## Fatcat Python Code This directory contains all python code for the fatcat project: an API client library (`fatcat_client`), a web interface (`fatcat_web`), and a series of utilities and worker processes (`fatcat_tools`). Most of this code is an "application" which is tightly interwoven and intended to be run from this directory, but the client library is distributed on pypi.org. ## Client Library The auto-generated python client library for the fatcat API lives under `./fatcat_client`. It includes entity model objects and functions to call all API endpoints; see `./README_client.md` for details. To re-generate swagger-codegen python client library (requires docker installed locally): ./codegen_python_client.sh ## Web Interface This project uses `pipenv` to manage dependencies, and assumes Python 3.5 (which pipenv may install if you are running a different local version; see notes in Pipfile). You can can install `pipenv` with `pip`. You may want to set the `PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT` environment variable on your development machine (see pipenv docs for details). To just run the web interface (which will try to connect to a back-end API server on the same machine by default), use: # will listen on http://localhost:9810 by default pipenv run fatcat_webface.py ## Running Tests Many (though not all) python tests depend on access to a local running API server (the `fatcatd` rust daemon, code in `../rust/`), which itself depends on a local PostgreSQL database server. Tests will fail if this endpoint isn't found. See the README there to get that set up first. The CI integration tests build and start this daemon automatically. To run the python tests (with `fatcatd` running locally on port 9411): pipenv install --dev pipenv run pytest To calculate code coverage (of python code): pipenv run pytest --cov --cov-report html To run 'lint' on the code base (note that this is pretty noisy and isn't enforced by CI yet): pipenv run pylint --disable bad-continuation,arguments-differ,unidiomatic-typecheck fatcat