path: root/rust/src/
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authorBryan Newbold <>2019-01-09 23:52:37 -0800
committerBryan Newbold <>2019-01-09 23:52:37 -0800
commit67c3460d251a4e559a1126b5fe66fe996f840010 (patch)
tree89f0a5f37809a9b439435b9245844d1da18dc483 /rust/src/
parenta192b0b84e46179a8f28218dfcbb5eb4e28dbf9d (diff)
HUGE refactor of error types (to use failure)
Diffstat (limited to 'rust/src/')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/rust/src/ b/rust/src/
index 0b966e93..80535fef 100644
--- a/rust/src/
+++ b/rust/src/
@@ -1,55 +1,198 @@
-//! Crate-specific Result, Error, and ErrorKind types (using `error_chain`)
-error_chain! {
- foreign_links { Fmt(::std::fmt::Error);
- Diesel(::diesel::result::Error);
- R2d2(::diesel::r2d2::Error);
- Uuid(::uuid::ParseError);
- Io(::std::io::Error) #[cfg(unix)];
- Serde(::serde_json::Error);
- Utf8Decode(::std::string::FromUtf8Error);
- StringDecode(::data_encoding::DecodeError);
- }
- errors {
- InvalidFatcatId(id: String) {
- description("invalid fatcat identifier syntax")
- display("invalid fatcat identifier (expect 26-char base32 encoded): {}", id)
- }
- MalformedExternalId(id: String) {
- description("external identifier doesn't match required pattern")
- display("external identifier doesn't match required pattern: {}", id)
- }
- MalformedChecksum(hash: String) {
- description("checksum doesn't match required pattern (hex encoding)")
- display("checksum doesn't match required pattern (hex encoding): {}", hash)
- }
- NotInControlledVocabulary(word: String) {
- description("word or type not correct for controlled vocabulary")
- display("word or type not correct for controlled vocabulary")
- }
- EditgroupAlreadyAccepted(id: String) {
- description("editgroup was already accepted")
- display("attempted to accept or mutate an editgroup which was already accepted: {}", id)
- }
- MissingOrMultipleExternalId(message: String) {
- description("external identifiers missing or multiple specified")
- display("external identifiers missing or multiple specified; please supply exactly one")
- }
- InvalidEntityStateTransform(message: String) {
- description("Invalid Entity State Transform")
- display("tried to mutate an entity which was not in an appropriate state: {}", message)
- }
- InvalidCredentials(message: String) {
- description("auth token was missing, expired, revoked, or corrupt")
- display("auth token was missing, expired, revoked, or corrupt: {}", message)
+//! Crate-specific errors (using `failure`)
+//! The justification for this complexity is that we need to return correct HTTP error types as
+//! well as helpful error messages in API responses.
+// Design goals:
+// - be able to call '?' on random things and collect them in endpoint handlers
+// - be able to 'bail!()' and 'ensure!()' and have those end up as InternalErrors
+// - do conversion into ErrorResponse model in this file, not endpoint handlers, and ErrorReponse
+// should have good context about the error
+// Plan:
+// - use .map_err() to convert to the correct type
+// - map to
+pub use failure::Error;
+use failure::Fail;
+use fatcat_api_spec::models;
+use std::result;
+/// A type alias for handling errors throughout this crate
+pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;
+#[derive(Debug, Fail, Clone)]
+pub enum FatcatError {
+ #[fail(display = "no such {} found: {}", _0, _1)]
+ NotFound(String, String),
+ #[fail(
+ display = "invalid fatcat identifier (expect 26-char base32 encoded): {}",
+ _0
+ )]
+ InvalidFatcatId(String),
+ #[fail(
+ display = "external identifier doesn't match required pattern for a {}: {}",
+ _0, _1
+ )]
+ MalformedExternalId(String, String),
+ #[fail(
+ display = "checksum doesn't match required pattern ({} in hex encoding): {}",
+ _0, _1
+ )]
+ MalformedChecksum(String, String),
+ #[fail(display = "not a valid UUID: {}", _0)]
+ MalformedUuid(String),
+ #[fail(display = "'{}' is not a an known/acceptable '{}' value", _1, _0)]
+ NotInControlledVocabulary(String, String), // vocab, word
+ #[fail(
+ display = "attempted to accept or mutate an editgroup which was already accepted: {}",
+ _0
+ )]
+ EditgroupAlreadyAccepted(String),
+ #[fail(
+ display = "external identifiers missing or multiple specified; please supply exactly one: {}",
+ _0
+ )]
+ MissingOrMultipleExternalId(String),
+ #[fail(display = "tried to mutate an entity into impossible state: {}", _0)]
+ InvalidEntityStateTransform(String),
+ #[fail(
+ display = "auth token was missing, expired, revoked, or corrupt: {}",
+ _0
+ )]
+ InvalidCredentials(String),
+ #[fail(display = "editor account doesn't have authorization: {}", _0)]
+ InsufficientPrivileges(String),
+ #[fail(
+ display = "broke a constraint or made an otherwise invalid request: {}",
+ _0
+ )]
+ // Utf8Decode, StringDecode, Uuid
+ BadRequest(String),
+ #[fail(display = "unexpected database error: {}", _0)]
+ // Diesel constraint that we think is a user error
+ ConstraintViolation(String),
+ // TODO: can these hold context instead of Inner?
+ #[fail(display = "unexpected database error: {}", _0)]
+ // other Diesel, R2d2 errors which we don't think are user errors (eg, connection failure)
+ DatabaseError(String),
+ #[fail(display = "unexpected internal error: {}", _0)]
+ // Fmt, Io, Serde,
+ InternalError(String),
+ // TODO: backwards compat; need to refactor out
+ #[fail(display = "unexpected internal error: {}", _0)]
+ OtherBadRequest(String), // NOTE: this enum is not exhaustive and shouldn't be matched over!
+impl Into<models::ErrorResponse> for FatcatError {
+ /// Format an error as an API response (ErrorResponse model, used by all HTTP 4xx and 5xx
+ /// responses)
+ fn into(self) -> models::ErrorResponse {
+ // TODO: something more complex? context?
+ models::ErrorResponse {
+ success: false,
+ error:"other").to_string(),
+ message: self.to_string(),
- InsufficientPrivileges(message: String) {
- description("editor account doesn't have authorization")
- display("editor account doesn't have authorization: {}", message)
+ }
+impl From<diesel::result::Error> for FatcatError {
+ /// The "not found" case should be handled in user code
+ fn from(inner: diesel::result::Error) -> FatcatError {
+ FatcatError::DatabaseError(inner.to_string())
+ }
+impl From<std::fmt::Error> for FatcatError {
+ fn from(inner: std::fmt::Error) -> FatcatError {
+ FatcatError::InternalError(inner.to_string())
+ }
+impl From<diesel::r2d2::Error> for FatcatError {
+ fn from(inner: diesel::r2d2::Error) -> FatcatError {
+ FatcatError::InternalError(inner.to_string())
+ }
+impl From<uuid::ParseError> for FatcatError {
+ fn from(inner: uuid::ParseError) -> FatcatError {
+ FatcatError::MalformedUuid(inner.to_string())
+ }
+impl From<serde_json::Error> for FatcatError {
+ fn from(inner: serde_json::Error) -> FatcatError {
+ FatcatError::InternalError(inner.to_string())
+ }
+impl From<std::string::FromUtf8Error> for FatcatError {
+ fn from(inner: std::string::FromUtf8Error) -> FatcatError {
+ FatcatError::InternalError(inner.to_string())
+ }
+impl From<data_encoding::DecodeError> for FatcatError {
+ fn from(inner: data_encoding::DecodeError) -> FatcatError {
+ FatcatError::InternalError(inner.to_string())
+ }
+// A big catchall!
+impl From<failure::Error> for FatcatError {
+ fn from(error: failure::Error) -> FatcatError {
+ // TODO: I think it should be possible to match here? regardless, this is *super* janky
+ if let Some(_) = error.downcast_ref::<FatcatError>() {
+ return error.downcast::<FatcatError>().unwrap();
- OtherBadRequest(message: String) {
- description("catch-all error for bad or unallowed requests")
- display("broke a constraint or made an otherwise invalid request: {}", message)
+ if let Some(_) = error.downcast_ref::<std::fmt::Error>() {
+ return error.downcast::<std::fmt::Error>().unwrap().into();
+ // TODO: more downcast catching?
+ FatcatError::InternalError(error.to_string())
+// Allows adding more context via a String
+impl From<Context<String>> for FatcatError {
+ fn from(inner: Context<String>) -> FatcatError {
+ FatcatError::InternalError(inner.context())
+ }
+// Allows adding more context via a &str
+impl From<Context<&'static str>> for FatcatError {
+ fn from(inner: Context<&'static str>) -> FatcatError {
+ FatcatError::InternalError(inner.context().to_string())
+ }
+/* XXX:
+Io(::std::io::Error) #[cfg(unix)];