- indexing pipeline => kafka topics and schemas - estimate fraction of SIM content with releases in fatcat ("backwards" fraction) bugs: . only some thumbnails showing? => maybe because found GROBID "before" pdftotext? . assert 'page_numbers' in issue_meta - container_original_name (?) refactors: - fetch_sim_issue / fetch_sim - first_page in sim_fulltext object - container metadata in sim pipeline, and pass through for indexing - UI tweaks => w3c validate - experiment: existing archive.org fulltext search, my style UI/UX => merging server-side is tricky... could do async and show a JS popup? - small ideas => query boost for language match => query helper to inject more works => 404 and 5xx handlers (web) => tags: OA, SIM, "lit review", DOAJ => add page_numbers to issue_db => title highlighting => biorxiv/medrxiv note => some "indexing hacks" stage? => store snippet of sim_page text to show like an abstract? => user guide page with examples => example queries on front page? => robots.txt? - later projects/proposals => query parser => pass query through to in-book reading => re-OCR web PDFs with poor/missing OCR