First ran in QA, then prod run below. Note that no SQL snapshot was taken just before this upgrade. ## QA Date: 2021-11-22 (Pacific) Testing database migration to v0.5.0 in QA. Commands and timing: git checkout bnewbold-content-scope git log | head -n1 # commit dd00cec4164c1a1c31c8d9cffb92deb2e30b2211 # as fatcat, in rust directory time diesel migration run # Running migration 2021-11-17-222046_content_scope # real 1m45.095s # user 0m0.023s # sys 0m0.008s Hrm, seems like the `ALTER TABLE` resulted in full table scans, which is unexpected but not too bad. time cargo build --release # Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 4m 44s # real 4m45.105s # user 35m35.911s # sys 0m57.502s time pipenv install --dev --deploy # real 0m31.618s # user 0m26.830s # sys 0m3.873s Did a test edit to add `content_scope` on a file entity, using web TOML form, and it worked. Ready for prod! ## Prod Prep steps: - merge branch to master - tag (signed) Primary Deployment Steps: - halt all workers on prod1 - git pull - run diesel SQL migration: time diesel migration run - cargo build: time cargo build --release - restart fatcat-api - pipenv update: time pipenv install --dev --deploy - restart fatcat-web - restart all workers on prod1 - deploy to misc-vm, fatcat-prod2-vm, scholar2-vm Commands: git log | head -n1 # commit a1f8783c7774be7523f7a0207050e09bf5cdb12b time diesel migration run # real 1m52.029s # user 0m0.041s # sys 0m0.020s time cargo build --release # real 3m19.235s # user 8m49.656s # sys 0m10.654s time pipenv install --dev --deploy # real 0m13.378s # user 1m44.558s # sys 0m16.582s Done, re-deployed elsewhere, and checked status.