Some institutional repositories register DOIs for pre-prints with the metadata for the version of record included, including an ISSN number. This results in the release entities getting the `container_id` of the actual journal, and show up in preservation dashboards, etc. ## Columbia University Here is an example search query, showing two works, both marked today as "PLoS Medicine": Some count queries: fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.7916 doi_registrar:datacite 'container_id:*' release_stage:published --count # 10870 fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.7916 doi_registrar:datacite 'container_id:*' release_stage:published --entity-json -n0 \ | rg '"Columbia University"' \ | rg '"IsVariantFormOf"' \ | pv -l \ > /dev/null # 10.7k 0:09:39 So, most of these. Let's update these to `release_stage=submitted` and `container_id=`. export FATCAT_AUTH_WORKER_CLEANUP=[...] export FATCAT_API_AUTH_TOKEN=$FATCAT_AUTH_WORKER_CLEANUP # start small fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.7916 doi_registrar:datacite 'container_id:*' release_stage:published --entity-json --limit 50 \ | jq 'select(.container_id != null)' -c \ | rg '"Columbia University"' \ | rg '"IsVariantFormOf"' \ | pv -l \ | fatcat-cli batch update release release_stage=submitted container_id= --description "Remove container linkage for Columbia University repository deposits" # editgroup_grxwpieqvvenxfaxwojnud4lla # full auto fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.7916 doi_registrar:datacite 'container_id:*' release_stage:published --entity-json --limit 11000 \ | jq 'select(.container_id != null)' -c \ | rg '"Columbia University"' \ | rg '"IsVariantFormOf"' \ | pv -l \ | fatcat-cli batch update release release_stage=submitted container_id= --description "Remove container linkage for Columbia University repository deposits" --auto-accept Also created a patch for fatcat datacite importer to not link these in the future. ## "RWTH Publications" doi_prefix:10.18154 fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.18154 'container_id:*' --count # 11364 fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.18154 'container_id:*' doi_registrar:datacite --count # 11364 fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.18154 'container_id:*' doi_registrar:datacite affiliation:RWTH --count # 6257 fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.18154 'container_id:*' doi_registrar:datacite --entity-json -n0 \ | rg 'RWTH' \ | rg '10.18154/rwth-' \ | rg '"IsVariantFormOf"' \ | pv -l \ > /dev/null # many/all? at least 5k, cut off there Ok, do updates: # start small fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.18154 'container_id:*' doi_registrar:datacite affiliation:RWTH --entity-json -n50 \ | jq 'select(.container_id != null)' -c \ | rg 'RWTH' \ | rg '10.18154/rwth-' \ | rg '"IsVariantFormOf"' \ | fatcat-cli batch update release container_id= --description "Remove container linkage for RWTH repository deposits" # Got 6257 hits in 1087ms # editgroup_cb2vdn7npfg63muppawbhzrhjq # do the rest fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.18154 'container_id:*' doi_registrar:datacite affiliation:RWTH --entity-json -n12000 \ | jq 'select(.container_id != null)' -c \ | rg 'RWTH' \ | rg '10.18154/rwth-' \ | rg '"IsVariantFormOf"' \ | pv -l \ | fatcat-cli batch update release container_id= --description "Remove container linkage for RWTH repository deposits" --auto-accept # Got 6207 hits in 696ms # 6.00k 0:16:37 [6.01 /s] After that process, there were still many mis-matched DOIs, so relaxing constraints. This repository *does* contain a bunch of publications from RWTH itself (books, conference series, etc), so don't want to update everything. fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.18154 'container_id:*' doi_registrar:datacite '!journal:RWTH' '!container_id:m2cho7mmmbgxzdpfz7cmjgegbu' --count # 3946 fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.18154 'container_id:*' doi_registrar:datacite '!journal:RWTH' '!container_id:m2cho7mmmbgxzdpfz7cmjgegbu' --entity-json -n6000 \ | jq 'select(.container_id != null)' -c \ | rg 'RWTH' \ | rg '10.18154/rwth-20' \ | rg '"IsVariantFormOf"' \ | pv -l \ | fatcat-cli batch update release container_id= --description "Remove container linkage for RWTH repository deposits" --auto-accept # Got 3946 hits in 77ms Specifically, some more PLOS ones: fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.18154 'container_id:*' doi_registrar:datacite '!journal:RWTH' '!container_id:m2cho7mmmbgxzdpfz7cmjgegbu' journal:plos --count # 338 fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.18154 'container_id:*' doi_registrar:datacite '!journal:RWTH' '!container_id:m2cho7mmmbgxzdpfz7cmjgegbu' 'journal:plos' --entity-json -n500 \ | jq 'select(.container_id != null)' -c \ | rg '10.18154/rwth-' \ | pv -l \ | fatcat-cli batch update release container_id= --description "Remove container linkage for RWTH repository deposits" --auto-accept # Got 338 hits in 33ms ## DESY Pre-Print Server (PUBDB) fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.3204 'container_id:*' doi_registrar:datacite publisher:DESY --count # 313 fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.3204 'container_id:*' doi_registrar:datacite --count # 6679 fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.3204 'container_id:*' doi_registrar:datacite --entity-json -n7000 \ | jq 'select(.container_id != null)' -c \ | rg '10.3204/(pubdb|phppubdb)-' \ | rg '"IsVariantFormOf"' \ | pv -l \ > /dev/null # at least hundreds # start small fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.3204 'container_id:*' doi_registrar:datacite --entity-json -n50 \ | jq 'select(.container_id != null)' -c \ | rg '10.3204/(pubdb|phppubdb)-' \ | rg '"IsVariantFormOf"' \ | fatcat-cli batch update release container_id= --description "Remove container linkage for DESY repository deposits" # Got 6679 hits in 368ms # editgroup_vhcxvqjyinhxfplkoqjtprnxj4 fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.3204 'container_id:*' doi_registrar:datacite --entity-json -n7000 \ | jq 'select(.container_id != null)' -c \ | rg '10.3204/(pubdb|phppubdb)-' \ | rg '"IsVariantFormOf"' \ | fatcat-cli batch update release container_id= --description "Remove container linkage for DESY repository deposits" --auto-accept ## Kluedo: Publication Server of University of Kaiserslautern doi:10.26204/kluedo/6163 fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.26204 'container_id:*' --count # 7 Whew, an easy one! fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.26204 'container_id:*' --entity-json -n50 \ | jq 'select(.container_id != null)' -c \ | rg '10.26204/kluedo/' \ | fatcat-cli batch update release release_stage=submitted container_id= --description "Remove container linkage for 'Kluedo' repository deposits" # Got 7 hits in 20ms # editgroup_tmyyg4yl7vbg7mveyfcdxhptfu ## Universitat Bayreuth doi:10.15495/epub_ubt_00005577 fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.15495 'container_id:*' --count # 554 Great, also not very large. # start small fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.15495 'container_id:*' --entity-json -n50 \ | jq 'select(.container_id != null)' -c \ | rg '10.15495/epub_ubt_' \ | fatcat-cli batch update release container_id= --description "Remove container linkage for University of Bayreuth repository deposits" # 554 # editgroup_6oubgez7jrfabprdckijvijsa4 fatcat-cli search releases doi_prefix:10.15495 'container_id:*' --entity-json -n600 \ | jq 'select(.container_id != null)' -c \ | rg '10.15495/epub_ubt_' \ | fatcat-cli batch update release container_id= --description "Remove container linkage for University of Bayreuth repository deposits" --auto-accept # did a variant with `publisher:Bayreuth`, which only matched a single release # Got 503 hits in 310ms Could also have filtered on publisher "University of Bayreuth", in the post-fetch part.