dublin core

entity specific:
- crossref / release
- orcid / creator
- issn / container

## Dublin Core (original/simple)

Usage guide: <>

Quick descriptions of the "original 15" fields: <>

## Citation Style Language

Human-readable specification: <>

Specifically, the "variables" and type definitions: <>

"extra" fields:
- medium (CD, DVD; from CSL)
- genre (Phd vs. masters thesis? from CSL)
- rights/license (for explicit OA)
- version (eg, for software, standards)
- url (eg, for blog posts and other web content; canonical only)

other things:
- align cite-items even closer with CSL? assuming this is what crossref is doing
- anything specially needed for a blog post? url (original/canonical)?
- press_release

more serious schema issues:
- add arxiv id (for easier aggressive import)
- two levels of container? something for both "series" and "specific year of
  conference". nested seems to get out of hand. for now, just a
  "series-container" string in extra?
- for chapter/book relations, a `part_of` field for release_rev to release_ident
- ok, now I understand the whole "date-parts" business. hrm, maybe need to have
  3 columns or use a string format