path: root/python/tests/files/jstor-article-10.2307_111039.xml
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+<article xmlns:xsi=""
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+ <journal-id journal-id-type="jstor">abstpapecommroya</journal-id>
+ <journal-id journal-id-type="jstor">j100687</journal-id>
+ <journal-title-group>
+ <journal-title>Abstracts of the Papers Communicated to the Royal Society of London</journal-title>
+ </journal-title-group>
+ <publisher>
+ <publisher-name>The Royal Society</publisher-name>
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+ <issn pub-type="ppub">03650855</issn>
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+ <article-id pub-id-type="jstor">111039</article-id>
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+ <article-title>On the Universal Law of Attraction, Including that of Gravitation, as a Particular Case of Approximation Deducible from the Principle that Equal and Similar Particles of Matter Move Similarly, Relatively to Each other. [Abstract]</article-title>
+ </title-group>
+ <contrib-group>
+ <contrib contrib-type="author">
+ <string-name>
+ <given-names>John Kinnersley</given-names>
+ <surname>Smythies</surname>
+ </string-name>
+ </contrib>
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+ <pub-date>
+ <day>1</day>
+ <month>1</month>
+ <year>1843</year>
+ <day>1</day>
+ <month>1</month>
+ <year>1850</year>
+ </pub-date>
+ <volume>5</volume>
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+ <issue-id>i207047</issue-id>
+ <fpage>831</fpage>
+ <lpage>832</lpage>
+ <page-range>831-832</page-range>
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