see also: - - "publication status" instead of pre-print and manuscript types all CSL types (note: can also be null): - article - article-magazine - article-newspaper - article-journal - bill - book - broadcast - chapter - dataset - entry - entry-dictionary - entry-encyclopedia - figure - graphic - interview - legislation - legal_case - manuscript - map - motion_picture - musical_score - pamphlet - paper-conference - patent - post - post-weblog - personal_communication - report - review - review-book - song - speech - thesis - treaty - webpage basics: - article-journal - article-magazine - article-newspaper - book - chapter - dataset - manuscript - paper-conference - post-weblog - report - review - speech - thesis (aka, dissertation) - webpage additional fatcat types: - software ( - peer_review - standard (as in, RFC or ISO) "paper-like" (for various stats): - article-journal - chapter - paper-conference - thesis crossref work types ( - book => book - book-chapter => chapter - book-part => chapter - book-section => chapter - component => (or more specific) - dataset => dataset - dissertation => thesis - edited-book => book - journal-article => article-journal - monograph => monograph - other => - peer-review => peer_review (or blank) - posted-content => post (or more specific) - proceedings-article => paper-conference - reference-book => book - reference-entry => entry (or more specific) - report => report - standard => ??? crossref non-work types (don't need mappings; don't import? as containers? two-layers of containers?) - book-series - book-set - book-track - journal (definitely not release) - journal-issue - journal-volume - proceedings (definitely not release) - proceedings-series - report-series - standard-series