import argparse import datetime import json import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence import sentry_sdk from fatcat_openapi_client import FileEntity, ReleaseEntity, WebcaptureEntity from fatcat_scholar.config import GIT_REVISION, settings from fatcat_scholar.grobid2json import teixml2json from fatcat_scholar.identifiers import clean_doi, clean_pmcid from fatcat_scholar.schema import ( AccessType, DocType, IntermediateBundle, RefBiblio, RefStructured, ScholarAbstract, ScholarAccess, ScholarBiblio, ScholarDoc, ScholarFulltext, ScholarSim, clean_small_int, clean_url_conservative, es_abstracts_from_grobid, es_abstracts_from_release, es_biblio_from_release, es_release_from_release, ) MAX_BODY_CHARS = 512 * 1024 def es_fulltext_from_sim(sim: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[ScholarFulltext]: if not sim["page_texts"]: return None first_page = sim["page_texts"][0]["page_num"] issue_item = sim["issue_item"] body = "\n".join([p["raw_text"] for p in sim["page_texts"]]) if body and len(body) > MAX_BODY_CHARS: body = body[:MAX_BODY_CHARS] return ScholarFulltext( lang_code=None, # TODO: pub/issue metadata? or langdetect? body=body, # acknowledgement=None, # annex=None, release_ident=sim.get("release_ident"), # file_ident=None, # file_sha1=None, # file_mimetype=None, # size_bytes=None, thumbnail_url=f"{issue_item}/__ia_thumb.jpg", access_url=f"{issue_item}/page/{first_page}", access_type=AccessType.ia_sim, ) def es_sim_from_sim(sim: Dict[str, Any]) -> ScholarSim: first_page = None if sim["page_texts"]: first_page = sim["page_texts"][0]["page_num"] return ScholarSim( issue_item=sim["issue_item"], pub_collection=sim["pub_item_metadata"]["metadata"]["identifier"], sim_pubid=sim["issue_item_metadata"]["metadata"]["sim_pubid"], first_page=first_page, ) SIM_RELEASE_TYPE_MAP = { "Scholarly Journals": "article-journal", "Trade Journals": "article-magazine", "Historical Journals": "article", "Magazines": "article-magazine", "Government Documents": "article", "Law Journals": "article", # TODO: more categories? } SIM_LANG_MAP = { "English": "en", "German": "de", "Italian": "it", "French": "fr", "Afrikaans": "af", "Spanish": "es", "Portuguese": "pt", "Polish": "pl", # TODO: more languages in SIM corpus } SIM_COUNTRY_MAP = { "United States": "us", "Germany": "de", "Netherlands": "nl", "United Kingdom": "", "Canada": "ca", "Switzerland": "ch", "South Africa": "za", "Japan": "jp", "France": "fr", "India": "in", "Chile": "cl", "Brazil": "br", "Australia": "au", "Argentina": "ar", "Uganda": "ug", "Thailand": "th", "Puerto Rico": "pr", "Poland": "pl", "Philippines": "ph", "Mexico": "mx", "Jamaica": "jm", "Italy": "it", "Ireland": "ie", "Finland": "fi", "Bulgaria": "bg", # TODO: more countries in SIM corpus } def es_biblio_from_sim(sim: Dict[str, Any]) -> ScholarBiblio: issue_meta = sim["issue_item_metadata"]["metadata"] pub_meta = sim["pub_item_metadata"]["metadata"] first_page = None if sim["page_texts"]: first_page = sim["page_texts"][0]["page_num"] or None first_page_int = clean_small_int(first_page) container_name = sim["pub_item_metadata"]["metadata"]["title"] # can't remember what this hack is for... last_word = container_name.split()[-1] if len(last_word) == 9 and last_word[4] == "-": container_name = container_name[:-10] issns = [] raw_issn = issue_meta.get("issn") if raw_issn and len(raw_issn) == 9: issns.append(raw_issn) volume = issue_meta.get("volume") volume_int = clean_small_int(volume) issue = issue_meta.get("issue") issue_int = clean_small_int(issue) date = issue_meta.get("date") release_year = None if date and len(date) > 4 and date[:4].isdigit(): release_year = int(date[:4]) release_date = None if len(date) == len("2000-01-01"): try: release_date = date except ValueError: pass if release_year and abs(release_year) > 2050: release_year = None language = issue_meta.get("language") or pub_meta.get("language") if isinstance(language, list): language = language[0] lang_code = SIM_LANG_MAP.get(language) return ScholarBiblio( # release_ident=release.ident, title=None, # subtitle=None, # original_title=release.original_title, release_date=release_date, release_year=release_year, release_type=SIM_RELEASE_TYPE_MAP.get(issue_meta.get("pub_type")) or SIM_RELEASE_TYPE_MAP.get(pub_meta.get("pub_type")), release_stage="published", # as a default # withdrawn_status=release.withdrawn_status, lang_code=lang_code, country_code=SIM_COUNTRY_MAP.get(pub_meta.get("country")), volume=volume, volume_int=volume_int, issue=issue, issue_int=issue_int, pages=sim.get("pages"), first_page=first_page, first_page_int=first_page_int, # number=None, # no external identifiers # license_slug=release.license_slug, publisher=issue_meta.get("publisher") or pub_meta.get("publisher"), container_name=container_name, container_original_name=None, container_ident=None, # TODO container_type=None, # TODO container_issnl=None, # TODO # container_sherpa_color issns=issns, # no contrib/affiliation info contrib_names=[], affiliations=[], ) def _add_file_release_meta( fulltext: ScholarFulltext, pdf_meta: Optional[dict], re: ReleaseEntity, fe: FileEntity, ) -> ScholarFulltext: best_url = None best_url_type = None for url in fe.urls: best_url = url.url best_url_type = AccessType.web if "//" in url.url: best_url_type = AccessType.ia_file break elif "//" in url.url: best_url_type = AccessType.wayback break if url.rel == "repository": best_url_type = AccessType.repository # TODO: more file-to-access logic fulltext.release_ident = re.ident fulltext.file_ident = fe.ident fulltext.file_sha1 = fe.sha1 fulltext.file_mimetype = fe.mimetype fulltext.size_bytes = fe.size fulltext.access_url = best_url fulltext.access_type = best_url_type if pdf_meta is not None and pdf_meta["pdf_meta"].get("has_page0_thumbnail"): # eg: fulltext.thumbnail_url = f"{ settings.THUMBNAIL_URL_PREFIX }{ fe.sha1[0:2] }/{ fe.sha1[2:4] }/{ fe.sha1 }.180px.jpg" return fulltext def es_fulltext_from_grobid( tei_dict: dict, pdf_meta: Optional[dict], re: ReleaseEntity, fe: FileEntity ) -> Optional[ScholarFulltext]: if not tei_dict.get("body"): return None body = tei_dict.get("body") if body and len(body) > MAX_BODY_CHARS: body = body[:MAX_BODY_CHARS] ret = ScholarFulltext( lang_code=tei_dict.get("lang"), body=body, acknowledgement=tei_dict.get("acknowledgement"), annex=tei_dict.get("annex"), ) return _add_file_release_meta(ret, pdf_meta, re, fe) def es_fulltext_from_pdftotext( raw_text: str, pdf_meta: Optional[dict], re: ReleaseEntity, fe: FileEntity ) -> Optional[ScholarFulltext]: if raw_text and len(raw_text) > MAX_BODY_CHARS: raw_text = raw_text[:MAX_BODY_CHARS] ret = ScholarFulltext( lang_code=re.language, body=raw_text, acknowledgement=None, annex=None, ) return _add_file_release_meta(ret, pdf_meta, re, fe) def es_fulltext_from_html( html_fulltext: Dict[str, Any], re: ReleaseEntity, wc: WebcaptureEntity, ) -> Optional[ScholarFulltext]: if not wc.archive_urls or not html_fulltext.get("tei_xml"): return None ns = {"tei": ""} tree = ET.fromstring(html_fulltext["tei_xml"]) body = tree.find(".//tei:body", ns) if body: raw_text = " ".join(body.itertext()) if raw_text and len(raw_text) > MAX_BODY_CHARS: raw_text = raw_text[:MAX_BODY_CHARS] else: return None ret = ScholarFulltext( lang_code=re.language, body=raw_text, acknowledgement=None, annex=None, release_ident=re.ident, # webcapture_ident=wc.ident, file_sha1=html_fulltext.get("html_meta", {}).get("sha1hex"), file_mimetype="text/html", # size_bytess access_url=wc.archive_urls[0].url, access_type=AccessType.wayback, ) return ret def biblio_metadata_hacks(biblio: ScholarBiblio) -> ScholarBiblio: # noqa: C901 """ This function does platform/publisher specific metadata hacks. Really these should be updated in the fatcat catalog directly, but in the short term want to work around some large-ish transforms for our prototype index. This function is long, but simple in structure, so not likely to refactor into smaller functions. """ # valid year if biblio.release_year and ( biblio.release_year > 2025 or biblio.release_year < 1500 ): biblio.release_year = None biblio.release_date = None # figshare if biblio.doi_prefix in ("10.6084", "10.25384"): if not biblio.container_name: biblio.container_name = "Figshare" # zenodo if biblio.doi_prefix == "10.5281": if not biblio.container_name: biblio.container_name = "Zenodo" # biorxiv/medrxiv # NOTE: there is a further hack that determines which of biorxiv/medrxiv # based on access URL if biblio.doi_prefix == "10.1101": if not biblio.container_name: biblio.container_name = "biorxiv/medrxiv" if not biblio.release_stage: biblio.release_stage = "submitted" if biblio.release_type == "post": biblio.release_type = "article" # arxiv if biblio.arxiv_id and not (biblio.doi or biblio.pmid): if not biblio.container_name: biblio.container_name = "arXiv" if biblio.release_type in (None, "report", "post"): biblio.release_type = "article" # IEEE if biblio.doi_prefix == "10.1109": if ( not biblio.release_stage and biblio.container_name and ( "IEEE" in biblio.container_name or "Conference" in biblio.container_name or "Proceedings" in biblio.container_name or biblio.release_type == "paper-conference" ) ): biblio.release_stage = "published" # ACM if biblio.doi_prefix == "10.1145": if ( not biblio.release_stage and biblio.container_name and ( "ACM" in biblio.container_name or "Conference" in biblio.container_name or "Proceedings" in biblio.container_name ) ): biblio.release_stage = "published" # IOP, ACM, IEEE, AIP, World Scientific (large conference publishers) if biblio.doi_prefix in ("10.1145", "10.1109", "10.1117", "10.1063", "10.1142"): if not biblio.release_stage and biblio.release_type == "paper-conference": biblio.release_stage = "published" # F1000 if biblio.doi_prefix == "10.3510": if biblio.title and biblio.title.startswith("Faculty of 1000 evaluation for"): biblio.release_type = "peer_review" biblio.release_stage = "published" # if biblio.doi_prefix == "10.17504": if not biblio.release_stage: biblio.release_stage = "published" return biblio def generate_tags( biblio: ScholarBiblio, primary_release: Optional[ReleaseEntity] ) -> List[str]: tags = [] # tags if biblio.license_slug and biblio.license_slug.lower().startswith("cc-"): tags.append("oa") if primary_release and primary_release.container: container = primary_release.container if container.extra: if container.extra.get("doaj") or biblio.doaj_id: tags.append("doaj") tags.append("oa") if container.extra.get("road"): tags.append("road") tags.append("oa") if container.extra.get("szczepanski"): tags.append("szczepanski") if biblio.publisher_type not in ["big5"]: # szczepanski not accurate OA flag for some large publishers (eg, Springer) tags.append("oa") if container.extra.get("ia", {}).get("longtail_oa"): tags.append("longtail") tags.append("oa") if container.extra.get("default_license", "").lower().startswith("cc-"): tags.append("oa") if container.extra.get("platform"): # scielo, ojs, wordpress, etc tags.append(container.extra["platform"].lower()) if biblio.doi_prefix == "10.2307" or biblio.jstor_id: tags.append("jstor") return list(set(tags)) def check_exclude_web(biblio: ScholarBiblio) -> bool: """ Returns a flag that fulltext web archive options to a work should not be linked to from web interface """ if biblio.release_year and biblio.release_year <= 1925: return False if ( biblio.container_ident and biblio.container_ident in settings.EXCLUDE_WEB_CONTAINER_IDENTS ): return True if biblio.publisher: for pub in settings.EXCLUDE_WEB_PUBLISHERS: if pub in biblio.publisher.lower(): return True if biblio.license_slug and biblio.license_slug.startswith("cc-"): return False if biblio.pmcid: return False if biblio.container_sherpa_color and biblio.container_sherpa_color == "white": return True return False def transform_heavy(heavy: IntermediateBundle) -> Optional[ScholarDoc]: tags: List[str] = [] work_ident: Optional[str] = None sim_issue: Optional[str] = None abstracts: List[ScholarAbstract] = [] fulltext: Optional[ScholarFulltext] = None primary_release: Optional[ReleaseEntity] = None exclude_web_fulltext: bool = False ia_sim: Optional[ScholarSim] = None if heavy.sim_fulltext is not None: ia_sim = es_sim_from_sim(heavy.sim_fulltext) fulltext = es_fulltext_from_sim(heavy.sim_fulltext) if heavy.doc_type == DocType.sim_page: assert ia_sim is not None assert heavy.sim_fulltext is not None if not ia_sim.first_page or not ia_sim.issue_item: # can't create a valid key if we don't have these fields, so shouldn't index return None key = f"page_{ia_sim.issue_item}_{ia_sim.first_page}" sim_issue = ia_sim.issue_item biblio = es_biblio_from_sim(heavy.sim_fulltext) # fulltext extracted from heavy.sim_fulltext above elif heavy.doc_type == work_ident = heavy.releases[0].work_id key = f"work_{work_ident}" assert heavy.biblio_release_ident primary_release = [ r for r in heavy.releases if r.ident == heavy.biblio_release_ident ][0] biblio = es_biblio_from_release(primary_release) biblio = biblio_metadata_hacks(biblio) exclude_web_fulltext = check_exclude_web(biblio) abstracts = es_abstracts_from_release(primary_release) # if no abstract from primary_release, try all the other releases for release in heavy.releases: if not abstracts: abstracts = es_abstracts_from_release(release) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"doc_type: {heavy.doc_type}") # TODO: this crude filter should not be necessary once we upgrade to GROBID v0.6+ if ( heavy.grobid_fulltext and heavy.grobid_fulltext.get("file_ident") != "gbbvrg2tpzan5hl3qcsfzh4vfq" ): fulltext_release = [ r for r in heavy.releases if r.ident == heavy.grobid_fulltext["release_ident"] ][0] fulltext_file = [ f for f in fulltext_release.files if f.ident == heavy.grobid_fulltext["file_ident"] ][0] try: tei_dict: Optional[dict] = teixml2json(heavy.grobid_fulltext["tei_xml"]) except xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: tei_dict = None if tei_dict: if not abstracts: abstracts = es_abstracts_from_grobid(tei_dict) grobid_fulltext = es_fulltext_from_grobid( tei_dict, heavy.pdf_meta, fulltext_release, fulltext_file ) if exclude_web_fulltext and grobid_fulltext: if not fulltext: # include only partial fulltext object, with no access fulltext = grobid_fulltext.remove_access() else: fulltext = grobid_fulltext if not fulltext and heavy.pdftotext_fulltext: fulltext_release = [ r for r in heavy.releases if r.ident == heavy.pdftotext_fulltext["release_ident"] ][0] fulltext_file = [ f for f in fulltext_release.files if f.ident == heavy.pdftotext_fulltext["file_ident"] ][0] pdftotext_fulltext = es_fulltext_from_pdftotext( heavy.pdftotext_fulltext["raw_text"], heavy.pdf_meta, fulltext_release, fulltext_file, ) if exclude_web_fulltext and pdftotext_fulltext: fulltext = pdftotext_fulltext.remove_access() else: fulltext = pdftotext_fulltext if not fulltext and heavy.html_fulltext: fulltext_release = [ r for r in heavy.releases if r.ident == heavy.html_fulltext["release_ident"] ][0] fulltext_webcapture = [ f for f in fulltext_release.webcaptures if f.ident == heavy.html_fulltext["webcapture_ident"] ][0] html_fulltext = es_fulltext_from_html( heavy.html_fulltext, fulltext_release, fulltext_webcapture, ) if exclude_web_fulltext and html_fulltext: fulltext = html_fulltext.remove_access() else: fulltext = html_fulltext # TODO: additional access list (eg, HTML if only PDF currently) access_dict = dict() if fulltext and fulltext.access_type: access_dict[fulltext.access_type] = ScholarAccess( access_type=fulltext.access_type, access_url=fulltext.access_url, mimetype=fulltext.file_mimetype, file_ident=fulltext.file_ident, release_ident=fulltext.release_ident, ) if ia_sim and AccessType.ia_sim not in access_dict: access_dict[AccessType.ia_sim] = ScholarAccess( access_type=AccessType.ia_sim, access_url=f"{ia_sim.issue_item}/page/{ia_sim.first_page}", # TODO: release_ident ) # TODO: additional abstracts (?) tags = generate_tags(biblio, primary_release) # biorxiv/medrxiv hacks if ( biblio.doi_prefix == "10.1101" and biblio.container_name in (None, "biorxiv/medrxiv") and biblio.release_stage != "published" ): for _, acc in access_dict.items(): if "://" in acc.access_url: biblio.container_name = "medRxiv" if biblio.release_stage is None: biblio.release_stage = "submitted" elif "://" in acc.access_url: biblio.container_name = "bioRxiv" if biblio.release_stage is None: biblio.release_stage = "submitted" return ScholarDoc( key=key, collapse_key=sim_issue or work_ident, doc_type=heavy.doc_type.value, doc_index_ts=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), work_ident=work_ident, tags=tags, biblio=biblio, fulltext=fulltext, ia_sim=ia_sim, abstracts=abstracts, releases=[es_release_from_release(r) for r in heavy.releases], access=list(access_dict.values()), ) def clean_ref_key(key: Optional[str], doi: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: if not key: return None key = key.strip() if key and doi and key.startswith(doi): key = key.replace(doi + "-", "") key = key.replace(doi, "") if key.startswith("10.") and "SICI" in key and "-" in key: subkey = key.split("-")[-1] if subkey: key = subkey if key.startswith("10.") and "_" in key: subkey = key.split("_")[-1] if subkey: key = subkey if len(key) > 10 and "#" in key: subkey = key.split("#")[-1] if subkey: key = subkey if len(key) > 10 and "_" in key: subkey = key.split("_")[-1] if subkey: key = subkey if key and key.startswith("ref-"): key = key[4:] if len(key) >= 2 and key[0] in ["/", "_"]: key = key[1:] if not key: return None return key def test_clean_ref_key() -> None: test_pairs = [ ("ref-23", None, "23"), ("_bib0040", None, "bib0040"), (" 20170224012016_R15", None, "R15"), ( "10.1002/(SICI)1099-1026(199905/06)14:3<195::AID-FFJ807>3.0.CO;2-C-BIB1", None, "BIB1", ), ("BFnrcardio201557_CR175", None, "CR175"), ("2019121710443552100_", None, "2019121710443552100_"), ] for raw, doi, expected in test_pairs: assert clean_ref_key(raw, doi=doi) == expected def refs_from_grobid(release: ReleaseEntity, tei_dict: dict) -> List[RefStructured]: output = [] for ref in tei_dict.get("citations") or []: ref_date = ref.get("date") or None ref_year: Optional[int] = None if ref_date and len(ref_date) >= 4 and ref_date[:4].isdigit(): ref_year = int(ref_date[:4]) ref_authors = ref.get("authors") or [] authors: List[str] = [] for a in ref_authors: if isinstance(a, str): authors.append(a) elif isinstance(a, dict): if a.get("name"): assert isinstance(a["name"], str) authors.append(a["name"]) ref_index = ref.get("index") if ref_index is not None: # transform from 0-indexed to 1-indexed ref_index = ref_index + 1 output.append( RefStructured( biblio=RefBiblio( unstructured=ref.get("unstructured"), title=ref.get("title"), # subtitle contrib_raw_names=authors or None, year=ref_year, container_name=ref.get("journal"), publisher=ref.get("publisher"), volume=ref.get("volume"), issue=ref.get("issue"), pages=ref.get("pages"), doi=clean_doi(ref.get("doi")), pmid=ref.get("pmid"), pmcid=clean_pmcid(ref.get("pmcid")), arxiv_id=ref.get("arxiv_id"), isbn=ref.get("isbn"), url=clean_url_conservative(ref.get("url")), ), release_ident=release.ident, work_ident=release.work_id, release_stage=release.release_stage, release_year=release.release_year, index=ref_index, key=clean_ref_key(ref.get("id")), locator=None, # target_release_id ref_source="grobid", ) ) return output def refs_from_release_refs(release: ReleaseEntity) -> List[RefStructured]: output = [] for ref in release.refs: ref_source = "fatcat" if release.extra and release.extra.get("pubmed"): ref_source = "fatcat-pubmed" elif release.extra and release.extra.get("crossref"): ref_source = "fatcat-crossref" elif release.extra and release.extra.get("datacite"): ref_source = "fatcat-datacite" extra = ref.extra or dict() authors = extra.get("authors") or [] authors = [a for a in authors if type(a) == str] ref_index = None if ref.index is not None: # transform from 0-indexed (release.refs) to 1-indexed (fatcat_refs) ref_index = ref.index + 1 output.append( RefStructured( biblio=RefBiblio( unstructured=extra.get("unstructured"), title=ref.title, subtitle=extra.get("subtitle"), contrib_raw_names=authors or None, year=ref.year, container_name=ref.container_name, publisher=extra.get("publisher"), volume=extra.get("volume"), issue=extra.get("issue"), pages=extra.get("pages") or extra.get("page"), doi=clean_doi(extra.get("doi")), pmid=extra.get("pmid"), pmcid=clean_pmcid(extra.get("pmcid")), arxiv_id=extra.get("arxiv_id"), isbn=extra.get("isbn13") or extra.get("isbn"), url=clean_url_conservative(extra.get("url")), ), release_ident=release.ident, work_ident=release.work_id, release_stage=release.release_stage, release_year=release.release_year, index=ref_index, key=clean_ref_key(ref.key, doi=release.ext_ids.doi), locator=ref.locator, target_release_id=ref.target_release_id, ref_source=ref_source, ) ) return output def refs_from_crossref( release: ReleaseEntity, crossref: Dict[str, Any] ) -> List[RefStructured]: # TODO: test coverage record = crossref["record"] if not record.get("reference"): return [] output = [] for i, ref in enumerate(record.get("reference", [])): ref_source = "crossref" authors: Optional[List[str]] = None if ref.get("author"): authors = [ ref["author"], ] ref_title = ref.get("article-title") ref_container_name = ref.get("journal-title") if not ref_container_name: ref_container_name = ref.get("container-title") # volume-title is often a book title if not ref_title: ref_title = ref.get("volume-title") elif not ref_container_name: ref_container_name = ref.get("volume-title") # series-title is a bit weird in Crossref references. it is often # passed alone and seems to be the article/book title miscategorized. # other times it is a conference name. series_title = ref.get("series-title") if not ref_title: ref_title = series_title elif not ref_container_name: ref_container_name = series_title year = ref.get("year") if year: year = clean_small_int(year) else: year = None date = ref.get("date") if date and not year and len(date) >= 4 and date[:4].isdigit(): year = int(date[:4]) if year and (year < 1000 or year > 2100): year = None output.append( RefStructured( biblio=RefBiblio( unstructured=ref.get("unstructured"), title=ref_title, subtitle=ref.get("subtitle"), contrib_raw_names=authors, year=year, container_name=ref_container_name, publisher=ref.get("publisher"), volume=ref.get("volume"), issue=ref.get("issue"), pages=ref.get("first-page"), version=ref.get("edition"), doi=clean_doi(ref.get("DOI")), isbn=ref.get("ISBN"), ), release_ident=release.ident, work_ident=release.work_id, release_stage=release.release_stage, release_year=release.release_year, index=i + 1, # 1-indexed key=clean_ref_key(ref.get("key"), doi=record.get("DOI")), # locator, target_release_id=None, ref_source=ref_source, ) ) return output def refs_from_heavy(heavy: IntermediateBundle) -> Sequence[RefStructured]: """ Current behavior is to return *both* fatcat refs and GROBID refs if available. """ if heavy.doc_type != return [] assert heavy.biblio_release_ident primary_release = [ r for r in heavy.releases if r.ident == heavy.biblio_release_ident ][0] refs: List[RefStructured] = [] fatcat_refs: List[RefStructured] = [] if primary_release.refs: fatcat_refs = refs_from_release_refs(primary_release) else: # if there are not refs for "primary" release, take any other refs we can find for release in heavy.releases: if release.refs: fatcat_refs = refs_from_release_refs(release) break fulltext_refs: List[RefStructured] = [] # TODO: this crude filter should not be necessary once we upgrade to GROBID v0.6+ if ( heavy.grobid_fulltext and heavy.grobid_fulltext.get("file_ident") != "gbbvrg2tpzan5hl3qcsfzh4vfq" ): fulltext_release = [ r for r in heavy.releases if r.ident == heavy.grobid_fulltext["release_ident"] ][0] tei_dict = teixml2json(heavy.grobid_fulltext["tei_xml"]) fulltext_refs = refs_from_grobid(fulltext_release, tei_dict) crossref_refs: List[RefStructured] = [] if heavy.crossref: crossref_release = [ r for r in heavy.releases if r.ident == heavy.crossref["release_ident"] ][0] crossref_refs = refs_from_crossref(crossref_release, heavy.crossref) # TODO: better logic for prioritizing/combining references from multiple sources? # TODO: test coverage if ( fatcat_refs and crossref_refs and all([r.ref_source in ["crossref", "fatcat-crossref"] for r in fatcat_refs]) ): # priorize recent crossref over old-fatcat-imported-from-crossref (?) fatcat_refs = [] elif ( fatcat_refs and fulltext_refs and all([r.ref_source == ["grobid", "fatcat-grobid"] for r in fatcat_refs]) ): # prioritize newer GROBID fulltext extraction (?) fatcat_refs = [] refs.extend(fatcat_refs) refs.extend(crossref_refs) # include fulltext refs if there are more than in both of the crossref and fatcat refs if len(fulltext_refs) > len(fatcat_refs) and len(fulltext_refs) > len( crossref_refs ): refs.extend(fulltext_refs) # TODO: use GROBID to parse any refs which only have 'unstructured' (if they don't already come from GROBID) return refs def run_transform(infile: Sequence) -> None: for line in infile: obj = json.loads(line) heavy = IntermediateBundle.from_json(obj) assert heavy.doc_type es_doc = transform_heavy(heavy) if not es_doc: continue print(es_doc.json(exclude_none=True, sort_keys=True)) def run_refs(infile: Sequence) -> None: for line in infile: obj = json.loads(line) heavy = IntermediateBundle.from_json(obj) assert heavy.doc_type refs = refs_from_heavy(heavy) for ref in refs: print(ref.json(exclude_none=True, sort_keys=True)) def main() -> None: """ Run this command like: python -m fatcat_scholar.transform """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() sub = subparsers.add_parser( "run_transform", help="takes 'heavy' intermediate, outputs scholar_fulltext ES documents", ) sub.set_defaults(func="run_transform") sub.add_argument( "json_file", help="intermediate globs as JSON-lines", nargs="?", default=sys.stdin, type=argparse.FileType("r"), ) sub = subparsers.add_parser( "run_refs", help="extracts references from 'heavy' intermediate" ) sub.set_defaults(func="run_refs") sub.add_argument( "json_file", help="intermediate globs as JSON-lines", nargs="?", default=sys.stdin, type=argparse.FileType("r"), ) args = parser.parse_args() if not args.__dict__.get("func"): parser.print_help(file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) # enable sentry exception catching; this helps a lot with debugging bulk # transform runs if settings.SENTRY_DSN: sentry_sdk.init( dsn=settings.SENTRY_DSN, environment=settings.SCHOLAR_ENV, max_breadcrumbs=10, release=GIT_REVISION, ) if args.func == "run_transform": run_transform(infile=args.json_file) elif args.func == "run_refs": run_refs(infile=args.json_file) else: raise NotImplementedError(args.func) if __name__ == "__main__": main()