Relevant github issue:

## Investigate

At least some of these DOIs actually seem valid, like
`10.1026//1616-1041.3.2.86`. So shouldn't be re-writing them!

    zcat release_extid.tsv.gz \
        | cut -f1,3 \
        | rg '\t10\.\d+//' \
        | wc -l
    # 59,904

    zcat release_extid.tsv.gz \
        | cut -f1,3 \
        | rg '\t10\.\d+//' \
        | pv -l \
        > doubleslash_dois.tsv

Which prefixes have the most double slashes?

    cat doubleslash_dois.tsv | cut -f2 | cut -d/ -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head
      51220 10.1037
       2187 10.1026
       1316 10.1024
        826 10.1027
        823 10.14505
        443 10.17010
        186 10.46925
        163 10.37473
        122 10.18376
        118 10.29392

All of the 10.1037 DOIs seem to be registered with Crossref, and at least some
have redirects to the not-with-double-slash versions. Not all lookups
include a redirect.

I think the "correct thing to do" here is to add special-case handling for the
pubmed and crossref importers, and in any other case allow double slashes.

Not clear that there are any specific cleanups to be done for now. A broader
"verify that DOIs are actually valid" push and cleanup would make sense; if
that happens checking for mangled double-slash DOIs would make sense.