diff options
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extra/cleanups/TODO b/extra/cleanups/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..723628de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/cleanups/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+## Containers: bad publisher strings
+ fatcat-cli search container publisher:NULL --count
+ # 131
+ # update to empty string (?)
+## Releases: very long titles
+## Bad PDFs
+ https://fatcat.wiki/file/ypoyxwqw5zexbamwtdmpavjjbi
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20190305033128/http://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ceb2/b47a7647c710cd8e2c1937395b5d4a3a0204.pdf
+ sha1:ceb2b47a7647c710cd8e2c1937395b5d4a3a0204
+ not actually even a PDF?
+Should do a query of `file_meta` and/or `pdf_meta` from sandcrawler DB, with
+updated `fatcat_file` table, and look for mismatches, then remove/update on
+fatcat side.
+## Partial PDFs
+look in to `ieeexplore.ieee.org` PDFs; may be partial?
+## Invalid DOIs
+We get a bunch of bogus DOIs from various sources. Eg, pubmed and doaj metadata
+(and probably dblp).
+It is not hard to verify individual DOIs, but doing so at scale is a bit harder.
+We could start by identifying bogus DOIs from failed ingests in sandcrawler-db,
+then verifying and removing from fatcat. Need to ensure we aren't "looping" the
+DOIs on the fatcat side (eg, re-importing).
+Could also do random sampling across, eg, DOAJ containers, to identify
+publishers which don't register DOIs, then verify all of them.
+Also, deleted DOIs
+## Likely Bogus Dates
+If 1970-01-01, then set to none (UNIX timestamp zero)
+## Forthcoming Articles
+These entities are created when the DOI is registered, but perhaps shouldn't be?
+Forthcoming Article 2019 Astrophysical Journal Letters
+## File Slides
+Many PDFs in fatcat, which are associated with "papers", seem to actually be slide decks.
+#### Sandcrawler SQL Exploration
+ FROM pdf_meta
+ LEFT JOIN fatcat_file
+ ON pdf_meta.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex
+ status = 'success'
+ AND page0_height < page0_width
+ AND fatcat_file.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ LIMIT 10;
+ FROM pdf_meta
+ LEFT JOIN fatcat_file
+ ON pdf_meta.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex
+ status = 'success'
+ AND page0_height < page0_width
+ AND fatcat_file.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ LIMIT 10;
+ # 199,126
+#### Low-Code Cleanup Idea
+1. do a SQL dump of file idents with this issue
+2. use fatcat-cli to fetch the file entities, with releases expanded
+3. use jq to filter to files with only one release associated
+4. use jq to filter to files where the single release is a paper (eg, "article-journal") and maybe also has a `container_id`
+5. use jq to modify the entities, setting `release_id` to null/empty, and setting `file_scope`
+6. use `fatcat-cli` to update the file entities
+This should fix many, though not all, such cases.