# Fileset Entity Reference ## Fields Warning: This schema is not yet stable. - `manifest` (array of objects): each entry represents a file - `path` (string, required): relative path to file (including filename) - `size` (integer, required): in bytes - `md5` (string): MD5 hash in lower-case hex - `sha1` (string): SHA-1 hash in lower-case hex - `sha256` (string): SHA-256 hash in lower-case hex - `extra` (object): any extra metadata about this specific file - `urls`: An array of "typed" URLs. Order is not meaningful, and may not be preserved. - `url` (string, required): Eg: "https://example.edu/~frau/prcding.pdf". - `rel` (string, required): Eg: "webarchive". - `release_ids` (array of string identifiers): references to `release` entities