## Database Schema / ORM / Generation - pq: basic postgres driver and ORM (similar to sqlalchemy?) - sqlx: small extensions to builtin sql; row to struct mapping code generation from SQL schema: - https://github.com/xo/xo - https://github.com/volatiletech/sqlboiler - kallax database migrations: - goose - https://github.com/mattes/migrate maybe also: - https://github.com/oklog/ulid like a UUID, but base32 and "sortable" (timestamp + random) for auth, start with oauth2... orcid? debug postgres with gocmdpev ## OpenAPI/Swagger go-swagger (OpenAPI 2.0): - generate initial API server skeleton from a yaml definition - export updated yaml from code after changes - web UI for documentation - templating/references - auto-generate client (in golang) also look at ReDoc as a UI; all in-brower generated from JSON (react) ## Non-API stuff - logrus structured logging (or zap?) - testify tests - viper config