Single domain (TBD, but eg ) will host a web search interface. May also expose APIs on this host, or might use a separate host for that. Content would not be hosted on this domain; all fulltext copies would be linked to elsewhere. Style (eg, colors, font?) would be similar to , but may or may not have regular top bar ( has this). There would be no "write" or "modify" features on this site at all: users would not need to log in. Metadata updates and features would all redirect to or ## Design and Features Will try to hew most closely to Pubmed in style, layout, and features. Only a single search interface (no separate "advanced" page). Custom query parser. Filtering and sort via controls under search box. A button opens a box with more settings. If these are persisted at all, only via cookies or local storage. ## URL Structure All pages can be prefixed with a two-character language specifier. Default (with no prefix) is english. `/`: homepage, single-sentance, large search box, quick stats and info `/about`: about `/help`: FAQ? `/help/search`: advanced query tips `/search`: query and results page ## More Ideas Things we *could* do, but maybe *shouldn't*: - journal-level metadata and summary. Could just link to fatcat. ## APIs Might also expose as public APIs on that domain: - search - citation matching - save-paper-now ## Implementation For first iteration, going to use: - python3.7 - elasticsearch-dsl from python and page-load-per-query (not single-page-app) - fastapi (web framework) - jinja2 (HTML templating) - babel (i18n) - semantic-ui (CSS) - minimal or no javascript