#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Helpers to create Web Capture entities from extracted wayback content. Works as a stand-alone script (for debugging) or as library routines. """ import sys import json import base64 import hashlib import requests import datetime import argparse from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from fatcat_client import * CDX_API_BASE = "https://web.archive.org/cdx/search/cdx" GWB_URL_BASE = "https://web.archive.org/web" REQ_SESSION = requests.Session() def b32_hex(s): """copy/pasta from elsewhere""" s = s.strip().split()[0].lower() if s.startswith("sha1:"): s = s[5:] if len(s) != 32: return s return base64.b16encode(base64.b32decode(s.upper())).lower().decode('utf-8') def parse_wbm_url(url): """Takes a wayback machine URL, and returns a tuple: (timestamp, datetime, original_url) """ chunks = url.split('/') assert len(chunks) >= 6 assert chunks[2] == 'web.archive.org' assert chunks[3] == 'web' return (chunks[4], parse_wbm_timestamp(chunks[4]), '/'.join(chunks[5:])) def test_parse_wbm_url(): u = "http://web.archive.org/web/20010712114837/http://www.dlib.org/dlib/june01/reich/06reich.html" assert parse_wbm_url(u) == ( "20010712114837", datetime.datetime(2001, 7, 12, 11, 48, 37), "http://www.dlib.org/dlib/june01/reich/06reich.html") def parse_wbm_timestamp(timestamp): """ Takes a complete WBM timestamp string (like "20020327115625") and returns a python datetime object (UTC) """ # strip any "im_" or "id_" suffix if timestamp.endswith('_'): timestamp = timestamp[:-3] # inflexible; require the full second-precision timestamp assert len(timestamp) == 14 return datetime.datetime( year=int(timestamp[0:4]), month=int(timestamp[4:6]), day=int(timestamp[6:8]), hour=int(timestamp[8:10]), minute=int(timestamp[10:12]), second=int(timestamp[12:14])) def test_parse_wbm_timestamp(): assert parse_wbm_timestamp("20010712114837") == \ datetime.datetime(2001, 7, 12, 11, 48, 37) def fetch_wbm(url): resp = REQ_SESSION.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() assert resp.content return resp.content def lookup_cdx(embed_url, verify_hashes=True, cdx_output=None): assert embed_url.startswith('/web/') embed_url = embed_url.split('/') timestamp = embed_url[2] if timestamp.endswith('_'): timestamp = timestamp[:-3] url = '/'.join(embed_url[3:]) #print((timestamp, url)) resp = REQ_SESSION.get(CDX_API_BASE, params=dict( url=url, closest=timestamp, sort="closest", resolveRevisits="true", matchType="exact", limit=1, )) resp.raise_for_status() #print(resp.url) if resp.content: hit = resp.content.decode('utf-8').split('\n')[0] if cdx_output: cdx_output.write(hit + "\n") cdx = hit.split(' ') cdx = [x if (x and x != '-') else None for x in cdx] webcapture_cdx = WebcaptureEntityCdx( surt=cdx[0], timestamp=parse_wbm_timestamp(cdx[1]), url=cdx[2], mimetype=cdx[3], status_code=(cdx[4] and int(cdx[4])) or None, sha1=b32_hex(cdx[5]), sha256=None, ) if verify_hashes: resp = REQ_SESSION.get(GWB_URL_BASE + "/{}id_/{}".format( cdx[1], # raw timestamp webcapture_cdx.url)) resp.raise_for_status() assert webcapture_cdx.sha1 == hashlib.sha1(resp.content).digest().hex() webcapture_cdx.sha256 = hashlib.sha256(resp.content).digest().hex() return webcapture_cdx else: return None def extract_embeds(soup): embeds = set() # for tag in soup.find_all('link', href=True): if tag['href'].startswith('/web/'): embeds.add(tag['href']) # for tag in soup.find_all('img', src=True): if tag['src'].startswith('/web/'): embeds.add(tag['src']) #