BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE READ ONLY DEFERRABLE; COPY (SELECT id, rev_id, redirect_id FROM creator_ident WHERE is_live=true) TO '/tmp/fatcat_ident_creators.tsv'; COPY (SELECT id, rev_id, redirect_id FROM container_ident WHERE is_live=true) TO '/tmp/fatcat_ident_containers.tsv'; COPY (SELECT id, rev_id, redirect_id FROM file_ident WHERE is_live=true) TO '/tmp/fatcat_ident_files.tsv'; COPY (SELECT id, rev_id, redirect_id FROM release_ident WHERE is_live=true) TO '/tmp/fatcat_ident_releases.tsv'; COPY (SELECT id, rev_id, redirect_id FROM work_ident WHERE is_live=true) TO '/tmp/fatcat_ident_works.tsv'; COPY (SELECT row_to_json(abstracts) FROM abstracts) TO '/tmp/fatcat_abstracts.json'; ROLLBACK;