improve argparse usage change --host-url to --fatcat-api-url add 'help=' to all CLI sub-commands; improves --help output do ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter everywhere parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) Try stubgen for type annotation:: stubgen -m fatcat_openapi_client -o stubs/ stubgen -p fatcat_openapi_client -o stubs/ - metadata for releases additional tests - full object fields actually getting passed e2e (for rich_app) - modify existing release via edit mechanism (and commit) - redirect a release to another (merge) - update (via edit) a redirect release - api: try to reuse an accepted edit group - api: try to modify an accepted release - api: multiple edits, same entity, same editgroup views - oldest un-merged edits/edit-groups - changelog more like a ? - instead of grid, maybe backlog - refactor all the "fatcat_*.py" top-level files in module files. eg: "python -m fatcat_tools.whatever" => or, better, just call individual files directly instead of - make debugbar really optional (don't import unless we're in debug mode) - codespell: codespell --quiet-level=2 Kafka - should refactor all the handlers into one place (DRY) (eg, kafka_fail_fast) - harvesters could have shared producer setup/creation - broker timeouts after a minute in all cases should at least log if not crash (eg, changelog worker) - tic/tok increment counter for lower latency but non-verbose logging?