This folder contains source for the fatcat API daemon ("fatcatd"), written in golang. ## Structure fatcatd is essentially just glue between two declarative schemas: - a postgres-flavor SQL database schema - an OpenAPI/Swagger REST API definition ## Dev Setup - postgres 9.6+ running locally - golang environment configured - - checkout (or symlink) this repo to $GOPATH/src/ - dep ensure On debian/ubuntu: sudo -u postgres createuser -s `whoami` createdb -O `whoami` fatcat psql fatcat -f fatcat-schema.sql ## Simplifications In early development, we'll make at least the following simplifications: - authentication (authn and authz) are not enforced and don't have user interfaces. actual authentication will be eased in via a microservice and/or oauth to gitlab/github/ - "extra" metadata is stored in-entity as JSONB. In the future this might be broken out to a separate table - libraries won't be vendored; in the future they will be via a git submodule ## OpenAPI Code Generation Install the go-swagger tool: go get -u swagger generate server -A Fatcat -f fatcat-openapi2.yml