path: root/python/fatcat_tools/transforms
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/fatcat_tools/transforms')
4 files changed, 532 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/fatcat_tools/transforms/ b/python/fatcat_tools/transforms/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4950433b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/fatcat_tools/transforms/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from .entities import entity_to_dict, entity_from_json
+from .elasticsearch import release_to_elasticsearch, container_to_elasticsearch, changelog_to_elasticsearch
+from .csl import release_to_csl
diff --git a/python/fatcat_tools/transforms/ b/python/fatcat_tools/transforms/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9615b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/fatcat_tools/transforms/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+import collections
+from fatcat_client import ApiClient
+def contribs_by_role(contribs, role):
+ ret = [c.copy() for c in contribs if c['role'] == role]
+ [c.pop('role') for c in ret]
+ # XXX:
+ [c.pop('literal') for c in ret]
+ if not ret:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return ret
+def release_to_csl(entity):
+ """
+ Returns a python dict which can be json.dumps() to get a CSL-JSON (aka,
+ citeproc-JSON, aka Citation Style Language JSON)
+ This function will likely become an API method/endpoint
+ Follows, but not enforced by:
+ """
+ contribs = []
+ for contrib in (entity.contribs or []):
+ if contrib.creator:
+ # TODO: should we actually be pulling creator metadata? or just
+ # using release-local raw metadata?
+ c = dict(
+ family=contrib.creator.surname,
+ given=contrib.creator.given_name,
+ #dropping-particle
+ #non-dropping-particle
+ #suffix
+ #comma-suffix
+ #static-ordering
+ literal=contrib.raw_name, # or display_name?
+ #parse-names,
+ role=contrib.role,
+ )
+ else:
+ c = dict(
+ # XXX: possible inclusion of full name metadata in release_contrib
+ family=contrib.raw_name.split()[-1],
+ literal=contrib.raw_name,
+ role=contrib.role,
+ )
+ for k in list(c.keys()):
+ if not c[k]:
+ c.pop(k)
+ contribs.append(c)
+ abstract = None
+ if entity.abstracts:
+ abstract = entity.abstracts[0].content
+ issued_date = None
+ if entity.release_date:
+ issued_date = {"date-parts": [[
+ entity.release_date.year,
+ entity.release_date.month,
+ ]]}
+ elif entity.release_year:
+ issued_date = {"date-parts": [[entity.release_year]]}
+ csl = dict(
+ #id,
+ #categories
+ type=entity.release_type or "article", # XXX: can't be blank
+ language=entity.language,
+ #journalAbbreviation
+ #shortTitle
+ ## see below for all contrib roles
+ #accessed
+ #container
+ #event-date
+ issued=issued_date,
+ #original-date
+ #submitted
+ abstract=abstract,
+ #annote
+ #archive
+ #archive_location
+ #archive-place
+ #authority
+ #call-number
+ #chapter-number
+ #citation-number
+ #citation-label
+ #collection-number
+ #collection-title
+ container_title=entity.container and,
+ #container-title-short
+ #dimensions
+ DOI=entity.doi,
+ #edition
+ #event
+ #event-place
+ #first-reference-note-number
+ #genre
+ ISBN=entity.isbn13,
+ ISSN=entity.container and entity.container.issnl,
+ issue=entity.issue,
+ #jurisdiction
+ #keyword
+ #locator
+ #medium
+ #note
+ #number
+ #number-of-pages
+ #number-of-volumes
+ #original-publisher
+ #original-publisher-place
+ #original-title
+ # XXX: page=entity.pages,
+ page_first=entity.pages.split('-')[0],
+ PMCID=entity.pmcid,
+ PMID=entity.pmid,
+ publisher=(entity.container and entity.container.publisher) or entity.publisher,
+ #publisher-place
+ #references
+ #reviewed-title
+ #scale
+ #section
+ #source
+ #status
+ title=entity.title,
+ #title-short
+ #URL
+ #version
+ volume=entity.volume,
+ #year-suffix
+ )
+ for role in ['author', 'collection-editor', 'composer', 'container-author',
+ 'director', 'editor', 'editorial-director', 'interviewer',
+ 'illustrator', 'original-author', 'recipient', 'reviewed-author',
+ 'translator']:
+ cbr = contribs_by_role(contribs, role)
+ if cbr:
+ csl[role] = cbr
+ # underline-to-dash
+ csl['container-title'] = csl.pop('container_title')
+ csl['page-first'] = csl.pop('page_first')
+ empty_keys = [k for k,v in csl.items() if not v]
+ for k in empty_keys:
+ csl.pop(k)
+ return csl
+def refs_to_csl(entity):
+ ret = []
+ for ref in entity.refs:
+ if ref.release_id and False:
+ # TODO: fetch full entity from API and convert with release_to_csl
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ else:
+ issued_date = None
+ if ref.year:
+ issued_date = [[ref.year]]
+ csl = dict(
+ title=ref.title,
+ issued=issued_date,
+ )
+ csl['id'] = ref.key or ref.index, # zero- or one-indexed?
+ ret.append(csl)
+ return ret
diff --git a/python/fatcat_tools/transforms/ b/python/fatcat_tools/transforms/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c2c5e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/fatcat_tools/transforms/
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+import collections
+from fatcat_client import ApiClient
+def check_kbart(year, archive):
+ if not archive or not archive.get('year_spans'):
+ return None
+ for span in archive['year_spans']:
+ if year >= span[0] and year <= span[1]:
+ return True
+ return False
+def test_check_kbart():
+ assert check_kbart(1990, dict(year_spans=[[2000, 2000]])) == False
+ assert check_kbart(2000, dict(year_spans=[[2000, 2000]])) == True
+ assert check_kbart(1950, dict(year_spans=[[1900, 1920], [1990, 2000]])) == False
+ assert check_kbart(1950, dict(year_spans=[[1900, 1920], [1930, 2000]])) == True
+def release_to_elasticsearch(entity, force_bool=True):
+ """
+ Converts from an entity model/schema to elasticsearch oriented schema.
+ Returns: dict
+ Raises exception on error (never returns None)
+ """
+ if entity.state in ('redirect', 'deleted'):
+ return dict(
+ ident = entity.ident,
+ state = entity.state,
+ )
+ elif entity.state != 'active':
+ raise ValueError("Unhandled entity state: {}".format(entity.state))
+ # First, the easy ones (direct copy)
+ release = entity
+ t = dict(
+ ident = release.ident,
+ state = release.state,
+ revision = release.revision,
+ title = release.title,
+ original_title = release.original_title,
+ release_type = release.release_type,
+ release_status = release.release_status,
+ language = release.language,
+ license = release.license_slug,
+ doi = release.doi,
+ pmid = release.pmid,
+ pmcid = release.pmcid,
+ isbn13 = release.isbn13,
+ wikidata_qid = release.wikidata_qid,
+ core_id = release.core_id,
+ arxiv_id = release.core_id,
+ jstor_id = release.jstor_id,
+ )
+ is_oa = None
+ is_preserved = None
+ is_longtail_oa = None
+ in_kbart = None
+ in_jstor = False
+ in_web = False
+ in_dweb = False
+ in_ia = False
+ in_ia_sim = False
+ in_shadow = False
+ release_year = release.release_year
+ if release.release_date:
+ # .isoformat() results in, eg, '2010-10-22' (YYYY-MM-DD)
+ t['release_date'] = release.release_date.isoformat()
+ if not release_year:
+ release_year = release.release_date.year
+ if release_year:
+ t['release_year'] = release_year
+ t['any_abstract'] = len(release.abstracts) > 0
+ t['ref_count'] = len(release.refs or [])
+ t['contrib_count'] = len(release.contribs or [])
+ contrib_names = []
+ for c in (release.contribs or []):
+ if c.raw_name:
+ contrib_names.append(c.raw_name)
+ t['contrib_names'] = contrib_names
+ container = release.container
+ if container:
+ t['publisher'] = container.publisher
+ t['container_name'] =
+ t['container_id'] = container.ident
+ t['container_issnl'] = container.issnl
+ t['container_type'] = container.container_type
+ if container.extra:
+ c_extra = container.extra
+ if c_extra.get('kbart') and release_year:
+ in_jstor = check_kbart(release_year, c_extra['kbart'].get('jstor'))
+ in_kbart = in_jstor
+ for archive in ('portico', 'lockss', 'clockss'):
+ in_kbart = in_kbart or check_kbart(release_year, c_extra['kbart'].get(archive))
+ if c_extra.get('ia'):
+ if c_extra['ia'].get('sim') and release_year:
+ in_ia_sim = check_kbart(release_year, c_extra['ia']['sim'])
+ if c_extra['ia'].get('longtail_oa'):
+ is_longtail_oa = True
+ if c_extra.get('sherpa_romeo'):
+ if c_extra['sherpa_romeo'].get('color') == 'white':
+ is_oa = False
+ if c_extra.get('default_license') and c_extra.get('default_license').startswith('CC-'):
+ is_oa = True
+ if c_extra.get('doaj'):
+ if c_extra['doaj'].get('as_of'):
+ is_oa = True
+ if c_extra.get('road'):
+ if c_extra['road'].get('as_of'):
+ is_oa = True
+ else:
+ t['publisher'] = release.publisher
+ if release.jstor_id or (release.doi and release.doi.startswith('10.2307/')):
+ in_jstor = True
+ files = release.files or []
+ t['file_count'] = len(files)
+ t['fileset_count'] = len(release.filesets or [])
+ t['webcapture_count'] = len(release.webcaptures or [])
+ any_pdf_url = None
+ good_pdf_url = None
+ best_pdf_url = None
+ ia_pdf_url = None
+ for f in files:
+ if f.extra and f.extra.get('shadows'):
+ # TODO: shadow check goes here
+ in_shadows = True
+ is_pdf = 'pdf' in (f.mimetype or '')
+ for url in (f.urls or []):
+ if url.url.lower().startswith('http'):
+ in_web = True
+ if url.rel in ('dweb', 'p2p', 'ipfs', 'dat', 'torrent'):
+ # not sure what rel will be for this stuff
+ in_dweb = True
+ if is_pdf:
+ any_pdf_url = url.url
+ if is_pdf and url.rel in ('webarchive', 'repository') and is_pdf:
+ is_preserved = True
+ good_pdf_url = url.url
+ if '//' in url.url:
+ in_jstor = True
+ if '//' in url.url or '//' in url.url:
+ in_ia = True
+ if is_pdf:
+ best_pdf_url = url.url
+ ia_pdf_url = url.url
+ # here is where we bake-in priority; IA-specific
+ t['best_pdf_url'] = best_pdf_url or good_pdf_url or any_pdf_url
+ t['ia_pdf_url'] = ia_pdf_url
+ if release.license_slug:
+ # TODO: more/better checks here, particularly strict *not* OA licenses
+ if release.license_slug.startswith("CC-"):
+ is_oa = True
+ extra = release.extra or dict()
+ if extra:
+ if extra.get('is_oa'):
+ # NOTE: not actually setting this anywhere... but could
+ is_oa = True
+ if extra.get('longtail_oa'):
+ # sometimes set by GROBID/matcher
+ is_oa = True
+ is_longtail_oa = True
+ if not t.get('container_name'):
+ t['container_name'] = extra.get('container_name')
+ if extra.get('crossref'):
+ if extra['crossref'].get('archive'):
+ # all crossref archives are KBART, I believe
+ in_kbart = True
+ if is_longtail_oa:
+ is_oa = True
+ if force_bool:
+ t['is_oa'] = bool(is_oa)
+ t['is_longtail_oa'] = bool(is_longtail_oa)
+ t['in_kbart'] = bool(in_kbart)
+ t['in_ia_sim'] = bool(in_ia_sim)
+ t['in_jstor'] = bool(in_jstor)
+ t['in_web'] = bool(in_web)
+ t['in_dweb'] = bool(in_dweb)
+ else:
+ t['is_oa'] = is_oa
+ t['is_longtail_oa'] = is_longtail_oa
+ t['in_kbart'] = in_kbart
+ t['in_ia_sim'] = in_ia_sim
+ t['in_jstor'] = in_jstor
+ t['in_web'] = in_web
+ t['in_dweb'] = in_dweb
+ t['in_ia'] = bool(in_ia)
+ t['is_preserved'] = bool(is_preserved or in_ia or in_kbart or in_jstor)
+ return t
+def container_to_elasticsearch(entity, force_bool=True):
+ """
+ Converts from an entity model/schema to elasticsearch oriented schema.
+ Returns: dict
+ Raises exception on error (never returns None)
+ """
+ if entity.state in ('redirect', 'deleted'):
+ return dict(
+ ident = entity.ident,
+ state = entity.state,
+ )
+ elif entity.state != 'active':
+ raise ValueError("Unhandled entity state: {}".format(entity.state))
+ # First, the easy ones (direct copy)
+ t = dict(
+ ident = entity.ident,
+ state = entity.state,
+ revision = entity.revision,
+ name =,
+ publisher = entity.publisher,
+ container_type = entity.container_type,
+ issnl = entity.issnl,
+ wikidata_qid = entity.wikidata_qid,
+ )
+ # TODO: region, discipline
+ # TODO: single primary language?
+ if not entity.extra:
+ entity.extra = dict()
+ for key in ('country', 'languages', 'mimetypes', 'first_year', 'last_year'):
+ if entity.extra.get(key):
+ t[key] = entity.extra[key]
+ in_doaj = None
+ in_road = None
+ # TODO: not currently implemented
+ in_doi = None
+ # TODO: would be nice to have 'in_doaj_works', or maybe just "any_pid"
+ #in_doaj_works = None
+ in_sherpa_romeo = None
+ is_oa = None
+ # TODO: not actually set/stored anywhere?
+ is_longtail_oa = None
+ any_kbart = None
+ any_jstor = None
+ any_ia_sim = None
+ extra = entity.extra
+ if extra.get('doaj'):
+ if extra['doaj'].get('as_of'):
+ in_doaj = True
+ if extra.get('road'):
+ if extra['road'].get('as_of'):
+ in_road = True
+ if extra.get('default_license'):
+ if extra['default_license'].startswith('CC-'):
+ is_oa = True
+ if extra.get('sherpa_romeo'):
+ in_sherpa_romeo = True
+ if extra['sherpa_romeo'].get('color') == 'white':
+ is_oa = False
+ if extra.get('kbart'):
+ any_kbart = True
+ if extra['kbart'].get('jstor'):
+ any_jstor = True
+ if extra.get('ia'):
+ if extra['ia'].get('sim'):
+ any_ia_sim = True
+ t['in_doaj'] = bool(in_doaj)
+ t['in_road'] = bool(in_road)
+ t['in_sherpa_romeo'] = bool(in_sherpa_romeo)
+ t['any_kbart'] = bool(any_kbart)
+ t['is_longtail_oa'] = bool(is_longtail_oa)
+ if force_bool:
+ t['in_doi'] = bool(in_doi)
+ t['is_oa'] = bool(in_doaj or in_road or is_longtail_oa or is_oa)
+ t['any_jstor'] = bool(any_jstor)
+ t['any_ia_sim'] = bool(any_ia_sim)
+ else:
+ t['in_doi'] = in_doi
+ t['is_oa'] = in_doaj or in_road or is_longtail_oa or is_oa
+ t['any_jstor'] = any_jstor
+ t['any_ia_sim'] = any_ia_sim
+ return t
+def changelog_to_elasticsearch(entity):
+ editgroup = entity.editgroup
+ t = dict(
+ index=entity.index,
+ editgroup_id=entity.editgroup_id,
+ timestamp=entity.timestamp,
+ editor_id=editgroup.editor_id,
+ )
+ extra = editgroup.extra or dict()
+ if extra.get('agent'):
+ t['agent'] = extra['agent']
+ t['containers'] = len(editgroup.edits.containers)
+ t['creators'] = len(editgroup.edits.containers)
+ t['files'] = len(editgroup.edits.containers)
+ t['filesets'] = len(editgroup.edits.containers)
+ t['webcaptures'] = len(editgroup.edits.containers)
+ t['releases'] = len(editgroup.edits.containers)
+ t['works'] = len(editgroup.edits.containers)
+ # TODO: parse and pull out counts
+ #created = 0
+ #updated = 0
+ #deleted = 0
+ #t['created'] = created
+ #t['updated'] = updated
+ #t['deleted'] = deleted
+ #t['total'] = created + updated + deleted
+ return t
diff --git a/python/fatcat_tools/transforms/ b/python/fatcat_tools/transforms/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b67df12d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/fatcat_tools/transforms/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import collections
+from fatcat_client import ApiClient
+def entity_to_dict(entity, api_client=None):
+ """
+ Hack to take advantage of the code-generated serialization code.
+ Initializing/destroying ApiClient objects is surprisingly expensive
+ (because it involves a threadpool), so we allow passing an existing
+ instance. If you already have a full-on API connection `api`, you can
+ access the ApiClient object as `api.api_client`. This is such a speed-up
+ that this argument may become mandatory.
+ """
+ if not api_client:
+ api_client = ApiClient()
+ return api_client.sanitize_for_serialization(entity)
+def entity_from_json(json_str, entity_type, api_client=None):
+ """
+ Hack to take advantage of the code-generated deserialization code
+ See not on `entity_to_dict()` about api_client argument.
+ """
+ if not api_client:
+ api_client = ApiClient()
+ thing = collections.namedtuple('Thing', ['data'])
+ = json_str
+ return api_client.deserialize(thing, entity_type)