{% extends "base.html" %} {% block fullbody %}

{{ release.title }}
release {{ release.ident }}

{% if authors != [] %} by {% endif %} {% for contrib in authors %} {% if contrib.creator_id %} {{ contrib.raw_name }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %} {% else %} {% if contrib.raw_name != None %}{{ contrib.raw_name }}{% else %}Unknown{% endif %}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

{% if release.release_date != None %}

Date (published): {{ release.release_date }}{% endif %} {% if release.pmid != None %}
PubMed:  {{ release.pmid }} {% endif %} {% if release.pmcid != None %}
PubMed Central:  {{ release.pmcid }} {% endif %} {% if release.wikidata_qid != None %}
Wikidata Entity:  {{ release.wikidata_qid }} {% endif %} {% if release.language != None %}
Primary Language:  {{ release.language }} (lookup ISO-639 code) {% endif %}
This {{ release.release_status or "unknown-type" }} is a release (version) of the work  {{ release.work_id }}. There may be other releases (eg, pre-prints, formal publications, etc) linked to the same work. {% if container != None %}

{% if release.release_status == 'published' %} Published in {{ container.name }} {% else %} Released in {{ release.release_type }} in {{ container.name }} {% endif %} {% if release.publisher %} by {{ release.publisher }} {% endif %}
{% if container != None and container.issnl != None %}ISSN-L: {{ container.issnl }}
{% endif %} {% if release.volume != None %}Volume: {{ release.volume }}
{% endif %} {% if release.issue != None %}Issue: {{ release.issue }}
{% endif %} {% if release.pages != None %}Page(s): {{ release.pages }}
{% endif %} {% if release.publisher != None %}Publisher: {{ release.publisher }}
{% endif %} {% if release.release_status != None %}Release Status: {{ release.release_status }}
{% endif %} {% if release.release_type != None %}Release Type: {{ release.release_type}}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if release.extra != None %}

Extra Metadata (raw JSON)

{% for (key, value) in release.extra.items() %} {{ key }}: {% if len(value) > 80 %} {{ value[:80] }}... {% else %} {{ value }} {% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}


{% if release.abstracts != [] %} {% for abstract in release.abstracts %} Abstract ({{ abstract.sha1 }}, {{ abstract.mimetype }}): {{ abstract.content }} {% endfor %} {% else %}

No known abstracts. {% endif %}

All Contributors

{% if release.contribs.size != 0 %} {% for contrib in release.contribs %}
Attribution Order Name Role
{% if contrib.index or contrib.index == 0 %} {{ contrib.index + 1 }}{% endif %} {% if contrib.creator_id %} {{ contrib.raw_name }} {% else %} {{ contrib.raw_name }} {% endif %} {{ contrib.role or '' }} {% endfor %}
{% else %}

Contributors (authors, translators, etc) not known. {% endif %}

Known Files and URLs

{% if files != [] %} {% for file in files %}
SHA-1 Size (bytes) File Type Links
{{ file.sha1[:16] + "..." }} {% if file.size != None %}{{ file.size }}{% endif %} {% if file.mimetype != None %}{{ file.mimetype }}{% endif %} {% for url in file.urls %} {{ url.url.split('/')[2] }} ({{ url.rel }})
{% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{% else %}

There are no known files associated with this release (you could try other releases for this work?). {% endif %}
{% if release.refs.size != 0 %}


This release citing other releases.
    {% for ref in release.refs %}
  1. {% if ref.title %} {{ ref.title }} {% if ref.container_name %}{{ ref.container_name }}.{% endif %} {% if ref.year %}{{ ref.year }}{% endif %} {% if ref.locator %}{{ ref.locator }}{% endif %} {% elif ref.extra and ref.extra.crossref %} {% if ref.extra.crossref.get('author') %}{{ ref.extra.crossref['author'] }}.{% endif %} {% if ref.extra.crossref.get('article-title') %}{{ ref.extra.crossref['article-title'] }}.{% endif %} {% if ref.container_name %}{{ ref.container_name }}.{% endif %} {% if ref.year %}{{ ref.year }}.{% endif %} {% elif ref.extra and ref.extra.unstructured %} {{ ref.extra.unstructured }} {% else %} unknown {% endif %} {% if ref.target_release_id != None %} (fatcat release) {# {% elif ref.extra != None and ref.extra.doi != None %} (DOI: {{ ref.extra.get('doi') }}) #} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% else %}

No reference list available. {% endif %}

{% if files != [] and files[0].urls != [] %} Download Full Text {% else %} No Full Text Available {% endif %} {% if release.release_type != None %}
Release Type {{ release.release_type }}
{% endif %} {% if release.doi %} {% endif %} {% if release.isbn13 != None %}

ISBN-13  {{ release.isbn13 }}

{% endif %} {% if release.extra.is_oa == True %}
Open Access
{% elif release.extra.is_oa == False %} Not Open Access
{% endif %} {% if container != None %}
Container Metadata
{% if container.extra.is_oa == True %} Open Access Publication
{% elif container.extra.is_oa == False %} Not Open Access
{% else %} Unknown OA Status
{% endif %} {% if (container.extra != None) %} {% if container.extra.in_doaj == True %} In DOAJ
{% elif container.extra.in_doaj == False %} Not in DOAJ
{% endif %} {% if container.extra.in_road == True %} In ISSN ROAD
{% elif container.extra.in_road == False %} Not in ISSN ROAD
{% endif %} {% if container.extra.is_kept == True %} In Keepers Registery
{% elif container.extra.is_kept == False %} Not in Keepers Registry
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if container.issnl != None %} ISSN-L:  {{ container.issnl }}
{% endif %} Fatcat:  {{ container.ident }}
{% endif %}
Lookup Links
{% if container != None and container.issnl != None %} SHERPA/RoMEO (journal policies)
{% endif %} {% if container != None and container.doi != None %} oaDOI/unpaywall
{% endif %} {% if release.isbn13 != None %} Open Library
{% else %} Worldcat
{% endif %} {% if release.doi %} Crossref Metadata (via API)
{% endif %} wikidata.org
Semantic Scholar (CS, neuro)
Google Scholar
Fatcat Bits

State is "{{ release.state }}". Revision:
{{ release.revision }}
As JSON object via API

{% endblock %} {% block postscript %} {% endblock %}