""" This contains the FastAPI web application and RESTful API. So far there are few endpoints, so we just put them all here! """ import datetime import logging import urllib.parse from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional import babel.numbers import babel.support import fastapi_rss import fatcat_openapi_client import sentry_sdk from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException, Query, Request, Response from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from fastapi.responses import ( FileResponse, JSONResponse, PlainTextResponse, RedirectResponse, ) from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from pydantic import BaseModel from sentry_sdk.integrations.asgi import SentryAsgiMiddleware from starlette.exceptions import HTTPException as StarletteHTTPException from starlette_prometheus import PrometheusMiddleware, metrics from fatcat_scholar.config import GIT_REVISION, settings from fatcat_scholar.web_hacks import ( Jinja2Templates, make_access_redirect_url, parse_accept_lang, ) from fatcat_scholar.schema import ScholarDoc from fatcat_scholar.search import ( FulltextHits, FulltextQuery, es_scholar_index_alive, get_es_scholar_doc, process_query, ) logger = logging.getLogger() class LangPrefix: """ Looks for either a two-character URL path prefix, or an Accept-Language HTTP header, to determine which translation of the site to display. A URL path-prefix takes precedence, then an Accept-Language header is considered, and finally a configurable default is used. Any path prefix is stored as a context variable, so that URLs can be re-written in templates to include the prefix. """ def __init__(self, request: Request): self.prefix: str = "" self.code: str = settings.I18N_LANG_DEFAULT # first try to parse a language code from header try: accept_code = parse_accept_lang( request.headers.get("accept-language", ""), I18N_LANG_OPTIONS, ) if accept_code: self.code = accept_code except Exception: pass # then override this with any language code in URL for lang_option in I18N_LANG_OPTIONS: if request.url.path.startswith(f"/{lang_option}/"): self.prefix = f"/{lang_option}" self.code = lang_option break sentry_sdk.set_tag("locale", self.code) class ContentNegotiation: """ Choses a mimetype to return based on Accept header. Intended to be used for RESTful content negotiation from web endpoints to API. """ def __init__(self, request: Request): self.mimetype = "text/html" if request.headers.get("accept", "").startswith("application/json"): self.mimetype = "application/json" api = APIRouter() @api.get("/", operation_id="get_home") async def home() -> Any: return {"endpoints": {"/": "this", "/search": "fulltext search"}} @api.head("/", include_in_schema=False) async def root_head() -> Any: """ HTTP HEAD only for the root path (and health check below). Requested by, eg, uptime monitoring tools. This is distinct from the CORS middleware (for OPTION). """ return Response() @api.get("/_health", operation_id="get_health") def health_get() -> Any: """ Checks that connection back to elasticsearch index is working. """ if not es_scholar_index_alive(): raise HTTPException(status_code=503) return Response() @api.head("/_health", include_in_schema=False) def health_head() -> Any: return health_get() class HitsModel(BaseModel): count_returned: int count_found: int offset: int limit: int query_time_ms: int query_wall_time_ms: int results: List[ScholarDoc] @api.get("/search", operation_id="get_search", response_model=HitsModel) def search(query: FulltextQuery = Depends(FulltextQuery)) -> FulltextHits: hits: Optional[FulltextHits] = None if query.q is None: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Expected a 'q' query parameter") try: hits = process_query(query) except ValueError as e: sentry_sdk.set_level("warning") sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e) raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=f"Query Error: {e}") except IOError as e: sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e) raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"Backend Error: {e}") # remove internal context from hit objects for doc in hits.results: doc.pop("_obj", None) return hits @api.get("/work/{work_ident}", operation_id="get_work") def get_work(work_ident: str = Query(..., min_length=20, max_length=20)) -> dict: doc = get_es_scholar_doc(f"work_{work_ident}") if not doc: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="work not found") doc.pop("_obj", None) return doc web = APIRouter() def locale_gettext(translations: Any) -> Any: def gt(s): # noqa: ANN001,ANN201 return translations.ugettext(s) return gt def locale_ngettext(translations: Any) -> Any: def ngt(s, p, n): # noqa: ANN001,ANN201 return translations.ungettext(s, p, n) return ngt def load_i18n_templates() -> Any: """ This is a hack to work around lack of per-request translation (babel/gettext) locale switching in FastAPI and Starlette. Flask (and presumably others) get around this using global context (eg, in Flask-Babel). See related issues: - https://github.com/encode/starlette/issues/279 - https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp-jinja2/issues/187 """ d = dict() for lang_opt in I18N_LANG_OPTIONS: translations = babel.support.Translations.load( dirname="fatcat_scholar/translations", locales=[lang_opt], ) templates = Jinja2Templates( directory="fatcat_scholar/templates", extensions=["jinja2.ext.i18n", "jinja2.ext.do"], ) templates.env.install_gettext_translations(translations, newstyle=True) # type: ignore templates.env.install_gettext_callables( # type: ignore locale_gettext(translations), locale_ngettext(translations), newstyle=True, ) # remove a lot of whitespace in HTML output with these configs templates.env.trim_blocks = True templates.env.lstrip_blocks = True # pass-through application settings to be available in templates templates.env.globals["settings"] = settings templates.env.globals["babel_numbers"] = babel.numbers templates.env.globals["make_access_redirect_url"] = make_access_redirect_url d[lang_opt] = templates return d I18N_TEMPLATES = load_i18n_templates() @web.get("/", include_in_schema=False) async def web_home( request: Request, lang: LangPrefix = Depends(LangPrefix), content: ContentNegotiation = Depends(ContentNegotiation), ) -> Any: if content.mimetype == "application/json": return await home() return I18N_TEMPLATES[lang.code].TemplateResponse( "home.html", {"request": request, "locale": lang.code, "lang_prefix": lang.prefix}, ) @web.get("/about", include_in_schema=False) async def web_about(request: Request, lang: LangPrefix = Depends(LangPrefix)) -> Any: return I18N_TEMPLATES[lang.code].TemplateResponse( "about.html", {"request": request, "locale": lang.code, "lang_prefix": lang.prefix}, ) @web.get("/help", include_in_schema=False) async def web_help(request: Request, lang: LangPrefix = Depends(LangPrefix)) -> Any: return I18N_TEMPLATES[lang.code].TemplateResponse( "help.html", {"request": request, "locale": lang.code, "lang_prefix": lang.prefix}, ) @web.get("/search", include_in_schema=False) def web_search( request: Request, response: Response, query: FulltextQuery = Depends(FulltextQuery), lang: LangPrefix = Depends(LangPrefix), content: ContentNegotiation = Depends(ContentNegotiation), ) -> Any: if content.mimetype == "application/json": return search(query) hits: Optional[FulltextHits] = None search_error: Optional[dict] = None status_code: int = 200 if query.q is not None: try: hits = process_query(query) except ValueError as e: sentry_sdk.set_level("warning") sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e) search_error = dict(type="query", message=str(e)) status_code = 400 except IOError as e: sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e) search_error = dict(type="backend", message=str(e)) status_code = 500 headers = dict() if hits and hits.query_wall_time_ms: headers[ "Server-Timing" ] = f'es_wall;desc="Search API Request";dur={hits.query_wall_time_ms}' if hits.query_time_ms: headers[ "Server-Timing" ] += f', es;desc="Search Internal Time";dur={hits.query_time_ms}' return I18N_TEMPLATES[lang.code].TemplateResponse( "search.html", { "request": request, "locale": lang.code, "lang_prefix": lang.prefix, "hits": hits, "search_error": search_error, "query": query, }, headers=headers, status_code=status_code, ) @web.get("/feed/rss", operation_id="get_feed_rss", include_in_schema=False) def web_feed_rss( query: FulltextQuery = Depends(FulltextQuery), lang: LangPrefix = Depends(LangPrefix), ) -> fastapi_rss.RSSResponse: # override some query params for feeds original_query = query.q if query.q: query.q += " doc_type:work" query.offset = None query.filter_time = "past_year" query.sort_order = "time_desc" query.limit = 20 hits: FulltextHits = process_query(query) rss_items = [] for hit in hits.results: scholar_doc = hit["_obj"] abstract: Optional[str] = None if scholar_doc.abstracts: abstract = scholar_doc.abstracts[0].body authors = ", ".join(scholar_doc.biblio.contrib_names) or None pub_date = None if scholar_doc.biblio.release_date: # convert datetime.date to datetime.datetime pub_date = datetime.datetime( *scholar_doc.biblio.release_date.timetuple()[:6] ) rss_items.append( # NOTE(i18n): could prefer "original title" and abstract based on lang context fastapi_rss.Item( title=scholar_doc.biblio.title or f"(Microfilm Page)", link=f"https://scholar.archive.org{lang.prefix}/work/{scholar_doc.work_ident}", description=abstract, author=authors, pub_date=pub_date, guid=fastapi_rss.GUID(content=scholar_doc.key), ) ) last_build_date = None if rss_items: last_build_date = rss_items[0].pub_date # i18n: unsure how to swap in translated strings here (in code, not in jinja2 template) feed = fastapi_rss.RSSFeed( title=f"IA Scholar Query: {original_query}", link=f"https://scholar.archive.org{lang.prefix}/", description="Internet Archive Scholar query results feed", language="en", last_build_date=last_build_date, docs=f"https://scholar.archive.org{lang.prefix}/help", generator="fatcat-scholar", webmaster="info@archive.org", ttl=60 * 24, # 24 hours, in minutes item=rss_items, ) return fastapi_rss.RSSResponse(feed) @web.get("/work/{work_ident}", include_in_schema=False) def web_work( request: Request, response: Response, work_ident: str = Query(..., min_length=20, max_length=20), lang: LangPrefix = Depends(LangPrefix), content: ContentNegotiation = Depends(ContentNegotiation), ) -> Any: if content.mimetype == "application/json": return get_work(work_ident) doc = get_es_scholar_doc(f"work_{work_ident}") if not doc: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="work not found") return I18N_TEMPLATES[lang.code].TemplateResponse( "work.html", { "request": request, "locale": lang.code, "lang_prefix": lang.prefix, "doc": doc, "work": doc["_obj"], }, ) def access_redirect_fallback( request: Request, work_ident: str, original_url: Optional[str] = None, archiveorg_path: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Any: """ The purpose of this helper is to catch access redirects which would otherwise return a 404, and "try harder" to find a redirect. """ # lookup against the live fatcat API, instead of scholar ES index api_conf = fatcat_openapi_client.Configuration() api_conf.host = settings.FATCAT_API_HOST api_client = fatcat_openapi_client.DefaultApi( fatcat_openapi_client.ApiClient(api_conf) ) # fetch list of releases for this work from current fatcat catalog. note # that these releases are not expanded (don't include file entities) try: # fetch work entity itself to fail fast (true 404) and handle redirects work_entity = api_client.get_work(work_ident) logger.warning( f"access_redirect_fallback: work_{work_ident} state={work_entity.state} redirect={work_entity.redirect}" ) if work_entity.redirect: work_ident = work_entity.redirect partial_releases = api_client.get_work_releases( ident=work_ident, hide="abstracts,references", ) except fatcat_openapi_client.ApiException as ae: raise HTTPException( status_code=ae.status, detail=f"Fatcat API call failed for work_{work_ident}", ) # for each release, check for any archive.org access option with the given context for partial in partial_releases: release = api_client.get_release( partial.ident, expand="files", # TODO: expand="files,filesets,webcaptures", hide="abstracts,references", ) if not release.files: continue for fe in release.files: for url_pair in fe.urls: access_url = url_pair.url if ( original_url and "://web.archive.org/web/" in access_url and access_url.endswith(original_url) ): # TODO: test/verify this timestamp = access_url.split("/")[4] # if not (len(timestamp) == 14 and timestamp.isdigit()): # continue # TODO: only add 'id_' for PDF replay replay_url = ( f"https://web.archive.org/web/{timestamp}id_/{original_url}" ) return RedirectResponse(replay_url, status_code=302) elif ( archiveorg_path and "://archive.org/" in access_url and archiveorg_path in access_url ): return RedirectResponse(access_url, status_code=302) # give up and show an error page lang = LangPrefix(request) return I18N_TEMPLATES[lang.code].TemplateResponse( "access_404.html", { "request": request, "locale": lang.code, "lang_prefix": lang.prefix, "work_ident": work_ident, "original_url": original_url, "archiveorg_path": archiveorg_path, }, status_code=404, ) @web.get( "/work/{work_ident}/access/wayback/{url:path}", operation_id="access_redirect_wayback", include_in_schema=False, ) def access_redirect_wayback( url: str, request: Request, work_ident: str = Query(..., min_length=20, max_length=20), ) -> Any: raw_original_url = "/".join(str(request.url).split("/")[7:]) # the quote() call is necessary because the URL is un-encoded in the path parameter # see also: https://github.com/encode/starlette/commit/f997938916d20e955478f60406ef9d293236a16d original_url = urllib.parse.quote( raw_original_url, safe=":/%#?=@[]!$&'()*+,;", ) doc_dict = get_es_scholar_doc(f"work_{work_ident}") if not doc_dict: return access_redirect_fallback( request, work_ident=work_ident, original_url=original_url ) doc: ScholarDoc = doc_dict["_obj"] # combine fulltext with all access options access: List[Any] = [] if doc.fulltext: access.append(doc.fulltext) access.extend(doc.access or []) for opt in access: if ( opt.access_type == "wayback" and opt.access_url and "://web.archive.org/web/" in opt.access_url and opt.access_url.endswith(original_url) ): timestamp = opt.access_url.split("/")[4] if not (len(timestamp) == 14 and timestamp.isdigit()): continue # TODO: only add id_ for PDF replay access_url = f"https://web.archive.org/web/{timestamp}id_/{original_url}" return RedirectResponse(access_url, status_code=302) return access_redirect_fallback( request, work_ident=work_ident, original_url=original_url ) @web.get( "/work/{work_ident}/access/ia_file/{item}/{file_path:path}", operation_id="access_redirect_ia_file", include_in_schema=False, ) def access_redirect_ia_file( item: str, file_path: str, request: Request, work_ident: str = Query(..., min_length=20, max_length=20), ) -> Any: original_path = urllib.parse.quote("/".join(str(request.url).split("/")[8:])) access_url = f"https://archive.org/download/{item}/{original_path}" doc_dict = get_es_scholar_doc(f"work_{work_ident}") if not doc_dict: return access_redirect_fallback( request, work_ident=work_ident, archiveorg_path=f"/{item}/{original_path}" ) doc: ScholarDoc = doc_dict["_obj"] # combine fulltext with all access options access: List[Any] = [] if doc.fulltext: access.append(doc.fulltext) access.extend(doc.access or []) for opt in access: if opt.access_type == "ia_file" and opt.access_url == access_url: return RedirectResponse(access_url, status_code=302) return access_redirect_fallback( request, work_ident=work_ident, archiveorg_path=f"/{item}/{original_path}" ) app = FastAPI( title="Fatcat Scholar", description="Fulltext search interface for scholarly web content in the Fatcat catalog. An Internet Archive project.", version="0.2.0-dev", openapi_url="/api/openapi.json", redoc_url="/api/redoc", docs_url="/api/docs", ) app.include_router(web) for lang_option in I18N_LANG_OPTIONS: app.include_router(web, prefix=f"/{lang_option}") # Because we are mounting 'api' after 'web', the web routes will take # precedence. Requests get passed through the API handlers based on content # negotiation. This is counter-intuitive here in the code, but does seem to # work, and results in the OpenAPI docs looking correct. app.include_router(api) app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="fatcat_scholar/static"), name="static") @app.get("/favicon.ico", include_in_schema=False) async def favicon() -> Any: return FileResponse( "fatcat_scholar/static/ia-favicon.ico", media_type="image/x-icon" ) @app.get("/sitemap.xml", include_in_schema=False) async def basic_sitemap() -> Any: return FileResponse( "fatcat_scholar/static/sitemap.xml", media_type="application/xml" ) ROBOTS_ALLOW = open("fatcat_scholar/static/robots.allow.txt", "r").read() ROBOTS_DISALLOW = open("fatcat_scholar/static/robots.disallow.txt", "r").read() @app.get("/robots.txt", include_in_schema=False) async def robots_txt(response_class: Any = PlainTextResponse) -> Any: if settings.SCHOLAR_ENV == "prod": return PlainTextResponse(ROBOTS_ALLOW) else: return PlainTextResponse(ROBOTS_DISALLOW) @app.exception_handler(StarletteHTTPException) async def http_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: StarletteHTTPException) -> Any: """ This is the generic handler for things like 404 errors. """ # TODO: what if there is an error in any of the detection code? content = ContentNegotiation(request) if content.mimetype == "text/html": lang = LangPrefix(request) return I18N_TEMPLATES[lang.code].TemplateResponse( "error.html", { "request": request, "locale": lang.code, "lang_prefix": lang.prefix, "error": exc, }, status_code=exc.status_code, ) else: resp: Dict[str, Any] = {"status_code": exc.status_code} if exc.detail: resp["detail"] = exc.detail return JSONResponse( status_code=exc.status_code, content=resp, ) # configure middleware app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["*"], allow_credentials=False, allow_methods=["GET"], allow_headers=[], # some defaults always enabled ) if settings.SENTRY_DSN: logger.info("Sentry integration enabled") sentry_sdk.init( dsn=settings.SENTRY_DSN, environment=settings.SCHOLAR_ENV, max_breadcrumbs=10, release=GIT_REVISION, ) app.add_middleware(SentryAsgiMiddleware) if settings.ENABLE_PROMETHEUS: app.add_middleware(PrometheusMiddleware) app.add_route("/prometheus/", metrics)