# Elasticsearch Schemas and Pipeline Docs Eventually, we might end up with schemas for multiple entity types, and in particular glom/merge releases under their work, but for now we just have a release-oriented schema that pulls in collection and files metadata. Elasticsearch has at least two uses: user-facing search for entities, and exploring aggregate numbes. The schema tries to stay close to the release entity type, but adds some extra aggregated fields and flags. The simple batch update pipeline currently in use is to: - make a fresh "expanded" release entity dump (JSON) - transform using `parallel` and a python script - bulk import into elastic using `esbulk` In the future, it would be nice to have a script that "tails" the changelog for edits and updates just those entities in the database. This is somewhat non-trivial because the "expand" data requires more sophisticated cache invalidation (entity updates), particularly in the case where an inter-entity relation is *removed*. For example, if a file match against a given release is removed, the old release elastic object needs to be updated to remove the file from it's `files`. ## Loading Data Drop and rebuild the schema: http delete :9200/fatcat http put :9200/fatcat < release_schema.json Put a single object (good for debugging): head -n1 examples.json | http post :9200/fatcat/release/0 http get :9200/fatcat/release/0 Bulk insert from a file on disk: esbulk -verbose -id ident -index fatcat -type release examples.json Or, in a bulk production live-stream conversion: export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 time zcat /srv/fatcat/snapshots/fatcat_release_dump_expanded.json.gz | ./transform_release.py | esbulk -verbose -size 20000 -id ident -w 8 -index fatcat -type release # 2018/09/24 21:42:26 53028167 docs in 1h0m56.853006293s at 14501.039 docs/s with 8 workers ## Full-Text Querying A generic full-text "query string" query look like this (replace "blood" with actual query string, and "size" field with the max results to return): GET /fatcat/release/_search { "query": { "query_string": { "query": "blood", "analyzer": "textIcuSearch", "default_operator": "AND", "analyze_wildcard": true, "lenient": true, "fields": ["title^5", "contrib_names^2", "container_title"] } }, "size": 3 } In the results take `.hits.hits[]._source` as the objects; `.hits.total` is the total number of search hits. ## TODO - file URL domains? seems heavy