the error?). If it's a one/or/other case, update the existing release (and mark version as existing). If there was any existing release, take its work_id. Iterate back through versions. If it didn't already exist, insert it with any existing work_id. If there wasn't an existing work_id, lookup the new release (by rev from edit?) and use that for the rest. Do not pass any versions on for batch insert. """ # first do lookups any_work_id = None for v in versions: v._existing_work_id = None v._updated = False existing = None existing_doi = None try: existing = self.api.lookup_release(arxiv=v.ext_ids.arxiv) except as err: if err.status != 404: raise err if existing: v._existing_work_id = existing.work_id any_work_id = existing.work_id if v.ext_ids.doi: try: existing_doi = self.api.lookup_release(arxiv=v.ext_ids.arxiv) except as err: if err.status != 404: raise err if existing_doi: if existing and existing.ident == existing_doi.ident: # great, they match and have idents, nothing to do pass elif existing and existing.ident != existing_doi.ident: # could be that a new arxiv version was created (update?), # or that VOR has no arxiv version (or catalog is borked or # something else) # stick with arxiv_id match as existing, but don't set DOI; # don't update anything v.ext_ids.doi = None pass else: assert not existing # there's a pre-existing DOI release we should group under, # but we don't know if we're the version-of-record or what, # so just group but don't update existing DOI release v.ext_ids.doi = None any_work_id = any_work_id or existing_doi.work_id last_edit = None for v in versions: if v._existing_work_id: if not v._updated: self.counts['exists'] += 1 continue if not any_work_id and last_edit: # fetch the last inserted release from this group r = self.api.get_release_revision(last_edit.revision) assert r.work_id any_work_id = r.work_id v.work_id = any_work_id last_edit = self.api.create_release(self.get_editgroup_id(), v) self.counts['insert'] += 1 return False def insert_batch(self, batch_batch): # there is no batch/bezerk mode for arxiv importer, except for testing if self._test_override: for batch in batch_batch: self.api.create_release_auto_batch(fatcat_client.ReleaseAutoBatch( editgroup=fatcat_client.Editgroup( description=self.editgroup_description, extra=self.editgroup_extra), entity_list=batch)) self.counts['insert'] += len(batch) - 1 else: raise NotImplementedError() def parse_file(self, handle): # 1. open with beautiful soup soup = BeautifulSoup(handle, "xml") # 2. iterate over articles, call parse_article on each for article in soup.find_all("record"): resp = self.parse_record(article) print(json.dumps(resp)) #sys.exit(-1) if __name__=='__main__': parser = ArxivRawImporter(None) parser.parse_file(open(sys.argv[1]))