Short data exploration of what OA content is missing, and how it might be crawled. Starting with "front page" query: is_oa:true year:>1995 year:<=2021 (type:article-journal OR type:article OR type:paper-conference) !doi_prefix:10.5281 !doi_prefix:10.6084 doi_prefix:10.6084 is figshare doi_prefix:10.5281 is zenodo 14,658,673 66.56% preserved and publicly accessible (bright) 3,453,052 15.68% preserved but not publicly accessible (dark) 3,911,614 17.77% no known independent preservation 22,023,339 100% total Virtually all of the "dark" is also `in_shadows:true`. So the `preservation:none` is the high-impact target for crawling. Limiting to `publisher_type:big5`, almost zero `preservation:none`, and 1.34 million (41%) dark. ## Publisher Type Created a kibana graph of the above filters, graphing `publisher_type` ("Publisher Type breakdown of missing OA)": 1769k 54% longtail 852k 26% society 195k 6% unipress 130k 4% scielo 114k 3.5% then: repository, oa, commercial, big5 ## Containers !container_id:* preservation:none is_oa:true year:>1995 year:<=2021 (type:article-journal OR type:article OR type:paper-conference) !doi_prefix:10.5281 !doi_prefix:10.6084 1,993,639 missing preservation These are virtually all Datacite DOIs (not including figshare/zenodo), and start in 2008, ramping up. They are almost all missing `publisher_type` (which makes sense because they have no container). With the filters from above, here are some top containers missing content: Missing 1,993,639 e27twid5qnbqbboxlkrja2xz2a 12,537 "Proceedings of Indian National Science Academy" almost zero preservation. DOAJ website is 404 for article (!), no longer in DOAJ (!) some kind of bad metadata situation? almost all from 2015 fmoqnzpewvfrnm2ni4mbvvlney 9,350 "Chinese Medical Journal" PMIDs only missing/unpreserved is pre-2015 (significant!) 7l5xye7sc5emxfprwmqw2a7yxq 8,999 "Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening" (norwegian medical) bunch of PMIDs only; sporadic preservation coverage ujftxdg3knebxhrqg4qjznz2he 5,903 "International Research Journal" (russian) these are by-issue, with DOIs redirecting to pages inside issue (!) kfzef6kfwbhpnfw3cifit7zw7q 5,678 "lectures" hosted on openeditions HTML ingest would work (!) gr4g5qzzcnembf4om6yjb6qf34 5,020 "计算机科学" mostly via dblp. some DOIs, presumably chinese? bl77onlbbbhu5d6ohpjw2ypojy 4,994 "EOS" (from American Geophysical Union / AGU) large publication, mostly preserved (dark) mix of OA (but hard to crawl?) and web/HTML stuff 3afvqhtpnjd5nmiphwxlxzirde 4,877 "Medical Science Monitor" large publication, mixed preservation annoying PDF link situation (hard to crawl?) tulajqojzjabfc4iybyv6poi2e 4,786 "Dermatology Online Journal" large publication, mixed preservation some just pmid some HTML or ePub-only A take-away here for me is that containers are pretty heterogenous and have diverse issues. TODO: ingest things like: from container_tulajqojzjabfc4iybyv6poi2e ### / openedition Many of these seem like they would ingest fine via HTML. doi_prefix:10.4000 151,565 34.3% preserved and publicly accessible (bright) 7,211 1.64% preserved but not publicly accessible (dark) 283,139 64.08% no known independent preservation 441,915 100% total article-journal 230,146 63% preserved chapter 200,724 2% preserved book 10,971 12% preserved paper-conference 74 Chapters and books don't seem as amenable to ingest... and indeed are mostly not marked `is_oa:true`. DONE: bulk html-mode ingest, expecting about 80k requests: doi_prefix:10.4000 in_ia:false type:article-journal is_oa:true ./ --env prod --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts,, --kafka-request-topic sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk \ --ingest-type html \ query "doi_prefix:10.4000 in_ia:false type:article-journal is_oa:true" => Expecting 80032 release objects in search queries => Counter({'ingest_request': 80032, 'elasticsearch_release': 80032, 'estimate': 80032, 'kafka': 80032}) NOTE: have this be the default ingest type for this DOI prefix? not sure, some do come through as PDF just fine ## Source of Records Starting with the 3,844,142 or so `preservation:none`. doi 3.204m datacite 1.995m crossref 1.087m 109k jalc 12k doaj_id 553k pmid 192k dblp_id 29k arxiv_id, pmcid 0 I'm surprised how good dblp coverage is? Oh, but those are almost entirely missing OA status, that explains it. # NOTE: not specifically OA dblp_id:* year:>1995 year:<=2021 (type:article-journal OR type:article OR type:paper-conference) 406,235 22.54% preserved and publicly accessible (bright) 59,009 3.28% preserved but not publicly accessible (dark) 1,337,554 74.2% no known independent preservation 1,802,798 100% total Looks like doi and DOAJ are big sources. # NOTE: DOAJ implies OA, I checked and numbers are ~same doaj_id:* is_oa:true year:>1995 year:<=2021 (type:article-journal OR type:article OR type:paper-conference) 588,364 47.27% preserved and publicly accessible (bright) 103,206 8.3% preserved but not publicly accessible (dark) 553,353 44.45% no known independent preservation 1,244,923 100% total DOAJ ingest seems important to optimize! !publisher_type:big5 container_id:* doaj_id:* is_oa:true year:>1995 year:<=2021 (type:article-journal OR type:article OR type:paper-conference) => 548,709 missing preservation doaj_id:* => 589,915 missing preservation Datacite the biggest category though, even with zenodo/figshare removed. TODO: largest datacite DOI prefixes TODO: check sandcrawler DB to see DOAJ ingest status; maybe these are entirely missing URLs? or just not crawling well? TODO: dig in to "longtail" more... some random ones? ## Largest DOI Prefixes 640,104 10.48550 1,543,167 the new prefix 10.4000 68,267 revues / openedition (handled above) 10.25384 60,063 figshare / SAGE 10.3917 52,195 10.25673 41,565 some random IR? TODO: ingest this type of item, possibly using dataset->file crawler 10.3406 33,778 blocks bots (don't attempt ingest) 10.3205 33,540 "german medical science" HTML articles, PDF links TODO: fix ingest 10.17605 30,365 TODO: fix ingest (?) 10.25446 26,614 figshare / oxford "File(s) not publicly available" but "CC BY 4.0"? ugh TODO: HTML crawl (10.3917) TODO: ignore 10.25384, 10.25446 (figshare) TODO: ignore prefix (10.48550) in default dashboard TODO: handle DOIs better (merge, count as preserved, etc)