#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Intended to be a command line interface to "Save Paper Now" and ingest request/response. """ import sys import json import argparse from collections import Counter import raven import elasticsearch from elasticsearch_dsl import Search, Q from fatcat_tools import public_api, simple_kafka_producer, kafka_fail_fast from fatcat_tools.transforms import release_ingest_request # Yep, a global. Gets DSN from `SENTRY_DSN` environment variable sentry_client = raven.Client() def _init_search(args): # ensure API connection works args.api.get_changelog() client = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch(args.elasticsearch_endpoint) search = Search(using=client, index="fatcat_release") return search def _run_search_dump(args, search): if args.dry_run: print("=== THIS IS A DRY RUN ===") kafka_producer = None ingest_file_request_topic = "sandcrawler-{}.ingest-file-requests".format(args.env) if args.enqueue_kafka: print("Will send ingest requests to kafka topic: {}".format(ingest_file_request_topic), file=sys.stderr) kafka_producer = simple_kafka_producer(args.kafka_hosts) if args.limit is not None: search = search[:args.limit] if args.before_year: search = search \ .filter("exists", field="release_year") \ .filter("range", release_date=dict(lt=args.before_year)) if args.after_year: search = search \ .filter("exists", field="release_year") \ .filter("range", release_date=dict(gte=args.after_year)) if not args.allow_non_oa: search = search.filter("term", is_oa=True) if args.release_types: release_types = args.release_types.split(',') search = search \ .filter("terms", release_type=release_types) else: search = search \ .filter("bool", must_not=[ Q("terms", release_type=["stub", "component"]) ]) counts = Counter({'ingest_request': 0, 'elasticsearch_release': 0, 'estimate': 0}) counts['estimate'] = search.count() print("Expecting {} release objects in search queries".format(counts['estimate']), file=sys.stderr) # don't try to clean up scroll if we are connected to public server (behind # nginx proxy that disallows DELETE) if args.elasticsearch_endpoint in ( 'https://search.fatcat.wiki', 'https://search.qa.fatcat.wiki'): search = search.params(clear_scroll=False) results = search.scan() for esr in results: if args.limit and counts['ingest_request'] >= args.limit: break counts['elasticsearch_release'] += 1 release = args.api.get_release(esr.ident) ingest_request = release_ingest_request( release, ingest_request_source="fatcat-ingest", ) if not ingest_request: continue counts['ingest_request'] += 1 if args.dry_run: continue if kafka_producer is not None: kafka_producer.produce( ingest_file_request_topic, json.dumps(ingest_request).encode('utf-8'), #key=None, on_delivery=kafka_fail_fast, ) counts['kafka'] += 1 else: print(json.dumps(ingest_request)) if kafka_producer is not None: kafka_producer.flush() print(counts, file=sys.stderr) if args.dry_run: print("=== THIS WAS A DRY RUN ===") def run_ingest_container(args): """ This command queries elasticsearch for releases from a given container (eg, journal), and prepares ingest requests for them. By default it filters to releases which don't have any fulltext files archived in IA, and dumps the ingest requests as JSON. """ search = _init_search(args).filter("term", in_ia=False) # filter/query by container if args.container_id: search = search.filter("term", container_id=args.container_id) elif args.issnl: search = search.filter("term", container_issnl=args.issnl) elif args.publisher: search = search.query("match", publisher=args.publisher) elif args.name: search = search.query("match", container_name=args.name) else: print("You must supply at least one query/filter parameter! Eg, ISSN-L", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) return _run_search_dump(args, search) def run_ingest_query(args): """ Accepts a free-form Lucene query language string. Intended to work the same way as searches in the fatcat web interface. """ search = _init_search(args) \ .filter("term", in_ia=False) \ .query( "query_string", query=args.query, default_operator="AND", analyze_wildcard=True, lenient=True, fields=["title^5", "contrib_names^2", "container_title"], ) return _run_search_dump(args, search) def run_ingest_extid(args): """ Selects release entities where the external identifier (extid) exists """ search = _init_search(args) \ .filter("term", in_ia=False) \ .filter("exists", field=args.extid) return _run_search_dump(args, search) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--fatcat-api-url', default="http://localhost:9411/v0", help="connect to this host/port") parser.add_argument('--enqueue-kafka', action='store_true', help="send ingest requests directly to sandcrawler kafka topic for processing") parser.add_argument('--kafka-hosts', default="localhost:9092", help="list of Kafka brokers (host/port) to use") parser.add_argument('--elasticsearch-endpoint', default="https://search.fatcat.wiki", help="elasticsearch API. internal endpoint preferred, but public is default") parser.add_argument('--env', default="dev", help="Kafka topic namespace to use (eg, prod, qa, dev)") parser.add_argument('--limit', default=None, type=int, help="Max number of search hits to return") parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', help="runs through creating all ingest requests, but doesn't actually output or enqueue") parser.add_argument('--before-year', type=str, help="filters results to only with release_year before this (not inclusive)") parser.add_argument('--after-year', type=str, help="filters results to only with release_year after this (inclusive)") parser.add_argument('--release-types', type=str, help="filters results to specified release-types, separated by commas. By default, 'stub' is filtered out.") parser.add_argument('--allow-non-oa', action='store_true', help="By default, we limit to OA releases. This removes that filter") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() sub_container = subparsers.add_parser('container', help="Create ingest requests for releases from a specific container") sub_container.set_defaults(func=run_ingest_container) sub_container.add_argument('--container-id', help="fatcat container entity ident") sub_container.add_argument('--issnl', help="ISSN-L of container entity") sub_container.add_argument('--publisher', help="publisher name") sub_container.add_argument('--name', help="container name") sub_query = subparsers.add_parser('query', help="Create ingest requests for releases from a specific query") sub_query.set_defaults(func=run_ingest_query) sub_query.add_argument('query', help="search query (same DSL as web interface search)") sub_extid = subparsers.add_parser('extid', help="Create ingest requests for releases that have given extid defined") sub_extid.set_defaults(func=run_ingest_extid) sub_extid.add_argument('extid', help="extid short name (as included in ES release schema)") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.__dict__.get("func"): print("tell me what to do!") sys.exit(-1) args.api = public_api(args.fatcat_api_url) args.func(args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()