#!/bin/bash DATABASE_URL="${DATABASE_URL:-fatcat}" OUTPUT_DIR="${1:-.}" set -e -u -o pipefail # This script needs to be run from the directory with the 'dump_idents.sql' # script in it. # The DATABASE_URL env variable is optional, defaults to 'fatcat' (meaning, # local postgres, database named 'fatcat') # An optional argument is a path to a directory to save output. DATESLUG="`date +%Y-%m-%d.%H%M%S`" echo "Will move output to '${OUTPUT_DIR}'" echo "Running SQL (from '${DATABASE_URL}')..." psql $DATABASE_URL < ./dump_idents.sql CHANGELOG_REV="`head -n1 /tmp/fatcat_ident_latest_changelog.tsv`" OUTFILE="${OUTPUT_DIR}/fatcat_idents.$DATESLUG.r$CHANGELOG_REV.tar.gz" echo "Compressing..." tar -C /tmp -c --verbose \ --use-compress-program=pigz \ -f $OUTFILE \ fatcat_ident_latest_changelog.tsv \ fatcat_ident_containers.tsv \ fatcat_ident_creators.tsv \ fatcat_ident_files.tsv \ fatcat_ident_filesets.tsv \ fatcat_ident_webcaptures.tsv \ fatcat_ident_releases.tsv \ fatcat_ident_works.tsv echo "Done: $OUTFILE"