path: root/extra
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extra')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extra/cleanups/ b/extra/cleanups/
index d99e821e..d10d0e0f 100644
--- a/extra/cleanups/
+++ b/extra/cleanups/
@@ -150,3 +150,78 @@ TODO: add manual `finish()` calls on sinks in tool `run` function
| parallel -j8 --round-robin --pipe -q ./ --editgroup-description-override 'backfill of full file-level metadata for early-imported papers' file-meta -
# Counter({'total': 1000, 'update': 481, 'skip-existing-complete': 415, 'skip-no-match': 104, 'skip': 0, 'insert': 0, 'exists': 0})
+## 2021-11-29 Update
+ zcat ../2021-11-25/file_export.json.gz \
+ | rg -v '"sha256":' \
+ | pv -l \
+ | gzip \
+ > files_missing_sha256.json.gz
+ # 356k 0:11:13 [ 529 /s]
+As a side note, almost all the missing entities are at the "start" of the
+export file, not the "end". Presumably because they were imported early on?
+ head result_cdx.json | ./ -j1 extract-json -
+The `` already does Kafka publishing, which is great. Should
+be much faster than GROBID worker; we can do the GROBID re-processing later.
+Use new sandcrawler CDX lookup/fetch script to find exact CDX rows:
+ # in sandcrawler/python folder
+ zcat /schnell/fatcat_cleanups/file_meta/files_missing_sha256.json.gz \
+ | parallel -j6 --round-robin --pipe --linebuffer pipenv run python -m scripts.fetch_cdx_sha1hex - \
+ | pv -l \
+ | gzip \
+ > /schnell/fatcat_cleanups/file_meta/files_missing_sha256.fetched.json.gz
+ # 356k 2:17:27 [43.2 /s]
+ # stats
+ zcat /schnell/fatcat_cleanups/file_meta/files_missing_sha256.fetched.json.gz \
+ | jq .status -r \
+ | sort \
+ | uniq -c
+ 15477 fail-not-found
+ 5 skip-no-urls
+ 314291 success-api
+ 26723 success-db
+ # extract all CDX rows for processing
+ zcat /schnell/fatcat_cleanups/file_meta/files_missing_sha256.fetched.json.gz \
+ | rg '"success' \
+ | jq .cdx_rows[] -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | shuf \
+ | gzip \
+ > /schnell/fatcat_cleanups/file_meta/files_missing_sha256.cdx_rows.json.gz
+ # 354k 0:00:17 [19.7k/s]
+ export TMPDIR=/fast/tmp/
+ zcat /schnell/fatcat_cleanups/file_meta/files_missing_sha256.cdx_rows.json.gz \
+ | parallel -j16 --round-robin --pipe --linebuffer pipenv run ./ -j1 extract-json - \
+ | pv -l \
+ | gzip \
+ > /schnell/fatcat_cleanups/file_meta/files_missing_sha256.pdf_extract.json.gz
+ # 354k 2:45:35 [35.7 /s]
+ zcat /schnell/fatcat_cleanups/file_meta/files_missing_sha256.pdf_extract.json.gz | jq .status -r | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
+ 299226 success
+ 44297 parse-error
+ 8986 error-wayback
+ 1819 not-pdf
+ 518 text-too-large
+ 1 empty-blob
+ zcat /schnell/fatcat_cleanups/file_meta/files_missing_sha256.pdf_extract.json.gz \
+ | jq .file_meta -c \
+ | rg -v ^null \
+ | pv -l \
+ | pigz \
+ > /schnell/fatcat_cleanups/file_meta/files_missing_sha256.file_meta.json.gz
+ # 345k 0:08:21 [ 689 /s]
+Holding off on actually importing, because metadata dumps are happening on
+fatcat prod database server.