## Artificial Containers biorxiv medrxiv doi_prefix:10.1101 publisher:"Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory" -> article-journal? article? should match "paper" filter -> status: draft? submitted? -> there is some flag in crossref metadata... arxiv -> article-journal? -> set container_name? protocols.io doi_prefix:10.17504/protocols.io. container_name:protocols.io 10.25384/sage. -> sage.figshare.com -> at least set container_name figshare doi_prefix:10.6084 -> at least set container_name zenodo -> at least set container_name Maybe? Later? PsycEXTRA container_name:"PsycEXTRA Dataset" doi_prefix:10.1037 crossref => 300k+ releases => subtitle is 'number' (like "(577982012-038)") => dataset => publication status unknown f1000 reviews container_name:"F1000 - Post-publication peer review of the biomedical literature" title:"Faculty of 1000 evaluation for "[...] doi_prefix:10.3410/ crossref => 222k releases => type -> peer-review (?) IUPAC Standards Online GBIF doi_prefix: 10.15468/dl. => 838k releases ================== later fatcat: - pmid+crossref pre-prints https://fatcat.wiki/release/d4lrxugtqbapxgi4jrrlmzjily - zenodo: handle "repost from another ISSN" case (drop issn/container_id) - doi_prefix:10.18720 no container metadata; should be thesis type? - research square (10.21203) metadata (journal articles, pre-print or published?) - journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de metadata is poor? no journal link - try_work_lookup() -> part of try update? => zenodo "isidentical" => zenodo "isversionof" => figshare "isversionof" => later, try_work_fuzzy() - biorxiv, medrxiv container name (and/or `container_id`?) => and "article" not "post" - datacite container:"microPublication Biology" -> micropub type? - ES container index: `publisher_type` (?) - arxiv: remove release_type="report" logic - arxiv: don't include DOI, just merge under work - datacite release_type: resourceType=SaComponent -> 'component' https://api.datacite.org/dois/10.1371/journal.pbio.0020429.g004 - datacite title `{:unav}` (PLOS) https://fatcat.wiki/release/search?q=doi_prefix%3A10.1371+unav