The QA import is running really slow; this is a parallel attempt in case things are faster on the fatcat-prod2-vm machine, with 50 batch size and bezerk mode. ## Service up/down sudo service fatcat-web stop sudo service fatcat-api stop # shutdown all the import/export/etc # delete any snapshots and /tmp/fatcat* sudo rm /srv/fatcat/snapshots/* sudo rm /tmp/fatcat_* # git pull # ansible playbook push # re-build fatcat-api to ensure that worked sudo service fatcat-web stop sudo service fatcat-api stop # as postgres user: DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres@/fatcat_prod /opt/cargo/bin/diesel database reset sudo service postgresql restart http delete :9200/fatcat_release http delete :9200/fatcat_container http delete :9200/fatcat_changelog http put :9200/fatcat_release < release_schema.json http put :9200/fatcat_container < container_schema.json http put :9200/fatcat_changelog < changelog_schema.json sudo service elasticsearch stop sudo service kibana stop sudo service fatcat-api start # ensure rust/.env -> /srv/fatcat/config/fatcat_api.env wget # if necessary: # ALTER USER fatcat WITH SUPERUSER; # ALTER USER fatcat WITH PASSWORD '...'; # create new auth keys via bootstrap (edit debug -> release first) # update config/env/ansible/etc with new tokens # delete existing entities # run the imports! # after running below imports sudo service fatcat-web start sudo service elasticsearch start sudo service kibana start ## Import commands rust version (as webcrawl): 1fe371288daf417cdf44b94e372b485426b47134 git commit: 1.32.0 export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 export FATCAT_AUTH_WORKER_JOURNAL_METADATA="..." time ./ journal-metadata /srv/fatcat/datasets/journal_metadata.2019-01-25.json Counter({'total': 107869, 'insert': 107823, 'skip': 46, 'update': 0, 'exists': 0}) real 6m2.287s user 2m4.612s sys 0m5.664s export FATCAT_AUTH_WORKER_ORCID="..." time parallel --bar --pipepart -j8 -a /srv/fatcat/datasets/public_profiles_1_2_json.all.json ./ orcid - 98% 79:1=22s Counter({'total': 48097, 'insert': 47908, 'skip': 189, 'exists': 0, 'update': 0}) 100% 80:0=0s real 33m9.211s user 93m33.040s sys 5m32.176s export FATCAT_AUTH_WORKER_CROSSREF="..." time xzcat /srv/fatcat/datasets/crossref-works.2018-09-05.json.xz --verbose | time parallel -j20 --round-robin --pipe ./ crossref - /srv/fatcat/datasets/20181203.ISSN-to-ISSN-L.txt --extid-map-file /srv/fatcat/datasets/release_ids.ia_munge_20180908.sqlite3 --bezerk-mode seems to be maintaining 9.1 MiB/sec and estimates 15 hours. 200 M/sec disk write. we'll see! 100 % 33.2 GiB / 331.9 GiB = 0.100 3.6 MiB/s 26:16:57 Counter({'total': 5001477, 'insert': 4784708, 'skip': 216769, 'update': 0, 'exists': 0}) 395971.48user 8101.15system 26:17:07elapsed 427%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 431560maxresident)k 232972688inputs+477055792outputs (334645major+39067735minor)pagefaults 0swaps real 1577m7.908s user 6681m58.948s sys 141m25.560s export FATCAT_AUTH_SANDCRAWLER="..." export FATCAT_API_AUTH_TOKEN=$FATCAT_AUTH_SANDCRAWLER time zcat /srv/fatcat/datasets/ia_papers_manifest_2018-01-25.matched.json.gz | pv -l | time parallel -j12 --round-robin --pipe ./ --batch-size 50 matched - --bezerk-mode (accidentally lost, but took about 3 hours) time zcat /srv/fatcat/datasets/2018-12-18-2237.09-matchcrossref.insertable.json.gz | pv -l | time parallel -j12 --round-robin --pipe ./ --batch-size 50 matched - Counter({'total': 827944, 'insert': 555359, 'exists': 261441, 'update': 11129, 'skip': 15}) 32115.82user 1370.12system 4:30:25elapsed 206%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 37312maxresident)k 28200inputs+3767112outputs (108major+471069minor)pagefaults 0swaps real 270m25.288s user 535m52.908s sys 22m56.328s time zcat /srv/fatcat/datasets/2018-09-23-0405.30-dumpgrobidmetainsertable.longtail_join.filtered.tsv.gz | pv -l | time parallel -j12 --round-robin --pipe ./ --batch-size 50 grobid-metadata - --longtail-oa ## Bugs encountered - empty AUTH_ALT_KEYS should just be ignored (not try to parse) Missing DOIs (out of scope?): DOI not found: 10.1023/a:1009888907797 DOI not found: 10.1186/1471-2148-4-49 DOI not found: 10.1023/a:1026471016927 DOI not found: 10.1090/s0002-9939-04-07569-0 DOI not found: 10.1186/1742-4682-1-11 DOI not found: 10.1186/1477-3163-2-5 DOI not found: 10.1186/gb-2003-4-4-210 DOI not found: 10.1186/gb-2004-5-9-r63 DOI not found: 10.13188/2330-2178.1000008 DOI not found: 10.4135/9781473960749 DOI not found: 10.1252/kakoronbunshu1953.36.479 DOI not found: 10.2320/materia.42.461 DOI not found: 10.1186/1742-4933-3-3 DOI not found: 10.14257/ijsh DOI not found: 10.1023/a:1016008714781 DOI not found: 10.1023/a:1016648722322 DOI not found: 10.1787/5k990rjhvtlv-en DOI not found: 10.4064/fm DOI not found: 10.1090/s0002-9947-98-01992-8 DOI not found: 10.1186/1475-925x-2-16 DOI not found: 10.1186/1479-5868-3-9 DOI not found: 10.1090/s0002-9939-03-07205-8 DOI not found: 10.1023/a:1008111923880 DOI not found: 10.1090/s0002-9939-98-04322-6 DOI not found: 10.1186/gb-2005-6-11-r93 DOI not found: 10.5632/jila1925.2.236 DOI not found: 10.1023/a:1011359428672 DOI not found: 10.1090/s0002-9947-97-01844-8 DOI not found: 10.1155/4817 DOI not found: 10.1186/1472-6807-1-5 DOI not found: 10.1002/(issn)1542-0981 DOI not found: 10.1186/rr115