At some point, using the arabesque importer (from targetted crawling), we accidentially imported a bunch of files with wayback URLs that have 12-digit timestamps, instead of the full canonical 14-digit timestamps. ## Prep (2021-11-04) Download most recent file export: wget Filter to files with problem of interest: zcat file_export.json.gz \ | pv -l \ | rg '\d{12}/' \ | gzip \ > files_20211007_shortts.json.gz # 111M 0:12:35 zcat files_20211007_shortts.json.gz | wc -l # 7,935,009 zcat files_20211007_shortts.json.gz | shuf -n10000 > files_20211007_shortts.10k_sample.json Wow, this is a lot more than I thought! There might also be some other short URL patterns, check for those: zcat file_export.json.gz \ | pv -l \ | rg '\d{1,11}/' \ | gzip \ > files_20211007_veryshortts.json.gz # skipped, mergine with below zcat file_export.json.gz \ | rg '' \ | pv -l \ > /dev/null # 0.00 0:10:06 [0.00 /s] # whew, that pattern has been fixed it seems zcat file_export.json.gz | rg '/None/' | pv -l > /dev/null # 2.00 0:10:01 [3.33m/s] zcat file_export.json.gz \ | rg '\d{13}/' \ | pv -l \ > /dev/null # 0.00 0:10:09 [0.00 /s] Yes, 4-digit is a popular pattern as well, need to handle those: zcat file_export.json.gz \ | pv -l \ | rg '\d{4,12}/' \ | gzip \ > files_20211007_moreshortts.json.gz # 111M 0:13:22 [ 139k/s] zcat files_20211007_moreshortts.json.gz | wc -l zcat files_20211007_moreshortts.json.gz | shuf -n10000 > files_20211007_moreshortts.10k_sample.json # 9,958,854 ## Fetch Complete URL Want to export JSON like: file_entity [existing file entity] full_urls[]: list of Dicts[str,str] : status: str Status one of: - 'success-self': the file already has a fixed URL internally - 'success-db': lookup URL against sandcrawler-db succeeded, and SHA1 matched - 'success-cdx': CDX API lookup succeeded, and SHA1 matched - 'fail-not-found': no matching CDX record found Ran over a sample: cat files_20211007_shortts.10k_sample.json | ./ > sample_out.json cat sample_out.json | jq .status | sort | uniq -c 5 "fail-not-found" 576 "success-api" 7212 "success-db" 2207 "success-self" head -n1000 | ./ > sample_out.json zcat files_20211007_veryshortts.json.gz | head -n1000 | ./ | jq .status | sort | uniq -c 2 "fail-not-found" 168 "success-api" 208 "success-db" 622 "success-self" Investigating the "fail-not-found", they look like http/https URL not-exact-matches. Going to put off handling these for now because it is a small fraction and more delicate. Again with the broader set: cat files_20211007_moreshortts.10k_sample.json | ./ > sample_out.json cat sample_out.json | jq .status | sort | uniq -c 9 "fail-not-found" 781 "success-api" 6175 "success-db" 3035 "success-self" ## Cleanup Process Other possible cleanups to run at the same time, which would not require external requests or other context: - URL has :// link with rel=repository => rel=archive - mimetype is bogus => clean mimetype - bogus file => set some new extra field, like scope=stub or scope=partial (?) It looks like the rel swap is already implemented in `generic_file_cleanups()`. From sampling it seems like the mimetype issue is pretty small, so not going to bite that off now. The "bogus file" issue requires thought, so also skipping. ## Commands Running with 8x parallelism to not break things; expecting some errors along the way, may need to add handlers for connection errors etc: zcat files_20211007_moreshortts.json.gz \ | parallel -j8 --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe ./ \ | pv -l \ | gzip \ > files_20211007_moreshortts.fetched.json.gz At 300 records/sec, this should take around 9-10 hours to process.