Entity list: work release creator container file ## Cookbook To create a new work: login/create account match/lookup on first work; check if update actually needed ? match/lookup on files new edit group (under account; wip) new edit (under group) match/lookup on all creators match/lookup on all refs TODO: match/lookup on files? match/lookup container new work_rev (linked to edit) new work_ident (linked to rev; not-live) contributor stubs/links new release_rev (linked to work_ident) new release_ident (linked to rev; not-live) contributor stubs/links ref stubs/links new file_rev new file_ident set edit group state to "review" set edit group state to "accepted" set all ident flags to "live" To edit, eg, a contributor: new edit group (under account; wip) new edit (under group) create contributor_rev row (and relationship rows) set edit group state to "review" set edit group state to "accepted" point ident row to new rev Accept edit group: for each entity type: for each edit: update entity ident state (activate, redirect, delete) append log/changelog row update edit group state Bulk/Fase Import Crossref: lookup work by identifier; if exists done lookup journals by ISSN lookup authors by ORCID create new work => stub container and authors if we can't find them create new release submit edit group Import Journals (same for authors): lookup journal by ISSN create new container submit edit group ## Entity Schema Each entity type has tables: _rev core representation of a version of the entity _ident persistant, external identifier allows merging, unmerging, stable cross-entity references _edit represents change metadata for a single change to one ident needed because an edit alwasy changes ident, but might not change rev _log (NOT IMPLEMENTED) history of when edits were actually applied allows fast lookups of history of an entity (ident) unnecessary if we keep a log of edit group accepts? punt on this for now ## Entity States wip (not live; not redirect; has rev) activate active (live; not redirect; has rev) redirect delete redirect (live; redirect; rev or not) split delete deleted (live; not redirect; no rev) redirect activate "wip redirect" or "wip deleted" are invalid states ## Entity Endpoints/Actions Actions could, in theory, be directed at any of: entities (ident) revision edit A design decision to be made is how much to abstract away the distinction between these three types (particularly the identifier/revision distinction). Top-level entity actions (resulting in edits): create (new rev) redirect split update (new rev) delete On existing entity edits (within a group): update delete An edit group as a whole can be: create submit accept Other per-entity endpoints: match (by field/context) lookup (by external persistent identifier)