# This file is *not* used as part of bundling or distributing the python client # library (fatcat-openapi-client). It *is* shared by the web interface (flask app), # workers, and import scripts. [[source]] url = "https://pypi.python.org/simple" verify_ssl = true name = "pypi" [dev-packages] pytest = ">=4,<5.0.0" pytest-pythonpath = "*" pytest-pylint = "*" ipython = "<7.0.0" responses = ">=0.10" pytest-cov = "*" pylint = "*" pg-view = "*" pytest-mock = "*" [packages] fatcat-openapi-client = {path = "./../python_openapi_client"} python-dotenv = "*" Flask = ">=1" flask-uuid = "*" flask-debugtoolbar = "*" flask-login = "*" flask-wtf = "*" Flask-Misaka = "*" flask-mwoauth = "*" WTForms = "*" loginpass = ">=0.4" requests = ">=2" raven = {extras = ['flask'],version = "*"} pykafka = ">=2" confluent-kafka = "*" python-dateutil = "*" sickle = "*" python-snappy = "*" pymacaroons = "*" ftfy = "*" citeproc-py = ">=0.4" citeproc-py-styles = ">=0.1" bs4 = "*" python-magic = "*" pylatexenc = "*" pygal = "*" elasticsearch-dsl = ">=6.0.0,<7.0.0" elasticsearch = ">=6.0.0,<7.0.0" langcodes = ">=1.4" dateparser = ">=0.7" langdetect = "*" [requires] # Python 3.5 is the bundled (system) version of python for Ubuntu 16.04 # (Xenial), currently the default on Internet Archive production VMs, as well # as Debian stable (stretch). Will probably bump to 3.6 in early 2019 when # updating both of these environments. python_version = "3.5"