path: root/python_openapi_client/fatcat_openapi_client/model_utils.py
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1 files changed, 2059 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python_openapi_client/fatcat_openapi_client/model_utils.py b/python_openapi_client/fatcat_openapi_client/model_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b785ef7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_openapi_client/fatcat_openapi_client/model_utils.py
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+ fatcat
+ Fatcat is a scalable, versioned, API-oriented catalog of bibliographic entities and file metadata. # noqa: E501
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.5.0
+ Contact: webservices@archive.org
+ Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech
+from datetime import date, datetime # noqa: F401
+from copy import deepcopy
+import inspect
+import io
+import os
+import pprint
+import re
+import tempfile
+import uuid
+from dateutil.parser import parse
+from fatcat_openapi_client.exceptions import (
+ ApiKeyError,
+ ApiAttributeError,
+ ApiTypeError,
+ ApiValueError,
+none_type = type(None)
+file_type = io.IOBase
+def convert_js_args_to_python_args(fn):
+ from functools import wraps
+ @wraps(fn)
+ def wrapped_init(_self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ An attribute named `self` received from the api will conflicts with the reserved `self`
+ parameter of a class method. During generation, `self` attributes are mapped
+ to `_self` in models. Here, we name `_self` instead of `self` to avoid conflicts.
+ """
+ spec_property_naming = kwargs.get('_spec_property_naming', False)
+ if spec_property_naming:
+ kwargs = change_keys_js_to_python(
+ kwargs, _self if isinstance(
+ _self, type) else _self.__class__)
+ return fn(_self, *args, **kwargs)
+ return wrapped_init
+class cached_property(object):
+ # this caches the result of the function call for fn with no inputs
+ # use this as a decorator on function methods that you want converted
+ # into cached properties
+ result_key = '_results'
+ def __init__(self, fn):
+ self._fn = fn
+ def __get__(self, instance, cls=None):
+ if self.result_key in vars(self):
+ return vars(self)[self.result_key]
+ else:
+ result = self._fn()
+ setattr(self, self.result_key, result)
+ return result
+PRIMITIVE_TYPES = (list, float, int, bool, datetime, date, str, file_type)
+def allows_single_value_input(cls):
+ """
+ This function returns True if the input composed schema model or any
+ descendant model allows a value only input
+ This is true for cases where oneOf contains items like:
+ oneOf:
+ - float
+ - NumberWithValidation
+ - StringEnum
+ - ArrayModel
+ - null
+ TODO: lru_cache this
+ """
+ if (
+ issubclass(cls, ModelSimple) or
+ ):
+ return True
+ elif issubclass(cls, ModelComposed):
+ if not cls._composed_schemas['oneOf']:
+ return False
+ return any(allows_single_value_input(c) for c in cls._composed_schemas['oneOf'])
+ return False
+def composed_model_input_classes(cls):
+ """
+ This function returns a list of the possible models that can be accepted as
+ inputs.
+ TODO: lru_cache this
+ """
+ if issubclass(cls, ModelSimple) or cls in PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
+ return [cls]
+ elif issubclass(cls, ModelNormal):
+ if cls.discriminator is None:
+ return [cls]
+ else:
+ return get_discriminated_classes(cls)
+ elif issubclass(cls, ModelComposed):
+ if not cls._composed_schemas['oneOf']:
+ return []
+ if cls.discriminator is None:
+ input_classes = []
+ for c in cls._composed_schemas['oneOf']:
+ input_classes.extend(composed_model_input_classes(c))
+ return input_classes
+ else:
+ return get_discriminated_classes(cls)
+ return []
+class OpenApiModel(object):
+ """The base class for all OpenAPIModels"""
+ def set_attribute(self, name, value):
+ # this is only used to set properties on self
+ path_to_item = []
+ if self._path_to_item:
+ path_to_item.extend(self._path_to_item)
+ path_to_item.append(name)
+ if name in self.openapi_types:
+ required_types_mixed = self.openapi_types[name]
+ elif self.additional_properties_type is None:
+ raise ApiAttributeError(
+ "{0} has no attribute '{1}'".format(
+ type(self).__name__, name),
+ path_to_item
+ )
+ elif self.additional_properties_type is not None:
+ required_types_mixed = self.additional_properties_type
+ if get_simple_class(name) != str:
+ error_msg = type_error_message(
+ var_name=name,
+ var_value=name,
+ valid_classes=(str,),
+ key_type=True
+ )
+ raise ApiTypeError(
+ error_msg,
+ path_to_item=path_to_item,
+ valid_classes=(str,),
+ key_type=True
+ )
+ if self._check_type:
+ value = validate_and_convert_types(
+ value, required_types_mixed, path_to_item, self._spec_property_naming,
+ self._check_type, configuration=self._configuration)
+ if (name,) in self.allowed_values:
+ check_allowed_values(
+ self.allowed_values,
+ (name,),
+ value
+ )
+ if (name,) in self.validations:
+ check_validations(
+ self.validations,
+ (name,),
+ value,
+ self._configuration
+ )
+ self.__dict__['_data_store'][name] = value
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """For `print` and `pprint`"""
+ return self.to_str()
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ """Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
+ return not self == other
+ def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
+ """set the value of an attribute using dot notation: `instance.attr = val`"""
+ self[attr] = value
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ """get the value of an attribute using dot notation: `instance.attr`"""
+ return self.__getitem__(attr)
+ def __copy__(self):
+ cls = self.__class__
+ if self.get("_spec_property_naming", False):
+ return cls._new_from_openapi_data(**self.__dict__)
+ else:
+ return cls.__new__(cls, **self.__dict__)
+ def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
+ cls = self.__class__
+ if self.get("_spec_property_naming", False):
+ new_inst = cls._new_from_openapi_data()
+ else:
+ new_inst = cls.__new__(cls)
+ for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
+ setattr(new_inst, k, deepcopy(v, memo))
+ return new_inst
+ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+ # this function uses the discriminator to
+ # pick a new schema/class to instantiate because a discriminator
+ # propertyName value was passed in
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ arg = args[0]
+ if arg is None and is_type_nullable(cls):
+ # The input data is the 'null' value and the type is nullable.
+ return None
+ if issubclass(cls, ModelComposed) and allows_single_value_input(cls):
+ model_kwargs = {}
+ oneof_instance = get_oneof_instance(cls, model_kwargs, kwargs, model_arg=arg)
+ return oneof_instance
+ visited_composed_classes = kwargs.get('_visited_composed_classes', ())
+ if (
+ cls.discriminator is None or
+ cls in visited_composed_classes
+ ):
+ # Use case 1: this openapi schema (cls) does not have a discriminator
+ # Use case 2: we have already visited this class before and are sure that we
+ # want to instantiate it this time. We have visited this class deserializing
+ # a payload with a discriminator. During that process we traveled through
+ # this class but did not make an instance of it. Now we are making an
+ # instance of a composed class which contains cls in it, so this time make an instance of cls.
+ #
+ # Here's an example of use case 2: If Animal has a discriminator
+ # petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
+ # allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
+ # once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
+ # Then in the composed schema dog Dog, we will make an instance of the
+ # Animal class (because Dal has allOf: Animal) but this time we won't travel
+ # through Animal's discriminator because we passed in
+ # _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
+ return super(OpenApiModel, cls).__new__(cls)
+ # Get the name and value of the discriminator property.
+ # The discriminator name is obtained from the discriminator meta-data
+ # and the discriminator value is obtained from the input data.
+ discr_propertyname_py = list(cls.discriminator.keys())[0]
+ discr_propertyname_js = cls.attribute_map[discr_propertyname_py]
+ if discr_propertyname_js in kwargs:
+ discr_value = kwargs[discr_propertyname_js]
+ elif discr_propertyname_py in kwargs:
+ discr_value = kwargs[discr_propertyname_py]
+ else:
+ # The input data does not contain the discriminator property.
+ path_to_item = kwargs.get('_path_to_item', ())
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Cannot deserialize input data due to missing discriminator. "
+ "The discriminator property '%s' is missing at path: %s" %
+ (discr_propertyname_js, path_to_item)
+ )
+ # Implementation note: the last argument to get_discriminator_class
+ # is a list of visited classes. get_discriminator_class may recursively
+ # call itself and update the list of visited classes, and the initial
+ # value must be an empty list. Hence not using 'visited_composed_classes'
+ new_cls = get_discriminator_class(
+ cls, discr_propertyname_py, discr_value, [])
+ if new_cls is None:
+ path_to_item = kwargs.get('_path_to_item', ())
+ disc_prop_value = kwargs.get(
+ discr_propertyname_js, kwargs.get(discr_propertyname_py))
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Cannot deserialize input data due to invalid discriminator "
+ "value. The OpenAPI document has no mapping for discriminator "
+ "property '%s'='%s' at path: %s" %
+ (discr_propertyname_js, disc_prop_value, path_to_item)
+ )
+ if new_cls in visited_composed_classes:
+ # if we are making an instance of a composed schema Descendent
+ # which allOf includes Ancestor, then Ancestor contains
+ # a discriminator that includes Descendent.
+ # So if we make an instance of Descendent, we have to make an
+ # instance of Ancestor to hold the allOf properties.
+ # This code detects that use case and makes the instance of Ancestor
+ # For example:
+ # When making an instance of Dog, _visited_composed_classes = (Dog,)
+ # then we make an instance of Animal to include in dog._composed_instances
+ # so when we are here, cls is Animal
+ # cls.discriminator != None
+ # cls not in _visited_composed_classes
+ # new_cls = Dog
+ # but we know we know that we already have Dog
+ # because it is in visited_composed_classes
+ # so make Animal here
+ return super(OpenApiModel, cls).__new__(cls)
+ # Build a list containing all oneOf and anyOf descendants.
+ oneof_anyof_classes = None
+ if cls._composed_schemas is not None:
+ oneof_anyof_classes = (
+ cls._composed_schemas.get('oneOf', ()) +
+ cls._composed_schemas.get('anyOf', ()))
+ oneof_anyof_child = new_cls in oneof_anyof_classes
+ kwargs['_visited_composed_classes'] = visited_composed_classes + (cls,)
+ if cls._composed_schemas.get('allOf') and oneof_anyof_child:
+ # Validate that we can make self because when we make the
+ # new_cls it will not include the allOf validations in self
+ self_inst = super(OpenApiModel, cls).__new__(cls)
+ self_inst.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ if kwargs.get("_spec_property_naming", False):
+ # when true, implies new is from deserialization
+ new_inst = new_cls._new_from_openapi_data(*args, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ new_inst = new_cls.__new__(new_cls, *args, **kwargs)
+ new_inst.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ return new_inst
+ @classmethod
+ @convert_js_args_to_python_args
+ def _new_from_openapi_data(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+ # this function uses the discriminator to
+ # pick a new schema/class to instantiate because a discriminator
+ # propertyName value was passed in
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ arg = args[0]
+ if arg is None and is_type_nullable(cls):
+ # The input data is the 'null' value and the type is nullable.
+ return None
+ if issubclass(cls, ModelComposed) and allows_single_value_input(cls):
+ model_kwargs = {}
+ oneof_instance = get_oneof_instance(cls, model_kwargs, kwargs, model_arg=arg)
+ return oneof_instance
+ visited_composed_classes = kwargs.get('_visited_composed_classes', ())
+ if (
+ cls.discriminator is None or
+ cls in visited_composed_classes
+ ):
+ # Use case 1: this openapi schema (cls) does not have a discriminator
+ # Use case 2: we have already visited this class before and are sure that we
+ # want to instantiate it this time. We have visited this class deserializing
+ # a payload with a discriminator. During that process we traveled through
+ # this class but did not make an instance of it. Now we are making an
+ # instance of a composed class which contains cls in it, so this time make an instance of cls.
+ #
+ # Here's an example of use case 2: If Animal has a discriminator
+ # petType and we pass in "Dog", and the class Dog
+ # allOf includes Animal, we move through Animal
+ # once using the discriminator, and pick Dog.
+ # Then in the composed schema dog Dog, we will make an instance of the
+ # Animal class (because Dal has allOf: Animal) but this time we won't travel
+ # through Animal's discriminator because we passed in
+ # _visited_composed_classes = (Animal,)
+ return cls._from_openapi_data(*args, **kwargs)
+ # Get the name and value of the discriminator property.
+ # The discriminator name is obtained from the discriminator meta-data
+ # and the discriminator value is obtained from the input data.
+ discr_propertyname_py = list(cls.discriminator.keys())[0]
+ discr_propertyname_js = cls.attribute_map[discr_propertyname_py]
+ if discr_propertyname_js in kwargs:
+ discr_value = kwargs[discr_propertyname_js]
+ elif discr_propertyname_py in kwargs:
+ discr_value = kwargs[discr_propertyname_py]
+ else:
+ # The input data does not contain the discriminator property.
+ path_to_item = kwargs.get('_path_to_item', ())
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Cannot deserialize input data due to missing discriminator. "
+ "The discriminator property '%s' is missing at path: %s" %
+ (discr_propertyname_js, path_to_item)
+ )
+ # Implementation note: the last argument to get_discriminator_class
+ # is a list of visited classes. get_discriminator_class may recursively
+ # call itself and update the list of visited classes, and the initial
+ # value must be an empty list. Hence not using 'visited_composed_classes'
+ new_cls = get_discriminator_class(
+ cls, discr_propertyname_py, discr_value, [])
+ if new_cls is None:
+ path_to_item = kwargs.get('_path_to_item', ())
+ disc_prop_value = kwargs.get(
+ discr_propertyname_js, kwargs.get(discr_propertyname_py))
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Cannot deserialize input data due to invalid discriminator "
+ "value. The OpenAPI document has no mapping for discriminator "
+ "property '%s'='%s' at path: %s" %
+ (discr_propertyname_js, disc_prop_value, path_to_item)
+ )
+ if new_cls in visited_composed_classes:
+ # if we are making an instance of a composed schema Descendent
+ # which allOf includes Ancestor, then Ancestor contains
+ # a discriminator that includes Descendent.
+ # So if we make an instance of Descendent, we have to make an
+ # instance of Ancestor to hold the allOf properties.
+ # This code detects that use case and makes the instance of Ancestor
+ # For example:
+ # When making an instance of Dog, _visited_composed_classes = (Dog,)
+ # then we make an instance of Animal to include in dog._composed_instances
+ # so when we are here, cls is Animal
+ # cls.discriminator != None
+ # cls not in _visited_composed_classes
+ # new_cls = Dog
+ # but we know we know that we already have Dog
+ # because it is in visited_composed_classes
+ # so make Animal here
+ return cls._from_openapi_data(*args, **kwargs)
+ # Build a list containing all oneOf and anyOf descendants.
+ oneof_anyof_classes = None
+ if cls._composed_schemas is not None:
+ oneof_anyof_classes = (
+ cls._composed_schemas.get('oneOf', ()) +
+ cls._composed_schemas.get('anyOf', ()))
+ oneof_anyof_child = new_cls in oneof_anyof_classes
+ kwargs['_visited_composed_classes'] = visited_composed_classes + (cls,)
+ if cls._composed_schemas.get('allOf') and oneof_anyof_child:
+ # Validate that we can make self because when we make the
+ # new_cls it will not include the allOf validations in self
+ self_inst = cls._from_openapi_data(*args, **kwargs)
+ new_inst = new_cls._new_from_openapi_data(*args, **kwargs)
+ return new_inst
+class ModelSimple(OpenApiModel):
+ """the parent class of models whose type != object in their
+ swagger/openapi"""
+ def __setitem__(self, name, value):
+ """set the value of an attribute using square-bracket notation: `instance[attr] = val`"""
+ if name in self.required_properties:
+ self.__dict__[name] = value
+ return
+ self.set_attribute(name, value)
+ def get(self, name, default=None):
+ """returns the value of an attribute or some default value if the attribute was not set"""
+ if name in self.required_properties:
+ return self.__dict__[name]
+ return self.__dict__['_data_store'].get(name, default)
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ """get the value of an attribute using square-bracket notation: `instance[attr]`"""
+ if name in self:
+ return self.get(name)
+ raise ApiAttributeError(
+ "{0} has no attribute '{1}'".format(
+ type(self).__name__, name),
+ [e for e in [self._path_to_item, name] if e]
+ )
+ def __contains__(self, name):
+ """used by `in` operator to check if an attribute value was set in an instance: `'attr' in instance`"""
+ if name in self.required_properties:
+ return name in self.__dict__
+ return name in self.__dict__['_data_store']
+ def to_str(self):
+ """Returns the string representation of the model"""
+ return str(self.value)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """Returns true if both objects are equal"""
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ return False
+ this_val = self._data_store['value']
+ that_val = other._data_store['value']
+ types = set()
+ types.add(this_val.__class__)
+ types.add(that_val.__class__)
+ vals_equal = this_val == that_val
+ return vals_equal
+class ModelNormal(OpenApiModel):
+ """the parent class of models whose type == object in their
+ swagger/openapi"""
+ def __setitem__(self, name, value):
+ """set the value of an attribute using square-bracket notation: `instance[attr] = val`"""
+ if name in self.required_properties:
+ self.__dict__[name] = value
+ return
+ self.set_attribute(name, value)
+ def get(self, name, default=None):
+ """returns the value of an attribute or some default value if the attribute was not set"""
+ if name in self.required_properties:
+ return self.__dict__[name]
+ return self.__dict__['_data_store'].get(name, default)
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ """get the value of an attribute using square-bracket notation: `instance[attr]`"""
+ if name in self:
+ return self.get(name)
+ raise ApiAttributeError(
+ "{0} has no attribute '{1}'".format(
+ type(self).__name__, name),
+ [e for e in [self._path_to_item, name] if e]
+ )
+ def __contains__(self, name):
+ """used by `in` operator to check if an attribute value was set in an instance: `'attr' in instance`"""
+ if name in self.required_properties:
+ return name in self.__dict__
+ return name in self.__dict__['_data_store']
+ def to_dict(self):
+ """Returns the model properties as a dict"""
+ return model_to_dict(self, serialize=False)
+ def to_str(self):
+ """Returns the string representation of the model"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict())
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """Returns true if both objects are equal"""
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ return False
+ if not set(self._data_store.keys()) == set(other._data_store.keys()):
+ return False
+ for _var_name, this_val in self._data_store.items():
+ that_val = other._data_store[_var_name]
+ types = set()
+ types.add(this_val.__class__)
+ types.add(that_val.__class__)
+ vals_equal = this_val == that_val
+ if not vals_equal:
+ return False
+ return True
+class ModelComposed(OpenApiModel):
+ """the parent class of models whose type == object in their
+ swagger/openapi and have oneOf/allOf/anyOf
+ When one sets a property we use var_name_to_model_instances to store the value in
+ the correct class instances + run any type checking + validation code.
+ When one gets a property we use var_name_to_model_instances to get the value
+ from the correct class instances.
+ This allows multiple composed schemas to contain the same property with additive
+ constraints on the value.
+ _composed_schemas (dict) stores the anyOf/allOf/oneOf classes
+ key (str): allOf/oneOf/anyOf
+ value (list): the classes in the XOf definition.
+ Note: none_type can be included when the openapi document version >= 3.1.0
+ _composed_instances (list): stores a list of instances of the composed schemas
+ defined in _composed_schemas. When properties are accessed in the self instance,
+ they are returned from the self._data_store or the data stores in the instances
+ in self._composed_schemas
+ _var_name_to_model_instances (dict): maps between a variable name on self and
+ the composed instances (self included) which contain that data
+ key (str): property name
+ value (list): list of class instances, self or instances in _composed_instances
+ which contain the value that the key is referring to.
+ """
+ def __setitem__(self, name, value):
+ """set the value of an attribute using square-bracket notation: `instance[attr] = val`"""
+ if name in self.required_properties:
+ self.__dict__[name] = value
+ return
+ """
+ Use cases:
+ 1. additional_properties_type is None (additionalProperties == False in spec)
+ Check for property presence in self.openapi_types
+ if not present then throw an error
+ if present set in self, set attribute
+ always set on composed schemas
+ 2. additional_properties_type exists
+ set attribute on self
+ always set on composed schemas
+ """
+ if self.additional_properties_type is None:
+ """
+ For an attribute to exist on a composed schema it must:
+ - fulfill schema_requirements in the self composed schema not considering oneOf/anyOf/allOf schemas AND
+ - fulfill schema_requirements in each oneOf/anyOf/allOf schemas
+ schema_requirements:
+ For an attribute to exist on a schema it must:
+ - be present in properties at the schema OR
+ - have additionalProperties unset (defaults additionalProperties = any type) OR
+ - have additionalProperties set
+ """
+ if name not in self.openapi_types:
+ raise ApiAttributeError(
+ "{0} has no attribute '{1}'".format(
+ type(self).__name__, name),
+ [e for e in [self._path_to_item, name] if e]
+ )
+ # attribute must be set on self and composed instances
+ self.set_attribute(name, value)
+ for model_instance in self._composed_instances:
+ setattr(model_instance, name, value)
+ if name not in self._var_name_to_model_instances:
+ # we assigned an additional property
+ self.__dict__['_var_name_to_model_instances'][name] = self._composed_instances + [self]
+ return None
+ __unset_attribute_value__ = object()
+ def get(self, name, default=None):
+ """returns the value of an attribute or some default value if the attribute was not set"""
+ if name in self.required_properties:
+ return self.__dict__[name]
+ # get the attribute from the correct instance
+ model_instances = self._var_name_to_model_instances.get(name)
+ values = []
+ # A composed model stores self and child (oneof/anyOf/allOf) models under
+ # self._var_name_to_model_instances.
+ # Any property must exist in self and all model instances
+ # The value stored in all model instances must be the same
+ if model_instances:
+ for model_instance in model_instances:
+ if name in model_instance._data_store:
+ v = model_instance._data_store[name]
+ if v not in values:
+ values.append(v)
+ len_values = len(values)
+ if len_values == 0:
+ return default
+ elif len_values == 1:
+ return values[0]
+ elif len_values > 1:
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Values stored for property {0} in {1} differ when looking "
+ "at self and self's composed instances. All values must be "
+ "the same".format(name, type(self).__name__),
+ [e for e in [self._path_to_item, name] if e]
+ )
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ """get the value of an attribute using square-bracket notation: `instance[attr]`"""
+ value = self.get(name, self.__unset_attribute_value__)
+ if value is self.__unset_attribute_value__:
+ raise ApiAttributeError(
+ "{0} has no attribute '{1}'".format(
+ type(self).__name__, name),
+ [e for e in [self._path_to_item, name] if e]
+ )
+ return value
+ def __contains__(self, name):
+ """used by `in` operator to check if an attribute value was set in an instance: `'attr' in instance`"""
+ if name in self.required_properties:
+ return name in self.__dict__
+ model_instances = self._var_name_to_model_instances.get(
+ name, self._additional_properties_model_instances)
+ if model_instances:
+ for model_instance in model_instances:
+ if name in model_instance._data_store:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def to_dict(self):
+ """Returns the model properties as a dict"""
+ return model_to_dict(self, serialize=False)
+ def to_str(self):
+ """Returns the string representation of the model"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict())
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ """Returns true if both objects are equal"""
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ return False
+ if not set(self._data_store.keys()) == set(other._data_store.keys()):
+ return False
+ for _var_name, this_val in self._data_store.items():
+ that_val = other._data_store[_var_name]
+ types = set()
+ types.add(this_val.__class__)
+ types.add(that_val.__class__)
+ vals_equal = this_val == that_val
+ if not vals_equal:
+ return False
+ return True
+ ModelComposed: 0,
+ ModelNormal: 1,
+ ModelSimple: 2,
+ none_type: 3, # The type of 'None'.
+ list: 4,
+ dict: 5,
+ float: 6,
+ int: 7,
+ bool: 8,
+ datetime: 9,
+ date: 10,
+ str: 11,
+ file_type: 12, # 'file_type' is an alias for the built-in 'file' or 'io.IOBase' type.
+# these are used to limit what type conversions we try to do
+# when we have a valid type already and we want to try converting
+# to another type
+ (str, datetime),
+ (str, date),
+ # A float may be serialized as an integer, e.g. '3' is a valid serialized float.
+ (int, float),
+ (list, ModelComposed),
+ (dict, ModelComposed),
+ (str, ModelComposed),
+ (int, ModelComposed),
+ (float, ModelComposed),
+ (list, ModelComposed),
+ (list, ModelNormal),
+ (dict, ModelNormal),
+ (str, ModelSimple),
+ (int, ModelSimple),
+ (float, ModelSimple),
+ (list, ModelSimple),
+ False: ( # client instantiation of a model with client data
+ # (dict, ModelComposed),
+ # (list, ModelComposed),
+ # (dict, ModelNormal),
+ # (list, ModelNormal),
+ # (str, ModelSimple),
+ # (int, ModelSimple),
+ # (float, ModelSimple),
+ # (list, ModelSimple),
+ # (str, int),
+ # (str, float),
+ # (str, datetime),
+ # (str, date),
+ # (int, str),
+ # (float, str),
+ ),
+ True: ( # server -> client data
+ (dict, ModelComposed),
+ (list, ModelComposed),
+ (dict, ModelNormal),
+ (list, ModelNormal),
+ (str, ModelSimple),
+ (int, ModelSimple),
+ (float, ModelSimple),
+ (list, ModelSimple),
+ # (str, int),
+ # (str, float),
+ (str, datetime),
+ (str, date),
+ # (int, str),
+ # (float, str),
+ (str, file_type)
+ ),
+def get_simple_class(input_value):
+ """Returns an input_value's simple class that we will use for type checking
+ Python2:
+ float and int will return int, where int is the python3 int backport
+ str and unicode will return str, where str is the python3 str backport
+ Note: float and int ARE both instances of int backport
+ Note: str_py2 and unicode_py2 are NOT both instances of str backport
+ Args:
+ input_value (class/class_instance): the item for which we will return
+ the simple class
+ """
+ if isinstance(input_value, type):
+ # input_value is a class
+ return input_value
+ elif isinstance(input_value, tuple):
+ return tuple
+ elif isinstance(input_value, list):
+ return list
+ elif isinstance(input_value, dict):
+ return dict
+ elif isinstance(input_value, none_type):
+ return none_type
+ elif isinstance(input_value, file_type):
+ return file_type
+ elif isinstance(input_value, bool):
+ # this must be higher than the int check because
+ # isinstance(True, int) == True
+ return bool
+ elif isinstance(input_value, int):
+ return int
+ elif isinstance(input_value, datetime):
+ # this must be higher than the date check because
+ # isinstance(datetime_instance, date) == True
+ return datetime
+ elif isinstance(input_value, date):
+ return date
+ elif isinstance(input_value, str):
+ return str
+ return type(input_value)
+def check_allowed_values(allowed_values, input_variable_path, input_values):
+ """Raises an exception if the input_values are not allowed
+ Args:
+ allowed_values (dict): the allowed_values dict
+ input_variable_path (tuple): the path to the input variable
+ input_values (list/str/int/float/date/datetime): the values that we
+ are checking to see if they are in allowed_values
+ """
+ these_allowed_values = list(allowed_values[input_variable_path].values())
+ if (isinstance(input_values, list)
+ and not set(input_values).issubset(
+ set(these_allowed_values))):
+ invalid_values = ", ".join(
+ map(str, set(input_values) - set(these_allowed_values))),
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid values for `%s` [%s], must be a subset of [%s]" %
+ (
+ input_variable_path[0],
+ invalid_values,
+ ", ".join(map(str, these_allowed_values))
+ )
+ )
+ elif (isinstance(input_values, dict)
+ and not set(
+ input_values.keys()).issubset(set(these_allowed_values))):
+ invalid_values = ", ".join(
+ map(str, set(input_values.keys()) - set(these_allowed_values)))
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid keys in `%s` [%s], must be a subset of [%s]" %
+ (
+ input_variable_path[0],
+ invalid_values,
+ ", ".join(map(str, these_allowed_values))
+ )
+ )
+ elif (not isinstance(input_values, (list, dict))
+ and input_values not in these_allowed_values):
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid value for `%s` (%s), must be one of %s" %
+ (
+ input_variable_path[0],
+ input_values,
+ these_allowed_values
+ )
+ )
+def is_json_validation_enabled(schema_keyword, configuration=None):
+ """Returns true if JSON schema validation is enabled for the specified
+ validation keyword. This can be used to skip JSON schema structural validation
+ as requested in the configuration.
+ Args:
+ schema_keyword (string): the name of a JSON schema validation keyword.
+ configuration (Configuration): the configuration class.
+ """
+ return (configuration is None or
+ not hasattr(configuration, '_disabled_client_side_validations') or
+ schema_keyword not in configuration._disabled_client_side_validations)
+def check_validations(
+ validations, input_variable_path, input_values,
+ configuration=None):
+ """Raises an exception if the input_values are invalid
+ Args:
+ validations (dict): the validation dictionary.
+ input_variable_path (tuple): the path to the input variable.
+ input_values (list/str/int/float/date/datetime): the values that we
+ are checking.
+ configuration (Configuration): the configuration class.
+ """
+ if input_values is None:
+ return
+ current_validations = validations[input_variable_path]
+ if (is_json_validation_enabled('multipleOf', configuration) and
+ 'multiple_of' in current_validations and
+ isinstance(input_values, (int, float)) and
+ not (float(input_values) / current_validations['multiple_of']).is_integer()):
+ # Note 'multipleOf' will be as good as the floating point arithmetic.
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid value for `%s`, value must be a multiple of "
+ "`%s`" % (
+ input_variable_path[0],
+ current_validations['multiple_of']
+ )
+ )
+ if (is_json_validation_enabled('maxLength', configuration) and
+ 'max_length' in current_validations and
+ len(input_values) > current_validations['max_length']):
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid value for `%s`, length must be less than or equal to "
+ "`%s`" % (
+ input_variable_path[0],
+ current_validations['max_length']
+ )
+ )
+ if (is_json_validation_enabled('minLength', configuration) and
+ 'min_length' in current_validations and
+ len(input_values) < current_validations['min_length']):
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid value for `%s`, length must be greater than or equal to "
+ "`%s`" % (
+ input_variable_path[0],
+ current_validations['min_length']
+ )
+ )
+ if (is_json_validation_enabled('maxItems', configuration) and
+ 'max_items' in current_validations and
+ len(input_values) > current_validations['max_items']):
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid value for `%s`, number of items must be less than or "
+ "equal to `%s`" % (
+ input_variable_path[0],
+ current_validations['max_items']
+ )
+ )
+ if (is_json_validation_enabled('minItems', configuration) and
+ 'min_items' in current_validations and
+ len(input_values) < current_validations['min_items']):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Invalid value for `%s`, number of items must be greater than or "
+ "equal to `%s`" % (
+ input_variable_path[0],
+ current_validations['min_items']
+ )
+ )
+ items = ('exclusive_maximum', 'inclusive_maximum', 'exclusive_minimum',
+ 'inclusive_minimum')
+ if (any(item in current_validations for item in items)):
+ if isinstance(input_values, list):
+ max_val = max(input_values)
+ min_val = min(input_values)
+ elif isinstance(input_values, dict):
+ max_val = max(input_values.values())
+ min_val = min(input_values.values())
+ else:
+ max_val = input_values
+ min_val = input_values
+ if (is_json_validation_enabled('exclusiveMaximum', configuration) and
+ 'exclusive_maximum' in current_validations and
+ max_val >= current_validations['exclusive_maximum']):
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid value for `%s`, must be a value less than `%s`" % (
+ input_variable_path[0],
+ current_validations['exclusive_maximum']
+ )
+ )
+ if (is_json_validation_enabled('maximum', configuration) and
+ 'inclusive_maximum' in current_validations and
+ max_val > current_validations['inclusive_maximum']):
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid value for `%s`, must be a value less than or equal to "
+ "`%s`" % (
+ input_variable_path[0],
+ current_validations['inclusive_maximum']
+ )
+ )
+ if (is_json_validation_enabled('exclusiveMinimum', configuration) and
+ 'exclusive_minimum' in current_validations and
+ min_val <= current_validations['exclusive_minimum']):
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid value for `%s`, must be a value greater than `%s`" %
+ (
+ input_variable_path[0],
+ current_validations['exclusive_maximum']
+ )
+ )
+ if (is_json_validation_enabled('minimum', configuration) and
+ 'inclusive_minimum' in current_validations and
+ min_val < current_validations['inclusive_minimum']):
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid value for `%s`, must be a value greater than or equal "
+ "to `%s`" % (
+ input_variable_path[0],
+ current_validations['inclusive_minimum']
+ )
+ )
+ flags = current_validations.get('regex', {}).get('flags', 0)
+ if (is_json_validation_enabled('pattern', configuration) and
+ 'regex' in current_validations and
+ not re.search(current_validations['regex']['pattern'],
+ input_values, flags=flags)):
+ err_msg = r"Invalid value for `%s`, must match regular expression `%s`" % (
+ input_variable_path[0],
+ current_validations['regex']['pattern']
+ )
+ if flags != 0:
+ # Don't print the regex flags if the flags are not
+ # specified in the OAS document.
+ err_msg = r"%s with flags=`%s`" % (err_msg, flags)
+ raise ApiValueError(err_msg)
+def order_response_types(required_types):
+ """Returns the required types sorted in coercion order
+ Args:
+ required_types (list/tuple): collection of classes or instance of
+ list or dict with class information inside it.
+ Returns:
+ (list): coercion order sorted collection of classes or instance
+ of list or dict with class information inside it.
+ """
+ def index_getter(class_or_instance):
+ if isinstance(class_or_instance, list):
+ elif isinstance(class_or_instance, dict):
+ elif (inspect.isclass(class_or_instance)
+ and issubclass(class_or_instance, ModelComposed)):
+ return COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE[ModelComposed]
+ elif (inspect.isclass(class_or_instance)
+ and issubclass(class_or_instance, ModelNormal)):
+ return COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE[ModelNormal]
+ elif (inspect.isclass(class_or_instance)
+ and issubclass(class_or_instance, ModelSimple)):
+ return COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE[ModelSimple]
+ elif class_or_instance in COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE:
+ return COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE[class_or_instance]
+ raise ApiValueError("Unsupported type: %s" % class_or_instance)
+ sorted_types = sorted(
+ required_types,
+ key=lambda class_or_instance: index_getter(class_or_instance)
+ )
+ return sorted_types
+def remove_uncoercible(required_types_classes, current_item, spec_property_naming,
+ must_convert=True):
+ """Only keeps the type conversions that are possible
+ Args:
+ required_types_classes (tuple): tuple of classes that are required
+ these should be ordered by COERCION_INDEX_BY_TYPE
+ spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input
+ data are serialized names as specified in the OpenAPI document.
+ False if the variables names in the input data are python
+ variable names in PEP-8 snake case.
+ current_item (any): the current item (input data) to be converted
+ Keyword Args:
+ must_convert (bool): if True the item to convert is of the wrong
+ type and we want a big list of coercibles
+ if False, we want a limited list of coercibles
+ Returns:
+ (list): the remaining coercible required types, classes only
+ """
+ current_type_simple = get_simple_class(current_item)
+ results_classes = []
+ for required_type_class in required_types_classes:
+ # convert our models to OpenApiModel
+ required_type_class_simplified = required_type_class
+ if isinstance(required_type_class_simplified, type):
+ if issubclass(required_type_class_simplified, ModelComposed):
+ required_type_class_simplified = ModelComposed
+ elif issubclass(required_type_class_simplified, ModelNormal):
+ required_type_class_simplified = ModelNormal
+ elif issubclass(required_type_class_simplified, ModelSimple):
+ required_type_class_simplified = ModelSimple
+ if required_type_class_simplified == current_type_simple:
+ # don't consider converting to one's own class
+ continue
+ class_pair = (current_type_simple, required_type_class_simplified)
+ if must_convert and class_pair in COERCIBLE_TYPE_PAIRS[spec_property_naming]:
+ results_classes.append(required_type_class)
+ elif class_pair in UPCONVERSION_TYPE_PAIRS:
+ results_classes.append(required_type_class)
+ return results_classes
+def get_discriminated_classes(cls):
+ """
+ Returns all the classes that a discriminator converts to
+ TODO: lru_cache this
+ """
+ possible_classes = []
+ key = list(cls.discriminator.keys())[0]
+ if is_type_nullable(cls):
+ possible_classes.append(cls)
+ for discr_cls in cls.discriminator[key].values():
+ if hasattr(discr_cls, 'discriminator') and discr_cls.discriminator is not None:
+ possible_classes.extend(get_discriminated_classes(discr_cls))
+ else:
+ possible_classes.append(discr_cls)
+ return possible_classes
+def get_possible_classes(cls, from_server_context):
+ # TODO: lru_cache this
+ possible_classes = [cls]
+ if from_server_context:
+ return possible_classes
+ if hasattr(cls, 'discriminator') and cls.discriminator is not None:
+ possible_classes = []
+ possible_classes.extend(get_discriminated_classes(cls))
+ elif issubclass(cls, ModelComposed):
+ possible_classes.extend(composed_model_input_classes(cls))
+ return possible_classes
+def get_required_type_classes(required_types_mixed, spec_property_naming):
+ """Converts the tuple required_types into a tuple and a dict described
+ below
+ Args:
+ required_types_mixed (tuple/list): will contain either classes or
+ instance of list or dict
+ spec_property_naming (bool): if True these values came from the
+ server, and we use the data types in our endpoints.
+ If False, we are client side and we need to include
+ oneOf and discriminator classes inside the data types in our endpoints
+ Returns:
+ (valid_classes, dict_valid_class_to_child_types_mixed):
+ valid_classes (tuple): the valid classes that the current item
+ should be
+ dict_valid_class_to_child_types_mixed (dict):
+ valid_class (class): this is the key
+ child_types_mixed (list/dict/tuple): describes the valid child
+ types
+ """
+ valid_classes = []
+ child_req_types_by_current_type = {}
+ for required_type in required_types_mixed:
+ if isinstance(required_type, list):
+ valid_classes.append(list)
+ child_req_types_by_current_type[list] = required_type
+ elif isinstance(required_type, tuple):
+ valid_classes.append(tuple)
+ child_req_types_by_current_type[tuple] = required_type
+ elif isinstance(required_type, dict):
+ valid_classes.append(dict)
+ child_req_types_by_current_type[dict] = required_type[str]
+ else:
+ valid_classes.extend(get_possible_classes(required_type, spec_property_naming))
+ return tuple(valid_classes), child_req_types_by_current_type
+def change_keys_js_to_python(input_dict, model_class):
+ """
+ Converts from javascript_key keys in the input_dict to python_keys in
+ the output dict using the mapping in model_class.
+ If the input_dict contains a key which does not declared in the model_class,
+ the key is added to the output dict as is. The assumption is the model_class
+ may have undeclared properties (additionalProperties attribute in the OAS
+ document).
+ """
+ if getattr(model_class, 'attribute_map', None) is None:
+ return input_dict
+ output_dict = {}
+ reversed_attr_map = {value: key for key, value in
+ model_class.attribute_map.items()}
+ for javascript_key, value in input_dict.items():
+ python_key = reversed_attr_map.get(javascript_key)
+ if python_key is None:
+ # if the key is unknown, it is in error or it is an
+ # additionalProperties variable
+ python_key = javascript_key
+ output_dict[python_key] = value
+ return output_dict
+def get_type_error(var_value, path_to_item, valid_classes, key_type=False):
+ error_msg = type_error_message(
+ var_name=path_to_item[-1],
+ var_value=var_value,
+ valid_classes=valid_classes,
+ key_type=key_type
+ )
+ return ApiTypeError(
+ error_msg,
+ path_to_item=path_to_item,
+ valid_classes=valid_classes,
+ key_type=key_type
+ )
+def deserialize_primitive(data, klass, path_to_item):
+ """Deserializes string to primitive type.
+ :param data: str/int/float
+ :param klass: str/class the class to convert to
+ :return: int, float, str, bool, date, datetime
+ """
+ additional_message = ""
+ try:
+ if klass in {datetime, date}:
+ additional_message = (
+ "If you need your parameter to have a fallback "
+ "string value, please set its type as `type: {}` in your "
+ "spec. That allows the value to be any type. "
+ )
+ if klass == datetime:
+ if len(data) < 8:
+ raise ValueError("This is not a datetime")
+ # The string should be in iso8601 datetime format.
+ parsed_datetime = parse(data)
+ date_only = (
+ parsed_datetime.hour == 0 and
+ parsed_datetime.minute == 0 and
+ parsed_datetime.second == 0 and
+ parsed_datetime.tzinfo is None and
+ 8 <= len(data) <= 10
+ )
+ if date_only:
+ raise ValueError("This is a date, not a datetime")
+ return parsed_datetime
+ elif klass == date:
+ if len(data) < 8:
+ raise ValueError("This is not a date")
+ return parse(data).date()
+ else:
+ converted_value = klass(data)
+ if isinstance(data, str) and klass == float:
+ if str(converted_value) != data:
+ # '7' -> 7.0 -> '7.0' != '7'
+ raise ValueError('This is not a float')
+ return converted_value
+ except (OverflowError, ValueError) as ex:
+ # parse can raise OverflowError
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "{0}Failed to parse {1} as {2}".format(
+ additional_message, repr(data), klass.__name__
+ ),
+ path_to_item=path_to_item
+ ) from ex
+def get_discriminator_class(model_class,
+ discr_name,
+ discr_value, cls_visited):
+ """Returns the child class specified by the discriminator.
+ Args:
+ model_class (OpenApiModel): the model class.
+ discr_name (string): the name of the discriminator property.
+ discr_value (any): the discriminator value.
+ cls_visited (list): list of model classes that have been visited.
+ Used to determine the discriminator class without
+ visiting circular references indefinitely.
+ Returns:
+ used_model_class (class/None): the chosen child class that will be used
+ to deserialize the data, for example dog.Dog.
+ If a class is not found, None is returned.
+ """
+ if model_class in cls_visited:
+ # The class has already been visited and no suitable class was found.
+ return None
+ cls_visited.append(model_class)
+ used_model_class = None
+ if discr_name in model_class.discriminator:
+ class_name_to_discr_class = model_class.discriminator[discr_name]
+ used_model_class = class_name_to_discr_class.get(discr_value)
+ if used_model_class is None:
+ # We didn't find a discriminated class in class_name_to_discr_class.
+ # So look in the ancestor or descendant discriminators
+ # The discriminator mapping may exist in a descendant (anyOf, oneOf)
+ # or ancestor (allOf).
+ # Ancestor example: in the GrandparentAnimal -> ParentPet -> ChildCat
+ # hierarchy, the discriminator mappings may be defined at any level
+ # in the hierarchy.
+ # Descendant example: mammal -> whale/zebra/Pig -> BasquePig/DanishPig
+ # if we try to make BasquePig from mammal, we need to travel through
+ # the oneOf descendant discriminators to find BasquePig
+ descendant_classes = model_class._composed_schemas.get('oneOf', ()) + \
+ model_class._composed_schemas.get('anyOf', ())
+ ancestor_classes = model_class._composed_schemas.get('allOf', ())
+ possible_classes = descendant_classes + ancestor_classes
+ for cls in possible_classes:
+ # Check if the schema has inherited discriminators.
+ if hasattr(cls, 'discriminator') and cls.discriminator is not None:
+ used_model_class = get_discriminator_class(
+ cls, discr_name, discr_value, cls_visited)
+ if used_model_class is not None:
+ return used_model_class
+ return used_model_class
+def deserialize_model(model_data, model_class, path_to_item, check_type,
+ configuration, spec_property_naming):
+ """Deserializes model_data to model instance.
+ Args:
+ model_data (int/str/float/bool/none_type/list/dict): data to instantiate the model
+ model_class (OpenApiModel): the model class
+ path_to_item (list): path to the model in the received data
+ check_type (bool): whether to check the data tupe for the values in
+ the model
+ configuration (Configuration): the instance to use to convert files
+ spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input
+ data are serialized names as specified in the OpenAPI document.
+ False if the variables names in the input data are python
+ variable names in PEP-8 snake case.
+ Returns:
+ model instance
+ Raise:
+ ApiTypeError
+ ApiValueError
+ ApiKeyError
+ """
+ kw_args = dict(_check_type=check_type,
+ _path_to_item=path_to_item,
+ _configuration=configuration,
+ _spec_property_naming=spec_property_naming)
+ if issubclass(model_class, ModelSimple):
+ return model_class._new_from_openapi_data(model_data, **kw_args)
+ elif isinstance(model_data, list):
+ return model_class._new_from_openapi_data(*model_data, **kw_args)
+ if isinstance(model_data, dict):
+ kw_args.update(model_data)
+ return model_class._new_from_openapi_data(**kw_args)
+ elif isinstance(model_data, PRIMITIVE_TYPES):
+ return model_class._new_from_openapi_data(model_data, **kw_args)
+def deserialize_file(response_data, configuration, content_disposition=None):
+ """Deserializes body to file
+ Saves response body into a file in a temporary folder,
+ using the filename from the `Content-Disposition` header if provided.
+ Args:
+ param response_data (str): the file data to write
+ configuration (Configuration): the instance to use to convert files
+ Keyword Args:
+ content_disposition (str): the value of the Content-Disposition
+ header
+ Returns:
+ (file_type): the deserialized file which is open
+ The user is responsible for closing and reading the file
+ """
+ fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=configuration.temp_folder_path)
+ os.close(fd)
+ os.remove(path)
+ if content_disposition:
+ filename = re.search(r'filename=[\'"]?([^\'"\s]+)[\'"]?',
+ content_disposition,
+ flags=re.I)
+ if filename is not None:
+ filename = filename.group(1)
+ else:
+ filename = "default_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
+ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), filename)
+ with open(path, "wb") as f:
+ if isinstance(response_data, str):
+ # change str to bytes so we can write it
+ response_data = response_data.encode('utf-8')
+ f.write(response_data)
+ f = open(path, "rb")
+ return f
+def attempt_convert_item(input_value, valid_classes, path_to_item,
+ configuration, spec_property_naming, key_type=False,
+ must_convert=False, check_type=True):
+ """
+ Args:
+ input_value (any): the data to convert
+ valid_classes (any): the classes that are valid
+ path_to_item (list): the path to the item to convert
+ configuration (Configuration): the instance to use to convert files
+ spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input
+ data are serialized names as specified in the OpenAPI document.
+ False if the variables names in the input data are python
+ variable names in PEP-8 snake case.
+ key_type (bool): if True we need to convert a key type (not supported)
+ must_convert (bool): if True we must convert
+ check_type (bool): if True we check the type or the returned data in
+ ModelComposed/ModelNormal/ModelSimple instances
+ Returns:
+ instance (any) the fixed item
+ Raises:
+ ApiTypeError
+ ApiValueError
+ ApiKeyError
+ """
+ valid_classes_ordered = order_response_types(valid_classes)
+ valid_classes_coercible = remove_uncoercible(
+ valid_classes_ordered, input_value, spec_property_naming)
+ if not valid_classes_coercible or key_type:
+ # we do not handle keytype errors, json will take care
+ # of this for us
+ if configuration is None or not configuration.discard_unknown_keys:
+ raise get_type_error(input_value, path_to_item, valid_classes,
+ key_type=key_type)
+ for valid_class in valid_classes_coercible:
+ try:
+ if issubclass(valid_class, OpenApiModel):
+ return deserialize_model(input_value, valid_class,
+ path_to_item, check_type,
+ configuration, spec_property_naming)
+ elif valid_class == file_type:
+ return deserialize_file(input_value, configuration)
+ return deserialize_primitive(input_value, valid_class,
+ path_to_item)
+ except (ApiTypeError, ApiValueError, ApiKeyError) as conversion_exc:
+ if must_convert:
+ raise conversion_exc
+ # if we have conversion errors when must_convert == False
+ # we ignore the exception and move on to the next class
+ continue
+ # we were unable to convert, must_convert == False
+ return input_value
+def is_type_nullable(input_type):
+ """
+ Returns true if None is an allowed value for the specified input_type.
+ A type is nullable if at least one of the following conditions is true:
+ 1. The OAS 'nullable' attribute has been specified,
+ 1. The type is the 'null' type,
+ 1. The type is a anyOf/oneOf composed schema, and a child schema is
+ the 'null' type.
+ Args:
+ input_type (type): the class of the input_value that we are
+ checking
+ Returns:
+ bool
+ """
+ if input_type is none_type:
+ return True
+ if issubclass(input_type, OpenApiModel) and input_type._nullable:
+ return True
+ if issubclass(input_type, ModelComposed):
+ # If oneOf/anyOf, check if the 'null' type is one of the allowed types.
+ for t in input_type._composed_schemas.get('oneOf', ()):
+ if is_type_nullable(t):
+ return True
+ for t in input_type._composed_schemas.get('anyOf', ()):
+ if is_type_nullable(t):
+ return True
+ return False
+def is_valid_type(input_class_simple, valid_classes):
+ """
+ Args:
+ input_class_simple (class): the class of the input_value that we are
+ checking
+ valid_classes (tuple): the valid classes that the current item
+ should be
+ Returns:
+ bool
+ """
+ if issubclass(input_class_simple, OpenApiModel) and \
+ valid_classes == (bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type,):
+ return True
+ valid_type = input_class_simple in valid_classes
+ if not valid_type and (
+ issubclass(input_class_simple, OpenApiModel) or
+ input_class_simple is none_type):
+ for valid_class in valid_classes:
+ if input_class_simple is none_type and is_type_nullable(valid_class):
+ # Schema is oneOf/anyOf and the 'null' type is one of the allowed types.
+ return True
+ if not (issubclass(valid_class, OpenApiModel) and valid_class.discriminator):
+ continue
+ discr_propertyname_py = list(valid_class.discriminator.keys())[0]
+ discriminator_classes = (
+ valid_class.discriminator[discr_propertyname_py].values()
+ )
+ valid_type = is_valid_type(input_class_simple, discriminator_classes)
+ if valid_type:
+ return True
+ return valid_type
+def validate_and_convert_types(input_value, required_types_mixed, path_to_item,
+ spec_property_naming, _check_type, configuration=None):
+ """Raises a TypeError is there is a problem, otherwise returns value
+ Args:
+ input_value (any): the data to validate/convert
+ required_types_mixed (list/dict/tuple): A list of
+ valid classes, or a list tuples of valid classes, or a dict where
+ the value is a tuple of value classes
+ path_to_item: (list) the path to the data being validated
+ this stores a list of keys or indices to get to the data being
+ validated
+ spec_property_naming (bool): True if the variable names in the input
+ data are serialized names as specified in the OpenAPI document.
+ False if the variables names in the input data are python
+ variable names in PEP-8 snake case.
+ _check_type: (boolean) if true, type will be checked and conversion
+ will be attempted.
+ configuration: (Configuration): the configuration class to use
+ when converting file_type items.
+ If passed, conversion will be attempted when possible
+ If not passed, no conversions will be attempted and
+ exceptions will be raised
+ Returns:
+ the correctly typed value
+ Raises:
+ ApiTypeError
+ """
+ results = get_required_type_classes(required_types_mixed, spec_property_naming)
+ valid_classes, child_req_types_by_current_type = results
+ input_class_simple = get_simple_class(input_value)
+ valid_type = is_valid_type(input_class_simple, valid_classes)
+ if not valid_type:
+ if (configuration
+ or (input_class_simple == dict
+ and dict not in valid_classes)):
+ # if input_value is not valid_type try to convert it
+ converted_instance = attempt_convert_item(
+ input_value,
+ valid_classes,
+ path_to_item,
+ configuration,
+ spec_property_naming,
+ key_type=False,
+ must_convert=True,
+ check_type=_check_type
+ )
+ return converted_instance
+ else:
+ raise get_type_error(input_value, path_to_item, valid_classes,
+ key_type=False)
+ # input_value's type is in valid_classes
+ if len(valid_classes) > 1 and configuration:
+ # there are valid classes which are not the current class
+ valid_classes_coercible = remove_uncoercible(
+ valid_classes, input_value, spec_property_naming, must_convert=False)
+ if valid_classes_coercible:
+ converted_instance = attempt_convert_item(
+ input_value,
+ valid_classes_coercible,
+ path_to_item,
+ configuration,
+ spec_property_naming,
+ key_type=False,
+ must_convert=False,
+ check_type=_check_type
+ )
+ return converted_instance
+ if child_req_types_by_current_type == {}:
+ # all types are of the required types and there are no more inner
+ # variables left to look at
+ return input_value
+ inner_required_types = child_req_types_by_current_type.get(
+ type(input_value)
+ )
+ if inner_required_types is None:
+ # for this type, there are not more inner variables left to look at
+ return input_value
+ if isinstance(input_value, list):
+ if input_value == []:
+ # allow an empty list
+ return input_value
+ for index, inner_value in enumerate(input_value):
+ inner_path = list(path_to_item)
+ inner_path.append(index)
+ input_value[index] = validate_and_convert_types(
+ inner_value,
+ inner_required_types,
+ inner_path,
+ spec_property_naming,
+ _check_type,
+ configuration=configuration
+ )
+ elif isinstance(input_value, dict):
+ if input_value == {}:
+ # allow an empty dict
+ return input_value
+ for inner_key, inner_val in input_value.items():
+ inner_path = list(path_to_item)
+ inner_path.append(inner_key)
+ if get_simple_class(inner_key) != str:
+ raise get_type_error(inner_key, inner_path, valid_classes,
+ key_type=True)
+ input_value[inner_key] = validate_and_convert_types(
+ inner_val,
+ inner_required_types,
+ inner_path,
+ spec_property_naming,
+ _check_type,
+ configuration=configuration
+ )
+ return input_value
+def model_to_dict(model_instance, serialize=True):
+ """Returns the model properties as a dict
+ Args:
+ model_instance (one of your model instances): the model instance that
+ will be converted to a dict.
+ Keyword Args:
+ serialize (bool): if True, the keys in the dict will be values from
+ attribute_map
+ """
+ result = {}
+ def extract_item(item): return (
+ item[0], model_to_dict(
+ item[1], serialize=serialize)) if hasattr(
+ item[1], '_data_store') else item
+ model_instances = [model_instance]
+ if model_instance._composed_schemas:
+ model_instances.extend(model_instance._composed_instances)
+ seen_json_attribute_names = set()
+ used_fallback_python_attribute_names = set()
+ py_to_json_map = {}
+ for model_instance in model_instances:
+ for attr, value in model_instance._data_store.items():
+ if serialize:
+ # we use get here because additional property key names do not
+ # exist in attribute_map
+ try:
+ attr = model_instance.attribute_map[attr]
+ py_to_json_map.update(model_instance.attribute_map)
+ seen_json_attribute_names.add(attr)
+ except KeyError:
+ used_fallback_python_attribute_names.add(attr)
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ if not value:
+ # empty list or None
+ result[attr] = value
+ else:
+ res = []
+ for v in value:
+ if isinstance(v, PRIMITIVE_TYPES) or v is None:
+ res.append(v)
+ elif isinstance(v, ModelSimple):
+ res.append(v.value)
+ elif isinstance(v, dict):
+ res.append(dict(map(
+ extract_item,
+ v.items()
+ )))
+ else:
+ res.append(model_to_dict(v, serialize=serialize))
+ result[attr] = res
+ elif isinstance(value, dict):
+ result[attr] = dict(map(
+ extract_item,
+ value.items()
+ ))
+ elif isinstance(value, ModelSimple):
+ result[attr] = value.value
+ elif hasattr(value, '_data_store'):
+ result[attr] = model_to_dict(value, serialize=serialize)
+ else:
+ result[attr] = value
+ if serialize:
+ for python_key in used_fallback_python_attribute_names:
+ json_key = py_to_json_map.get(python_key)
+ if json_key is None:
+ continue
+ if python_key == json_key:
+ continue
+ json_key_assigned_no_need_for_python_key = json_key in seen_json_attribute_names
+ if json_key_assigned_no_need_for_python_key:
+ del result[python_key]
+ return result
+def type_error_message(var_value=None, var_name=None, valid_classes=None,
+ key_type=None):
+ """
+ Keyword Args:
+ var_value (any): the variable which has the type_error
+ var_name (str): the name of the variable which has the typ error
+ valid_classes (tuple): the accepted classes for current_item's
+ value
+ key_type (bool): False if our value is a value in a dict
+ True if it is a key in a dict
+ False if our item is an item in a list
+ """
+ key_or_value = 'value'
+ if key_type:
+ key_or_value = 'key'
+ valid_classes_phrase = get_valid_classes_phrase(valid_classes)
+ msg = (
+ "Invalid type for variable '{0}'. Required {1} type {2} and "
+ "passed type was {3}".format(
+ var_name,
+ key_or_value,
+ valid_classes_phrase,
+ type(var_value).__name__,
+ )
+ )
+ return msg
+def get_valid_classes_phrase(input_classes):
+ """Returns a string phrase describing what types are allowed
+ """
+ all_classes = list(input_classes)
+ all_classes = sorted(all_classes, key=lambda cls: cls.__name__)
+ all_class_names = [cls.__name__ for cls in all_classes]
+ if len(all_class_names) == 1:
+ return 'is {0}'.format(all_class_names[0])
+ return "is one of [{0}]".format(", ".join(all_class_names))
+def get_allof_instances(self, model_args, constant_args):
+ """
+ Args:
+ self: the class we are handling
+ model_args (dict): var_name to var_value
+ used to make instances
+ constant_args (dict):
+ metadata arguments:
+ _check_type
+ _path_to_item
+ _spec_property_naming
+ _configuration
+ _visited_composed_classes
+ Returns
+ composed_instances (list)
+ """
+ composed_instances = []
+ for allof_class in self._composed_schemas['allOf']:
+ try:
+ if constant_args.get('_spec_property_naming'):
+ allof_instance = allof_class._from_openapi_data(**model_args, **constant_args)
+ else:
+ allof_instance = allof_class(**model_args, **constant_args)
+ composed_instances.append(allof_instance)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid inputs given to generate an instance of '%s'. The "
+ "input data was invalid for the allOf schema '%s' in the composed "
+ "schema '%s'. Error=%s" % (
+ allof_class.__name__,
+ allof_class.__name__,
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ str(ex)
+ )
+ ) from ex
+ return composed_instances
+def get_oneof_instance(cls, model_kwargs, constant_kwargs, model_arg=None):
+ """
+ Find the oneOf schema that matches the input data (e.g. payload).
+ If exactly one schema matches the input data, an instance of that schema
+ is returned.
+ If zero or more than one schema match the input data, an exception is raised.
+ In OAS 3.x, the payload MUST, by validation, match exactly one of the
+ schemas described by oneOf.
+ Args:
+ cls: the class we are handling
+ model_kwargs (dict): var_name to var_value
+ The input data, e.g. the payload that must match a oneOf schema
+ in the OpenAPI document.
+ constant_kwargs (dict): var_name to var_value
+ args that every model requires, including configuration, server
+ and path to item.
+ Kwargs:
+ model_arg: (int, float, bool, str, date, datetime, ModelSimple, None):
+ the value to assign to a primitive class or ModelSimple class
+ Notes:
+ - this is only passed in when oneOf includes types which are not object
+ - None is used to suppress handling of model_arg, nullable models are handled in __new__
+ Returns
+ oneof_instance (instance)
+ """
+ if len(cls._composed_schemas['oneOf']) == 0:
+ return None
+ oneof_instances = []
+ # Iterate over each oneOf schema and determine if the input data
+ # matches the oneOf schemas.
+ for oneof_class in cls._composed_schemas['oneOf']:
+ # The composed oneOf schema allows the 'null' type and the input data
+ # is the null value. This is a OAS >= 3.1 feature.
+ if oneof_class is none_type:
+ # skip none_types because we are deserializing dict data.
+ # none_type deserialization is handled in the __new__ method
+ continue
+ single_value_input = allows_single_value_input(oneof_class)
+ try:
+ if not single_value_input:
+ if constant_kwargs.get('_spec_property_naming'):
+ oneof_instance = oneof_class._from_openapi_data(
+ **model_kwargs, **constant_kwargs)
+ else:
+ oneof_instance = oneof_class(**model_kwargs, **constant_kwargs)
+ else:
+ if issubclass(oneof_class, ModelSimple):
+ if constant_kwargs.get('_spec_property_naming'):
+ oneof_instance = oneof_class._from_openapi_data(
+ model_arg, **constant_kwargs)
+ else:
+ oneof_instance = oneof_class(model_arg, **constant_kwargs)
+ elif oneof_class in PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
+ oneof_instance = validate_and_convert_types(
+ model_arg,
+ (oneof_class,),
+ constant_kwargs['_path_to_item'],
+ constant_kwargs['_spec_property_naming'],
+ constant_kwargs['_check_type'],
+ configuration=constant_kwargs['_configuration']
+ )
+ oneof_instances.append(oneof_instance)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ if len(oneof_instances) == 0:
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid inputs given to generate an instance of %s. None "
+ "of the oneOf schemas matched the input data." %
+ cls.__name__
+ )
+ elif len(oneof_instances) > 1:
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid inputs given to generate an instance of %s. Multiple "
+ "oneOf schemas matched the inputs, but a max of one is allowed." %
+ cls.__name__
+ )
+ return oneof_instances[0]
+def get_anyof_instances(self, model_args, constant_args):
+ """
+ Args:
+ self: the class we are handling
+ model_args (dict): var_name to var_value
+ The input data, e.g. the payload that must match at least one
+ anyOf child schema in the OpenAPI document.
+ constant_args (dict): var_name to var_value
+ args that every model requires, including configuration, server
+ and path to item.
+ Returns
+ anyof_instances (list)
+ """
+ anyof_instances = []
+ if len(self._composed_schemas['anyOf']) == 0:
+ return anyof_instances
+ for anyof_class in self._composed_schemas['anyOf']:
+ # The composed oneOf schema allows the 'null' type and the input data
+ # is the null value. This is a OAS >= 3.1 feature.
+ if anyof_class is none_type:
+ # skip none_types because we are deserializing dict data.
+ # none_type deserialization is handled in the __new__ method
+ continue
+ try:
+ if constant_args.get('_spec_property_naming'):
+ anyof_instance = anyof_class._from_openapi_data(**model_args, **constant_args)
+ else:
+ anyof_instance = anyof_class(**model_args, **constant_args)
+ anyof_instances.append(anyof_instance)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ if len(anyof_instances) == 0:
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "Invalid inputs given to generate an instance of %s. None of the "
+ "anyOf schemas matched the inputs." %
+ self.__class__.__name__
+ )
+ return anyof_instances
+def get_discarded_args(self, composed_instances, model_args):
+ """
+ Gathers the args that were discarded by configuration.discard_unknown_keys
+ """
+ model_arg_keys = model_args.keys()
+ discarded_args = set()
+ # arguments passed to self were already converted to python names
+ # before __init__ was called
+ for instance in composed_instances:
+ if instance.__class__ in self._composed_schemas['allOf']:
+ try:
+ keys = instance.to_dict().keys()
+ discarded_keys = model_args - keys
+ discarded_args.update(discarded_keys)
+ except Exception:
+ # allOf integer schema will throw exception
+ pass
+ else:
+ try:
+ all_keys = set(model_to_dict(instance, serialize=False).keys())
+ js_keys = model_to_dict(instance, serialize=True).keys()
+ all_keys.update(js_keys)
+ discarded_keys = model_arg_keys - all_keys
+ discarded_args.update(discarded_keys)
+ except Exception:
+ # allOf integer schema will throw exception
+ pass
+ return discarded_args
+def validate_get_composed_info(constant_args, model_args, self):
+ """
+ For composed schemas, generate schema instances for
+ all schemas in the oneOf/anyOf/allOf definition. If additional
+ properties are allowed, also assign those properties on
+ all matched schemas that contain additionalProperties.
+ Openapi schemas are python classes.
+ Exceptions are raised if:
+ - 0 or > 1 oneOf schema matches the model_args input data
+ - no anyOf schema matches the model_args input data
+ - any of the allOf schemas do not match the model_args input data
+ Args:
+ constant_args (dict): these are the args that every model requires
+ model_args (dict): these are the required and optional spec args that
+ were passed in to make this model
+ self (class): the class that we are instantiating
+ This class contains self._composed_schemas
+ Returns:
+ composed_info (list): length three
+ composed_instances (list): the composed instances which are not
+ self
+ var_name_to_model_instances (dict): a dict going from var_name
+ to the model_instance which holds that var_name
+ the model_instance may be self or an instance of one of the
+ classes in self.composed_instances()
+ additional_properties_model_instances (list): a list of the
+ model instances which have the property
+ additional_properties_type. This list can include self
+ """
+ # create composed_instances
+ composed_instances = []
+ allof_instances = get_allof_instances(self, model_args, constant_args)
+ composed_instances.extend(allof_instances)
+ oneof_instance = get_oneof_instance(self.__class__, model_args, constant_args)
+ if oneof_instance is not None:
+ composed_instances.append(oneof_instance)
+ anyof_instances = get_anyof_instances(self, model_args, constant_args)
+ composed_instances.extend(anyof_instances)
+ """
+ set additional_properties_model_instances
+ additional properties must be evaluated at the schema level
+ so self's additional properties are most important
+ If self is a composed schema with:
+ - no properties defined in self
+ - additionalProperties: False
+ Then for object payloads every property is an additional property
+ and they are not allowed, so only empty dict is allowed
+ Properties must be set on all matching schemas
+ so when a property is assigned toa composed instance, it must be set on all
+ composed instances regardless of additionalProperties presence
+ keeping it to prevent breaking changes in v5.0.1
+ TODO remove cls._additional_properties_model_instances in 6.0.0
+ """
+ additional_properties_model_instances = []
+ if self.additional_properties_type is not None:
+ additional_properties_model_instances = [self]
+ """
+ no need to set properties on self in here, they will be set in __init__
+ By here all composed schema oneOf/anyOf/allOf instances have their properties set using
+ model_args
+ """
+ discarded_args = get_discarded_args(self, composed_instances, model_args)
+ # map variable names to composed_instances
+ var_name_to_model_instances = {}
+ for prop_name in model_args:
+ if prop_name not in discarded_args:
+ var_name_to_model_instances[prop_name] = [self] + list(
+ filter(
+ lambda x: prop_name in x.openapi_types, composed_instances))
+ return [
+ composed_instances,
+ var_name_to_model_instances,
+ additional_properties_model_instances,
+ discarded_args
+ ]