path: root/python/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'python/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 178 deletions
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 04f2b18e..00000000
--- a/python/
+++ /dev/null
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-import sys
-import json
-import datetime
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
-from bs4.element import NavigableString
-class JstorXmlParser():
- """
- Converts JSTOR bulk XML metadata (eg, from their Early Journals Collection)
- """
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def parse_file(self, handle):
- # 1. open with beautiful soup
- soup = BeautifulSoup(handle, "xml")
- # 2. iterate over articles, call parse_article on each
- for article in soup.find_all("article"):
- resp = self.parse_article(article)
- print(json.dumps(resp))
- #sys.exit(-1)
- def parse_article(self, article):
- journal_meta = article.front.find("journal-meta")
- article_meta = article.front.find("article-meta")
- extra = dict()
- extra_jstor = dict()
- journal_title = journal_meta.find("journal-title").string
- publisher = journal_meta.find("publisher-name").string
- issn = journal_meta.find("issn")
- if issn:
- issn = issn.string
- if len(issn) == 8:
- issn = "{}-{}".format(issn[0:4], issn[4:8])
- else:
- assert len(issn) == 9
- container = dict(
- name=journal_title,
- publisher=publisher,
- issn=issn, # TODO: ISSN-L lookup...
- )
- doi = article_meta.find("article-id", attr={"pub-id-type": "doi"})
- if doi:
- doi = doi.string.lower().strip()
- title = article_meta.find("article-title")
- if title:
- title = title.string.strip()
- if title.endswith('.'):
- title = title[:-1]
- contribs = []
- cgroup = article_meta.find("contrib-group")
- if cgroup:
- for c in cgroup.find_all("contrib"):
- given = c.find("given-names")
- surname = c.find("surname")
- if given and surname:
- name = "{} {}".format(given.string, surname.string)
- elif surname:
- name = surname.string
- else:
- name = None
- contribs.append(dict(
- role=c['contrib-type'], # XXX: types? mapping?
- raw_name=name,
- ))
- release_year = None
- release_date = None
- pub_date = article_meta.find('pub-date')
- if pub_date and pub_date.year:
- release_year = int(pub_date.year.string)
- if pub_date.month and
- release_date =
- release_year,
- int(pub_date.month.string),
- int(
- volume = None
- if article_meta.volume:
- volume = article_meta.volume.string or None
- issue = None
- if article_meta.issue:
- issue = article_meta.issue.string or None
- pages = None
- if article_meta.find("page-range"):
- pages = article_meta.find("page-range").string
- elif article_meta.fpage:
- pages = article_meta.fpage.string
- language = None
- cm = article_meta.find("custom-meta")
- if cm.find("meta-name").string == "lang":
- language = cm.find("meta-value").string
- release_type = "article-journal"
- if "[Abstract]" in title:
- release_type = "abstract"
- elif "[Editorial" in title:
- release_type = "editorial"
- elif "[Letter" in title:
- release_type = "letter"
- elif "[Poem" in title or "[Photograph" in title:
- release_type = None
- if title.startswith("[") and title.endswith("]"):
- # strip brackets if that is all that is there (eg, translation or non-english)
- title = title[1:-1]
- # everything in JSTOR is published
- release_status = "published"
- if extra_jstor:
- extra['jstor'] = extra_jstor
- if not extra:
- extra = None
- re = dict(
- issn=issn, # not an entity field
- #work_id
- title=title,
- #original_title
- release_type=release_type,
- release_status=release_status,
- release_date=release_date.isoformat(),
- release_year=release_year,
- doi=doi,
- #pmid
- #pmcid
- #isbn13 # TODO: ?
- volume=volume,
- issue=issue,
- pages=pages,
- publisher=publisher,
- language=language,
- #license_slug # TODO: ?
- # content, mimetype, lang
- #abstracts=abstracts,
- # raw_name, role, raw_affiliation, extra
- contribs=contribs,
- # key, year, container_name, title, locator
- # extra: volume, authors, issue, publisher, identifiers
- #refs=refs,
- # name, type, publisher, issnl
- # extra: issnp, issne, original_name, languages, country
- container=container,
- # extra:
- # withdrawn_date
- # translation_of
- # subtitle
- # aliases
- # container_name
- # group-title
- # pubmed: retraction refs
- extra=extra,
- )
- return re
-if __name__=='__main__':
- parser = JstorXmlParser()
- parser.parse_file(open(sys.argv[1]))