About 155 million DOIs total Crossref => ~100 million total, ~80 million papers Datacite => ~13 million total (or was is 8mil?) ISTIC => 27 million journal DOIs (29 million total) CNKI => 11 million? => "China Academic Journals Full-text Database" => 11146 titles, 64222243 articles KISTI => http://www.doi.or.kr/wordpress/ => http://www.doi.or.kr/wordpress/oai-pmh/ (requires registration) => 7 million? JaLC (Japan Link Center) => ~6.6 million => started 2012 ### Other Random Stuff Open Access Korea http://central.oak.go.kr/ "OAK Central is a full-text XML service based on Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) for domestic OA scholarly papers." 10k articles http://koreascience.or.kr/MainPage.jsp hundreds of thousands of records? maybe fulltext links? Korean Journal Publishing Service http://kpubs.org/index.kpubs some 88k articles