{% macro tag_label(tag) -%} {% if tag == "oa" %} {% elif tag == "jstor" %} JSTOR {% elif tag == "scielo" %} SciELO {% elif tag == "ojs" %} OJS {% elif tag == "wordpress" %} Wordpress {% elif tag == "road" %} {# skip for now; no curration? #} {# ROAD #} {% elif tag == "szczepanski" %} Szczepanski {% elif tag == "doaj" %} DOAJ {% elif tag == "multiple-versions" %} {% elif tag.startswith("lang:") %} {{ tag }} {% else %} {# disabling "other" tags for now #} {# {{ (tag) }} #} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro external_identifiers(biblio) -%} {# NOTE: should be able to call with paper.biblio or any paper.release[] #} {% if biblio.doi %} doi:{{ biblio.doi }} {% endif %} {% if biblio.pmid %} pmid:{{ biblio.pmid }} {% endif %} {% if biblio.pmcid %} pmcid:{{ biblio.pmcid }} {% endif %} {% if biblio.arxiv_id %} arXiv:{{ biblio.arxiv_id }} {% endif %} {% if biblio.dblp_id %} dblp:{{ biblio.dblp_id }} {% endif %} {% if biblio.doaj_id %} doaj:{{ biblio.doaj_id }} {% endif %} {% if biblio.release_ident or biblio.ident %} fatcat:{{ biblio.release_ident or biblio.ident }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro ia_access_button(access, show_thumbnail=False, other_version=False) -%} {% if access.file_mimetype == "application/pdf" %} {% set access_alt = ('fulltext PDF download') %} {% elif access.access_type == "ia_sim" %} {% set access_alt = ('read fulltext microfilm') %} {% else %} {% set access_alt = ('fulltext access') %} {% endif %} {% if other_version %} {% set access_alt = access_alt + " [" + other_version + "]" %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro doi_access_button(paper, is_oa=False) %} {% if paper.biblio and paper.biblio.doi %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro platform_access_button(biblio) %} {# TODO: DOAJ #} {% if biblio.arxiv_id %} {% elif biblio.pmcid %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro journal_row(biblio, paper) -%} {# NOTE: should be able to call with paper.biblio or any paper.release[] #} {% if biblio.release_year %} {% endif %} {% if biblio.container_name %} {% if biblio.container_ident %} {{ biblio.container_name }} {% elif paper.doc_type == "sim_page" %} {{ biblio.container_name }} {% else %} {{ biblio.container_name }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if biblio.release_stage == "submitted" %} pre-print {% elif biblio.release_stage and biblio.release_stage != "published" %} {{ biblio.release_stage }} {% elif not biblio.release_stage %} unpublished {% endif %} {% if biblio.withdrawn_status %} {{ biblio.withdrawn_status }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro fulltext_search_result_row(paper, locale, debug_mode=False, expand=False) -%}