# CHANGELOG Notable technical changes to the fatcat schemas, Rust API server, Python web interface, and Python client library will be recorded here. Intent is to follow semantic versioning, with all components kept in lock-step, but note that everything is pre-1.0, so there aren't any actual backwards compatibility guarantees. The API prefix (eg, `/v0/`) will probably roughly track major version number, but TBD. See also: - [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) - [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html) ## [Unreleased] ### Fixed - `edit_extra` on individual entity create was not being written to database ### Added - added `retraction` as an allowable `release_type`, for a publication. When used, the `release_type` should also be `retraction`. ## [0.2.2] - 2019-05-08 ### Fixed - fixed major authn/authz bug with fatcat python client which leaked API tokens between API client handles. Almost all tests/webfact/etc were potentially running with the privileged (superuser) webface-bot privileges. Yikes! - API `get_editgroup_annotations` endpoint was requiring auth; this was a typo. Going to call this a very minor/backwards-compatible API change and not do a minor version bump for it. - DOI lookups (for release entities) were not being lower-cased as intended (DOIs are stored lower-case internally) ### Added - ORCID OAuth login provider ### Changed - small tweaks to URL domain/rel mapping list ## [0.2.1] - 2019-04-09 No API or SQL schema changes in this release. Macaroon generation and verification was broken; all non-CLI-generated tokens will need to be regenerated (eg, log-out, log-in). ### Fixed - fix macaroon 'expires' caveat check (in rust), allowing actual login via OAuth/IA ### Added - basic release, container, file webface editing - basic editgroup annotation and control (submit/accept) in webface - CSL/BibTeX citation endpoints - "review bot" framework (for CI-style edit checks) - wikipedia OAuth login provider ### Changed - expanded example entities in SQL schema - updated rust (cargo) dependencies; depend on rust 1.32+ - many tweaks to webface and guide ## [0.2.0] - 2019-02-05 First tagged release, and start of notable change tracking.