## Next Up

- some significant slow-down has happened? transactions, or regexes?

- fast database dump command: both changelog-based and entity-based (rust)
    => lighter, more complete dumps for each entity type?

- manifest: multiple URLs per SHA1
- pubmed (medline)
    => and/or, use pubmed ID lookups on crossref import
- core
- semantic scholar (up to 39 million; author de-dupe)
- wikidata (if they have a dump)

- test: release pointing to a collection that has been deleted/redirected
  => UI crash?

july roadmap:
- complete and test this round of schema changes
- container import (extra?): lang, region, subject
- re-run imports
- basic API+webface creation, editing, merging, editgroup approval
- elastic schema/transform for releases; bulk and continuous scripts

## Schema / Alignment / Scope

- "container" -> "venue"?
- release_type, release_status, url.rel enums (and others?)

name ref: https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-personal-names

## High-Level Priorities

- full database dump (export)
- manual editing of containers and releases (web interface)

## Web UI

- changelog more like a https://semantic-ui.com/views/feed.html ?
- instead of grid, maybe https://semantic-ui.com/elements/rail.html

## Performance

- write pure-rust "benchmark" scripts that hit, eg, lookups and batch
  endpoints. run these with auto_explain on, then look in logs on dev machine
- batch inserts automerge: create editgroup and changelog, mark all edits as
  accepted, all in a single transaction

## API

- hydrate entities in API
    ? "expand" query param

## Other

- basic python hbase/elastic matcher
  => takes sha1 keys
  => checks fatcat API + hbase
  => if not matched yet, tries elastic search
  => simple ~exact match heuristic
  => proof-of-concept, no tests
- add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=3600";
    => 12 hours? 24?
- criterion.rs benchmarking
- schema.org metadata in webface
- bulk endpoint auto-merge mode (huge postgres speedup on import)
- elastic pipeline
- kong or oauth2_proxy for auth, rate-limit, etc
- "authn" microservice: https://keratin.tech/
- PUT for mid-edit revisions
- 'parent rev' for revisions (vs. container parent)
- "submit" status for editgroups?

- what does openlibrary API look like?
x add a 'live' (or 'immutable') flag to revision tables

better API docs
- https://sourcey.com/spectacle/
- https://github.com/DapperDox/dapperdox

- https://citationstyles.org/
- https://github.com/citation-style-language/documentation/blob/master/primer.txt
- https://citeproc-js.readthedocs.io/en/latest/csl-json/markup.html
- https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/blob/master/csl-types.rnc
- perhaps a "create from CSL" endpoint?