path: root/extra
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extra')
7 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extra/bulk_edits/2022-07-12_jalc.md b/extra/bulk_edits/2022-07-12_jalc.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9f09fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/bulk_edits/2022-07-12_jalc.md
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Import of a 2022-04 JALC DOI metadata snapshot.
+Note that we had downloaded a prior 2021-04 snapshot, but don't seem to have
+ever imported it.
+## Download and Archive
+URL for bulk snapshot is available at the bottom of this page: <https://form.jst.go.jp/enquetes/jalcmetadatadl_1703>
+More info: <http://japanlinkcenter.org/top/service/service_data.html>
+ wget 'https://japanlinkcenter.org/lod/JALC-LOD-20220401.gz?jalcmetadatadl_1703'
+ wget 'http://japanlinkcenter.org/top/doc/JaLC_LOD_format.pdf'
+ wget 'http://japanlinkcenter.org/top/doc/JaLC_LOD_sample.pdf'
+ mv 'JALC-LOD-20220401.gz?jalcmetadatadl_1703' JALC-LOD-20220401.gz
+ ia upload jalc-bulk-metadata-2022-04 -m collection:ia_biblio_metadata jalc_logo.png JALC-LOD-20220401.gz JaLC_LOD_format.pdf JaLC_LOD_sample.pdf
+## Import
+As of 2022-07-19, 6,502,202 release hits for `doi_registrar:jalc`.
+Re-download the file:
+ cd /srv/fatcat/datasets
+ wget 'https://archive.org/download/jalc-bulk-metadata-2022-04/JALC-LOD-20220401.gz'
+ gunzip JALC-LOD-20220401.gz
+ cd /srv/fatcat/src/python
+ wc -l /srv/fatcat/datasets/JALC-LOD-20220401
+ 9525225
+Start with some samples:
+ shuf -n100 /srv/fatcat/datasets/JALC-LOD-20220401 | ./fatcat_import.py --batch-size 100 jalc - /srv/fatcat/datasets/ISSN-to-ISSN-L.txt
+ # Counter({'total': 100, 'exists': 89, 'insert': 11, 'skip': 0, 'update': 0})
+Full import (single threaded):
+ cat /srv/fatcat/datasets/JALC-LOD-20220401 | pv -l | ./fatcat_import.py --batch-size 100 jalc - /srv/fatcat/datasets/ISSN-to-ISSN-L.txt
+ # 9.53M 22:26:06 [ 117 /s]
+ # Counter({'total': 9510096, 'exists': 8589731, 'insert': 915032, 'skip': 5333, 'inserted.container': 119, 'update': 0})
+Wow, almost a million new releases! 7,417,245 results for `doi_registrar:jalc`.
diff --git a/extra/bulk_edits/2022-07-12_orcid.md b/extra/bulk_edits/2022-07-12_orcid.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..760a16c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/bulk_edits/2022-07-12_orcid.md
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Annual ORCID import, using 2021 public data file. Didn't do this last year, so
+a catch-up, and will need to do another update later in 2022 (presumably in
+Not sure how many records this year. Current count on the orcid.org website is
+over 14 million ORCIDs, in July 2022.
+Files download from:
+- <https://info.orcid.org/orcids-2021-public-data-file-is-now-available>
+- <https://orcid.figshare.com/articles/dataset/ORCID_Public_Data_File_2021/16750535>
+- <https://archive.org/details/orcid-dump-2021>
+## Prep
+ ia upload orcid-dump-2021 -m collection:ia_biblio_metadata ORCID_2021_10_* orcid-logo.png
+ wget https://github.com/ORCID/orcid-conversion-lib/raw/master/target/orcid-conversion-lib-3.0.7-full.jar
+ java -jar orcid-conversion-lib-3.0.7-full.jar --tarball -i ORCID_2021_10_summaries.tar.gz -v v3_0 -o ORCID_2021_10_summaries_json.tar.gz
+ tar xvf ORCID_2021_10_summaries_json.tar.gz
+ fd .json ORCID_2021_10_summaries/ | parallel cat {} | jq . -c | pv -l | gzip > ORCID_2021_10_summaries.json.gz
+ # 12.6M 27:59:25 [ 125 /s]
+ zcat ORCID_2021_10_summaries.json.gz | shuf -n10000 | gzip > ORCID_2021_10_summaries.sample_10k.json.gz
+ ia upload orcid-dump-2021 ORCID_2021_10_summaries.json.gz ORCID_2021_10_summaries.sample_10k.json.gz
+## Import
+Fetch to prod machine:
+ wget https://archive.org/download/orcid-dump-2021/ORCID_2021_10_summaries.json.gz
+ wget https://archive.org/download/orcid-dump-2021/ORCID_2021_10_summaries.sample_10k.json.gz
+ zcat /srv/fatcat/datasets/ORCID_2021_10_summaries.sample_10k.json.gz | ./fatcat_import.py orcid -
+ # in 2020: Counter({'total': 10000, 'exists': 7356, 'insert': 2465, 'skip': 179, 'update': 0})
+ # this time: Counter({'total': 10000, 'exists': 7577, 'insert': 2191, 'skip': 232, 'update': 0})
+Bulk import:
+ time zcat /srv/fatcat/datasets/ORCID_2021_10_summaries.json.gz | pv -l | parallel -j8 --round-robin --pipe ./fatcat_import.py orcid -
+ 12.6M 1:24:04 [2.51k/s]
+ Counter({'total': 1574111, 'exists': 1185437, 'insert': 347039, 'skip': 41635, 'update': 0})
+ Counter({'total': 1583157, 'exists': 1193341, 'insert': 348187, 'skip': 41629, 'update': 0})
+ Counter({'total': 1584441, 'exists': 1193385, 'insert': 349424, 'skip': 41632, 'update': 0})
+ Counter({'total': 1575971, 'exists': 1187270, 'insert': 347190, 'skip': 41511, 'update': 0})
+ Counter({'total': 1577323, 'exists': 1188892, 'insert': 346759, 'skip': 41672, 'update': 0})
+ Counter({'total': 1586719, 'exists': 1195610, 'insert': 349115, 'skip': 41994, 'update': 0})
+ Counter({'total': 1578484, 'exists': 1189423, 'insert': 347276, 'skip': 41785, 'update': 0})
+ Counter({'total': 1578728, 'exists': 1190316, 'insert': 346445, 'skip': 41967, 'update': 0})
+ real 84m5.297s
+ user 436m26.428s
+ sys 41m36.959s
+Roughly 2.7 million new ORCIDs, great!
diff --git a/extra/bulk_edits/2022-07-19_doaj.md b/extra/bulk_edits/2022-07-19_doaj.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d25f2dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/bulk_edits/2022-07-19_doaj.md
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Doing a batch import of DOAJ articles. Will need to do another one of these
+soon after setting up daily (OAI-PMH feed) ingest.
+## Prep
+ wget https://doaj.org/csv
+ wget https://doaj.org/public-data-dump/journal
+ wget https://doaj.org/public-data-dump/article
+ mv csv journalcsv__doaj_20220719_2135_utf8.csv
+ mv journal doaj_journal_data_2022-07-19.tar.gz
+ mv article doaj_article_data_2022-07-19.tar.gz
+ ia upload doaj_data_2022-07-19 -m collection:ia_biblio_metadata ../logo_cropped.jpg journalcsv__doaj_20220719_2135_utf8.csv doaj_journal_data_2022-07-19.tar.gz doaj_article_data_2022-07-19.tar.gz
+ tar xvf doaj_journal_data_2022-07-19.tar.gz
+ cat doaj_journal_data_*/journal_batch_*.json | jq .[] -c | pv -l | gzip > doaj_journal_data_2022-07-19_all.json.gz
+ tar xvf doaj_article_data_2022-07-19.tar.gz
+ cat doaj_article_data_*/article_batch*.json | jq .[] -c | pv -l | gzip > doaj_article_data_2022-07-19_all.json.gz
+ ia upload doaj_data_2022-07-19 doaj_journal_data_2022-07-19_all.json.gz doaj_article_data_2022-07-19_all.json.gz
+On fatcat machine:
+ cd /srv/fatcat/datasets
+ wget https://archive.org/download/doaj_data_2022-07-19/doaj_article_data_2022-07-19_all.json.gz
+## Prod Article Import
+ git rev: 582495f66e5e08b6e257360097807711e53008d4
+ (includes DOAJ container-id required patch)
+ date: Tue Jul 19 22:46:42 UTC 2022
+ `doaj_id:*`: 1,335,195 hits
+Start with sample:
+ zcat /srv/fatcat/datasets/doaj_article_data_2022-07-19_all.json.gz | shuf -n1000 > /srv/fatcat/datasets/doaj_article_data_2022-07-19_sample.json
+ cat /srv/fatcat/datasets/doaj_article_data_2022-07-19_sample.json | pv -l | ./fatcat_import.py doaj-article --issn-map-file /srv/fatcat/datasets/ISSN-to-ISSN-L.txt -
+ # Counter({'total': 1000, 'exists': 895, 'exists-fuzzy': 93, 'insert': 9, 'skip': 3, 'skip-no-container': 3, 'update': 0})
+Pretty few imports.
+Full ingest:
+ zcat /srv/fatcat/datasets/doaj_article_data_2022-07-19_all.json.gz | pv -l | parallel -j6 --round-robin --pipe ./fatcat_import.py doaj-article --issn-map-file /srv/fatcat/datasets/ISSN-to-ISSN-L.txt -
+ # Counter({'total': 1282908, 'exists': 1145439, 'exists-fuzzy': 117120, 'insert': 16357, 'skip': 3831, 'skip-no-container': 2641, 'skip-title': 1190, 'skip-doaj-id-mismatch': 161, 'update': 0})
+Times 6x, around 100k releases added.
+Got a bunch of:
+ /1/srv/fatcat/src/python/fatcat_tools/importers/doaj_article.py:233: UserWarning: unexpected DOAJ ext_id match after lookup failed doaj=fcdb7a7a9729403d8d99a21f6970dd1d ident=wesvmjwihvblzayfmrvvgr4ulm
+ warnings.warn(warn_str)
+ /1/srv/fatcat/src/python/fatcat_tools/importers/doaj_article.py:233: UserWarning: unexpected DOAJ ext_id match after lookup failed doaj=1455dfe24583480883dbbb293a4bc0c6 ident=lfw57esesjbotms3grvvods5dq
+ warnings.warn(warn_str)
+ /1/srv/fatcat/src/python/fatcat_tools/importers/doaj_article.py:233: UserWarning: unexpected DOAJ ext_id match after lookup failed doaj=88fa65a33c8e484091fc76f4cda59c25 ident=22abqt5qe5e7ngjd5fkyvzyc4q
+ warnings.warn(warn_str)
+ /1/srv/fatcat/src/python/fatcat_tools/importers/doaj_article.py:233: UserWarning: unexpected DOAJ ext_id match after lookup failed doaj=eb7b03dc3dc340cea36891a68a50cce7 ident=ljedohlfyzdkxebgpcswjtd77q
+ warnings.warn(warn_str)
+ /1/srv/fatcat/src/python/fatcat_tools/importers/doaj_article.py:233: UserWarning: unexpected DOAJ ext_id match after lookup failed doaj=519617147ce248ea88d45ab098342153 ident=a63bqkttrbhyxavfr7li2w2xf4
+Should investigate!
+Also, noticed that DOAJ importer is hitting `api.fatcat.wiki`, not the public
+API endpoint. Guessing this is via fuzzycat.
+1,434,266 results for `doaj_id:*`.
+Then did a follow-up sandcrawler ingest, see notes in that repository. Note
+that newer ingest can crawl doaj.org, bypassing the sandcrawler SQL load, but
+the direct crawling is probably still faster.
diff --git a/extra/bulk_edits/CHANGELOG.md b/extra/bulk_edits/CHANGELOG.md
index f7b9e536..3c7be454 100644
--- a/extra/bulk_edits/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/extra/bulk_edits/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -16,6 +16,21 @@ Ran a journal-level metadata update, using chocula.
Cleaned up just under 500 releases with missing `container_id` from an older
DOAJ article import.
+Imported roughly 100k releases from DOAJ, new since 2022-04.
+Imported roughly 2.7 million new ORCiD `creator` entities, using the 2021 dump
+(first update since 2020 dump).
+Imported almost 1 million new DOI release entities from JALC, first update in
+more than a year.
+Imported at least 400 new dblp containers, and an unknown number of new dblp
+release entities.
+Cleaned up about a thousand containers with incorrect `publisher_type`, based
+on current publisher name. Further updates will populate after the next chocula
## 2022-04
diff --git a/extra/cleanups/container_publisher_type.md b/extra/cleanups/container_publisher_type.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dba800d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/cleanups/container_publisher_type.md
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+A bunch of MDPI journals are incorrectly listed as 'longtail'.
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:mdpi publisher_type:* !publisher_type:oa' --count
+ # 245
+Because this is 'extra' metadata, need a little python script to change the
+metadata (fatcat-cli doesn't have this feature yet):
+ import sys
+ import json
+ publisher_type = sys.argv[1].strip().lower()
+ #print(publisher_type, file=sys.stderr)
+ for line in sys.stdin:
+ if not line.strip():
+ continue
+ container = json.loads(line)
+ container["extra"]["publisher_type"] = publisher_type
+ print(json.dumps(container))
+Run some cleanups:
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:mdpi publisher_type:* !publisher_type:oa' --entity-json --limit 50 \
+ | jq 'select(.publisher_type != "oa")' -c \
+ | python3 ./container_publisher_type.py oa \
+ | fatcat-cli batch update container --description "Update container publisher_type"
+ # editgroup_oum6mnkl2rbn3jaua4a2gdlj5q
+Looks good, run the rest:
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:mdpi publisher_type:* !publisher_type:oa' --entity-json --limit 300 \
+ | jq 'select(.publisher_type != "oa")' -c \
+ | python3 ./container_publisher_type.py oa \
+ | fatcat-cli batch update container --description "Update container publisher_type" --auto-accept
+Some more cleanup patterns:
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:"Frontiers Media SA" publisher_type:* !publisher_type:oa' --count
+ # 84
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:"Frontiers Media SA" publisher_type:* !publisher_type:oa' --entity-json --limit 300 \
+ | jq 'select(.publisher_type != "oa")' -c \
+ | python3 ./container_publisher_type.py oa \
+ | fatcat-cli batch update container --description "Update container publisher_type" --auto-accept
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:"Walter de Gruyter" publisher_type:* !publisher_type:commercial !publisher_type:archive' --count
+ # 47
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:"Walter de Gruyter" publisher_type:* !publisher_type:commercial !publisher_type:archive' --entity-json --limit 300 \
+ | jq 'select(.publisher_type != "commercial")' -c \
+ | python3 ./container_publisher_type.py commercial \
+ | fatcat-cli batch update container --description "Update container publisher_type" --auto-accept
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:"springer" publisher_type:* !publisher_type:big5 !publisher_type:archive' --count
+ # 56
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:"springer" publisher_type:* !publisher_type:big5 !publisher_type:archive' --entity-json --limit 300 \
+ | jq 'select(.publisher_type != "big5")' -c \
+ | python3 ./container_publisher_type.py big5 \
+ | fatcat-cli batch update container --description "Update container publisher_type" --auto-accept
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:"elsevier" publisher_type:* !publisher_type:big5 !publisher_type:archive' --count
+ # 98
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:"elsevier" publisher_type:* !publisher_type:big5 !publisher_type:archive' --entity-json --limit 300 \
+ | jq 'select(.publisher_type != "big5")' -c \
+ | python3 ./container_publisher_type.py big5 \
+ | fatcat-cli batch update container --description "Update container publisher_type" --auto-accept
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:"wiley" publisher_type:* !publisher_type:big5 !publisher_type:archive' --count
+ # 37
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:"wiley" publisher_type:* !publisher_type:big5 !publisher_type:archive' --entity-json --limit 300 \
+ | jq 'select(.publisher_type != "big5")' -c \
+ | python3 ./container_publisher_type.py big5 \
+ | fatcat-cli batch update container --description "Update container publisher_type" --auto-accept
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:taylor publisher:francis publisher_type:* !publisher_type:big5 !publisher_type:archive' --count
+ # 558
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:taylor publisher:francis publisher_type:* !publisher_type:big5 !publisher_type:archive' --entity-json --limit 300 \
+ | jq 'select(.publisher_type != "big5")' -c \
+ | python3 ./container_publisher_type.py big5 \
+ | fatcat-cli batch update container --description "Update container publisher_type" --auto-accept
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:sage publisher_type:* !publisher_type:big5 !publisher_type:archive' --count
+ # 28
+ fatcat-cli search container 'publisher:sage publisher_type:* !publisher_type:big5 !publisher_type:archive' --entity-json --limit 300 \
+ | jq 'select(.publisher_type != "big5")' -c \
+ | python3 ./container_publisher_type.py big5 \
+ | fatcat-cli batch update container --description "Update container publisher_type" --auto-accept
+Overall, around a thousand containers updated. Changes to releases will not be
+reflected until they are re-indexed.
diff --git a/extra/stats/2022-07-14-prod-stats.json b/extra/stats/2022-07-14-prod-stats.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62d06606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/stats/2022-07-14-prod-stats.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/extra/stats/2022-07-14-prod-table-sizes.txt b/extra/stats/2022-07-14-prod-table-sizes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4fae69a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/stats/2022-07-14-prod-table-sizes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+PostgreSQL 13.5 - wbgrp-svc502.us.archive.org
+Size: 735.11G
+ table_name | table_size | indexes_size | total_size
+ "public"."release_contrib" | 88 GB | 32 GB | 121 GB
+ "public"."refs_blob" | 119 GB | 2200 MB | 121 GB
+ "public"."release_rev" | 85 GB | 25 GB | 110 GB
+ "public"."file_rev" | 36 GB | 29 GB | 65 GB
+ "public"."release_edit" | 18 GB | 21 GB | 39 GB
+ "public"."file_rev_url" | 31 GB | 8106 MB | 39 GB
+ "public"."abstracts" | 35 GB | 3671 MB | 39 GB
+ "public"."work_edit" | 17 GB | 20 GB | 37 GB
+ "public"."file_edit" | 18 GB | 16 GB | 34 GB
+ "public"."release_ident" | 12 GB | 12 GB | 23 GB
+ "public"."work_ident" | 12 GB | 11 GB | 23 GB
+ "public"."file_rev_release" | 8975 MB | 10 GB | 19 GB
+ "public"."file_ident" | 7775 MB | 7615 MB | 15 GB
+ "public"."work_rev" | 7753 MB | 5238 MB | 13 GB
+ "public"."release_ref" | 6721 MB | 5662 MB | 12 GB
+ "public"."release_rev_abstract" | 5035 MB | 7250 MB | 12 GB
+ "public"."webcapture_rev_cdx" | 4341 MB | 419 MB | 4760 MB
+ "public"."creator_edit" | 934 MB | 1042 MB | 1976 MB
+ "public"."creator_rev" | 928 MB | 730 MB | 1658 MB
+ "public"."editgroup" | 1294 MB | 256 MB | 1550 MB
+ "public"."creator_ident" | 631 MB | 647 MB | 1277 MB
+ "public"."release_rev_extid" | 524 MB | 649 MB | 1173 MB
+ "public"."changelog" | 383 MB | 301 MB | 685 MB
+ "public"."container_rev" | 249 MB | 60 MB | 308 MB
+ "public"."webcapture_edit" | 82 MB | 53 MB | 135 MB
+ "public"."container_edit" | 63 MB | 69 MB | 132 MB
+ "public"."webcapture_rev_url" | 65 MB | 22 MB | 87 MB
+ "public"."webcapture_rev_release" | 24 MB | 35 MB | 59 MB
+ "public"."webcapture_rev" | 45 MB | 14 MB | 59 MB
+ "public"."webcapture_ident" | 27 MB | 27 MB | 54 MB
+ "public"."container_ident" | 13 MB | 20 MB | 34 MB
+ "public"."auth_oidc" | 104 kB | 160 kB | 264 kB
+ "public"."editor" | 96 kB | 160 kB | 256 kB
+ "public"."editgroup_annotation" | 80 kB | 48 kB | 128 kB
+ "public"."fileset_rev_file" | 88 kB | 32 kB | 120 kB
+ "public"."fileset_edit" | 16 kB | 48 kB | 64 kB
+ "public"."fileset_rev_url" | 16 kB | 32 kB | 48 kB
+ "public"."fileset_rev_release" | 8192 bytes | 32 kB | 40 kB
+ "public"."fileset_ident" | 8192 bytes | 32 kB | 40 kB
+ "public"."fileset_rev" | 16 kB | 16 kB | 32 kB
+ "public"."__diesel_schema_migrations" | 8192 bytes | 16 kB | 24 kB
+(41 rows)