""" To run an import you combine two classes; one each of: - RecordSource: somehow iterates over a source of raw records (eg, from a database, Kafka, files on disk, stdin) and pushes into an entity importer. - EntityImporter: class that a record iterator pushes raw (unparsed) records into. The entity importer parses and decides what to do (ignore, update, insert, etc). There is usually a primary entity type, though related entities can be created along the way. Maintains API connection and editgroup/batch state. """ from .common import EntityImporter, JsonLinePusher, LinePusher, CsvPusher, SqlitePusher, Bs4XmlFilePusher, KafkaJsonPusher, make_kafka_consumer, clean, is_cjk from .crossref import CrossrefImporter, CROSSREF_TYPE_MAP from .jalc import JalcImporter from .grobid_metadata import GrobidMetadataImporter from .journal_metadata import JournalMetadataImporter from .matched import MatchedImporter from .orcid import OrcidImporter from .arabesque import ArabesqueMatchImporter, ARABESQUE_MATCH_WHERE_CLAUSE from .wayback_static import auto_wayback_static from .cdl_dash_dat import auto_cdl_dash_dat #from .kafka_source import KafkaSource #from .file_source import FileSource