## HOWTO: Ident Table Snapshots How to take a consistent (single transaction) snapshot of This will take somewhere around 15-25 GB of disk space on the database server (under /tmp). It would probably be better to stream this transaction over a network connection (saving database disk I/O), but I can't figure out how to do that with plain SQL (multiple table dumps in a single session), so would need to be a custom client. ./ident_table_snapshot.sh ## HOWTO: Dump abstracts, release identifiers, file hashes, etc These are run as regular old commands, and can run across the network in a couple different ways. We might not want database ports open to the network (even cluster/VPN); on the other hand we could proabably do SSH port forwarding anyways. # Locally, or client running on a remote machine psql fatcat < dump_abstracts.sql | egrep -v ^BEGIN$ | egrep -v ^ROLLBACK$ | pv -l | gzip > abstracts.json.gz # Run on database server, write to file on remote host psql fatcat < dump_abstracts.sql | egrep -v ^BEGIN$ | egrep -v ^ROLLBACK$ | pv -l | gzip | ssh user@host 'cat > abstracts.json.gz'