{% import "search_macros.html" as search_macros %} {% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %} {{ work.title }} {% endblock %} {% block extra_head %} {% for contrib in work.biblio.contrib_names %} {% endfor %} {% if work.biblio.release_date or work.biblio.release_year %} {% endif %} {% if work.biblio.container_name %} {% endif %} {% if work.biblio.volume %} {% endif %} {% if work.biblio.issue %} {% endif %} {% if work.biblio.pages %} {% endif %} {% if work.biblio.doi %} {% endif %} {% if work.fulltext.access_url and work.biblio.release_ident == work.fulltext.release_ident and work.fulltext.access_type in ['wayback', 'ia_file'] and work.fulltext.file_mimetype in ["application/pdf", None] and work.fulltext.file_sha1 %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block fullmain %}
{{ search_macros.fulltext_search_result_row(doc, locale=locale, debug_mode=False, expand=True) }}
{% endblock %}